Support for veterans and their families in Northern Ireland
Find out about welfare, specialist healthcare and advocacy support available to veterans and their families in Northern Ireland.
The Veterans Welfare Service Northern Ireland (VWS NI) provides one-to-one support to veterans, their families and dependants in Northern Ireland through a network of welfare managers across regional teams. We work with the Royal Navy, the British Army, the Royal Air Force, local authorities, voluntary organisations and service charities to promote independence and maintain dignity. This page provides information about the services VWS NI provides to veterans, their families, and other stakeholders in the veterans’ community.
On-going need to reduce the detrimental effects of military service on the veterans’ community has led to the provision of welfare staff based in Field Teams throughout Northern Ireland who provide emotional and moral support and can facilitate access to specialist expertise from across a wide range of statutory bodies and charities, including benevolence funding.
Our aim is to provide a confidential, trusted service that supports each veteran or dependant in an individual care package, addressing all their needs in a holistic manner.
All UK Armed Forces Veterans are eligible for this support, which in some cases depending on circumstances extends to bereaved parents, widow(er)s, the disabled and dependants.
A specific medical response for timely physiotherapy and psychological therapies is available to eligible veterans to counter physical and mental conditions caused by or made worse by military service.
Engagement is by specialist, trusted medical service providers with experience in the treatment of ex-service personnel and, in certain circumstances, their families. When treatment is requested, the potential client’s eligibility to use the service is confirmed and the VWS NI Medical Service provider will then invite the client for a clinical assessment to determine their suitability for treatment.
Once the client and therapist have together agreed that benefit could be gained from the range of medical services on offer, treatment will commence. All initial assessments for psychological therapy take place in Belfast with subsequent treatment offered closer to the client’s home.
Clients seeking physiotherapy will be initially assessed at Holywood, however those living outside the Greater Belfast area may be offered subsequent treatment closer to their home.
Medical services eligibility
All UK Armed Forces Veterans, whose presenting condition is attributable to or exacerbated by their time in service are eligible for support. All former full-time and part-time UDR and R IRISH (HS) soldiers and in certain circumstances their immediate family members, where appropriate treatment is not available through normal statutory services (NHS) within a reasonable time scale.
Psychological therapy - available to all UK Armed Forces Veterans whose presenting condition is a direct result of or exacerbated by their service. Eligibility in certain circumstances may extend to members of their immediate family.
Physiotherapy - available to all UK Armed Forces Veterans whose presenting condition is attributable to or exacerbated by their service with a service-related injury as a direct result of or exacerbated by their service. In certain circumstances, eligibility may be extended to carers of eligible members injured in their role as carer.
This service is not a replacement for the NHS and proof of non-availability from statutory services may be required particularly for physiotherapy.
Benevolence Funds
The Ulster Defence Regiment
The Benevolent Fund exists to help those former members of the Regiment and their dependants who are in need, because of sickness, disability, accident, infirmity, poverty or other adversity.
All applications and supporting documentation are accepted without prejudice, and decisions, while at the absolute discretion of the Trustees, are based on need being adequately demonstrated, and the type of assistance requested being permitted under the Benevolent Fund Trust Deed.
An application submitted through the VWS NI will be processed by the Benevolent Fund Office with the decision and any relevant paperwork being returned to VWS NI to enable them to advise the applicant accordingly.
The Royal Irish Regiment Benevolent Fund
The Royal Irish Benevolent Fund was established as a charitable trust in 1992 on the formation of the Regiment. The aim is to render aid, financial or otherwise, to soldiers and veterans, their widows and/or dependants who are in need or in financial difficulties.
This fund is managed by several Trustees who are either still serving, retired or closely associated with the Royal Irish Regiment and its antecedent formations. All former soldiers of the Royal Irish Regiment or any of its predecessor, whether General Service, Home Service or Territorial Army/Reservist, together with their dependants, are eligible for assistance. This might include helping veterans to improve their chances of success in civilian employment, to provide opportunities for veterans to keep in touch through organised activities and to foster and further the well-being of the Regiment.
The Trustees have a legal duty of care to ensure that the fund is managed prudently and effectively in meeting its charitable objectives and with due consideration of its long-term viability. To ensure that applications for help are properly processed, caseworkers from the VWS NI Field Teams or staff from Regimental Headquarters will assess need. An application for support may then be submitted to the Trustees, who will exercise discretion granted to them under the terms of the Trust Deed in deciding whether the application meets the fund’s charitable objectives. Support provided by the fund is then administered by RHQ R IRISH or by VWS NI as intermediaries for the Trustees. Applications for benevolent support should be submitted to RHQ R IRISH directly or via VWS NI.
We can facilitate access to a range of partner organisations and statutory bodies. Strong relationships have been forged with various military charities, welfare agencies and organisations which may be able to help in areas outside the VWS NI immediate remit. Our trained and experienced caseworkers can advise and assist in this process.
Respite Apartments
The allocation of apartments is administered by VWS NI using eligibility/priority criteria agreed by the Trustees of the Benevolent Fund. All completed applications should be sent to the relevant field team. Please note, you must have served in the Ulster Defence Regiment (UDR) to be eligible to apply.
Respite apartment application forms by region:
North (Postcodes: BT42 to BT57)
East (Postcodes: BT1 to BT24, BT26 to BT30, BT36 to BT41, all other areas)
South (Postcodes: BT25, BT31 to BT35, BT60 to BT71, BT80)
West (Postcodes: BT74 to BT79, BT81 to BT82, BT92 to BT94)
Veterans Handbook
is intended to assist the whole Service community and is intended to be a reference document and to act as a signpost to local agencies which, once contacted, can then follow up with support intervention as required. Stakeholders and gatekeepers are urged to use the handbook if a member of the Service community in need comes to their attention.Contact us
Veterans Welfare Service Northern Ireland
Telephone: 028 90 420 145
The Headquarters of VWS NI is situated in Holywood Co Down with a further four field teams located in Coleraine, Portadown, Enniskillen and Holywood.
Regional Field Teams
North (Coleraine Area) - 028 92 260 615
South (Portadown Area) - 028 92 260 044
East (Holywood Area) - 028 90 420 266
West (Enniskillen Area) - 028 92 260 114
A member of the team will:
- ask about the situation
- identify the type of assistance needed
- ensure you are provided with appropriate advice and/or practical help towards meeting these needs
Search the Roll of Honour
You can search the Roll of Honour database for UDR, R Irish (HS), R Irish (GS), Rangers and Regimental TA members and ex-members who were killed during Operation Banner, 1969 to 2007.