
Taking and giving evidence by video link from abroad in UK court cases and tribunals

What to do if you are giving evidence from abroad in a UK court or tribunal case, which countries allow it and what the rules are for each country.

If you are involved in a UK court case or tribunal hearing and you are based abroad, your involvement may need to be via a video link. You may be:

  • taking a complaint to a UK court or tribunal, sometimes known as making an appeal
  • submitting evidence in a case or hearing that you or someone else has taken to the court or tribunal

Whether or not you can do this will depend upon the country you are based in and the type of court case or tribunal. The different types are:

  • administrative tribunal cases
  • civil or commercial tribunal cases
  • civil or commercial court cases
  • criminal court cases

Use this page to find out what the rules are for each country and for each type of court and tribunal case.

The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) manages this information and the agreements UK courts have with other countries. It also handles queries where they relate to tribunals and civil or commercial court cases but not to criminal court cases.

Learn more about tribunals and about the structure of the courts and tribunal system from the Courts and Tribunals Judiciary.

Administrative tribunals

Administrative tribunals hear appeals against decisions made by government departments or agencies.

To find out whether an agreement exists between the UK and another country for taking evidence by video link in an administrative tribunal, first consult the list of countries in this guidance. If the country is not listed, it means no agreement exists. Where no agreement exists, contact to request advice on contacting the authorities in that country directly to seek permission for giving evidence from abroad.

If you are involved in an administrative tribunal hearing or considering taking an appeal to one and you want to contact the tribunal for more advice, use the following HM Courts and Tribunal Service pages:

Specialist tribunals

First-tier Tribunal

Upper Tribunal

The Upper Tribunal hears appeals against decisions of the First-tier Tribunal.

Civil and commercial court cases and tribunals

For civil and commercial court cases and tribunals things work differently. Proceedings are on a party-versus-party basis, such as between workers and employers.

Requests for taking evidence from other countries during civil and commercial proceedings and hearings are governed by either:

Civil and commercial tribunals

Consult the list of countries in this guide for the rules and agreements governing the taking and giving of evidence in tribunals from each country. For more general advice on specific civil and commercial tribunal types contact the tribunals themselves:

Civil and commercial court cases

For civil or commercial court cases, if the country from where you want to give evidence is not one of the members of the Hague Convention then you should contact the Taking of Evidence Team at the FCDO ( for advice on contacting the Foreign Process Section in the Royal Courts of Justice (the central authority in England and Wales for the Taking of Evidence under the Hague Convention).

Alternatively, you can contact the Foreign Process Section directly at:

Criminal cases

The FCDO does not deal with taking video evidence in criminal court cases. For information about giving evidence by video link for criminal cases, read the Home Office guidance on mutual legal assistance.


If the country you want to give evidence from is not listed, contact the Taking of Evidence Team at the FCDO at or contact the relevant tribunal.


Individuals in Afghanistan who want to give evidence from Afghanistan by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case) must request permission on an individual basis. Contact the relevant tribunal for information.


Individuals in Albania can voluntarily give evidence from Albania by video link (either as a witness or when appealing a case) in immigration cases only. For other tribunals contact the relevant tribunal.


We are working to obtain the agreement of the Government of Algeria to allow individuals in Algeria to voluntarily give evidence by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can continue to be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO is not able to guarantee if a response will be received to the request. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


Individuals in Andorra can voluntarily give evidence from Andorra by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case).


Individuals in Angola can voluntarily give evidence from Angola by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case).

Antigua and Barbuda

Individuals in Antigua and Barbuda can voluntarily give evidence from Antigua and Barbuda by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case).


We are working to obtain the agreement of the Government of Argentina to allow individuals in Argentina to voluntarily give evidence by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can continue to be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO is not able to guarantee if a response will be received to the request. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


We are working to obtain the agreement of the Government of Armenia to allow individuals in Armenia to voluntarily give evidence by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can continue to be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO is not able to guarantee that a response will be received to the request. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


Individuals in Australia can voluntarily give evidence from Australia by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). If someone other than a judge or judicial official is to take the evidence, additional permission may be required from the authorities of the relevant state or territory.


Individuals in Austria who want to give evidence from Austria by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals must request permission on an individual basis. Contact the relevant tribunal for information.


Individuals in Azerbaijan can voluntarily give evidence from Azerbaijan by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case).


If the country you want to give evidence from is not listed, contact the Taking of Evidence Team at the FCDO at or contact the relevant tribunal.


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Bahrain to our request to allow individuals to voluntarily give evidence from Bahrain by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Bangladesh to our request to allow individuals to voluntarily give evidence from Bangladesh by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


Individuals in Barbados can voluntarily give evidence from Barbados by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case).


Individuals in Belarus who want to give evidence in Belarus by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals must request permission on an individual basis. Contact the relevant tribunal for information.


We are working to obtain the agreement of the Government of Belgium to allow individuals in Belgium to voluntarily give evidence by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can continue to be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO is not able to guarantee whether a response will be received to the request. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


Individuals in Belize can voluntarily give evidence from Belize by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case).


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Benin to our request to allow individuals in Benin to voluntarily give evidence from Benin by video link for UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Bhutan to our request to allow individuals in Bhutan to voluntarily give evidence from Bhutan by video link for UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


We are working to obtain the agreement of the Government of Bolivia to allow individuals in Bolivia to voluntarily give evidence by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case).   Requests can continue to be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO is not able to guarantee that a response will be received to the request. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.

Bosnia and Herzegovina

We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Bosnia and Herzegovina to our request to allow individuals in Bosnia and Herzegovina to voluntarily give evidence from Bosnia and Herzegovina by video link for UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


Individuals in Botswana can voluntarily give evidence from Botswana by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case).


We are working to obtain the agreement of the Government of Brazil to allow individuals in Brazil to voluntarily give evidence by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case).   Requests can continue to be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO is not able to guarantee whether a response will be received to the request. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


Individuals in Brunei can voluntarily give evidence from Brunei by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case).


Individuals in Bulgaria can voluntarily give evidence from Bulgaria by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case).

Burkina Faso

We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Burkina Faso to our request to allow individuals in Burkina Faso to voluntarily give evidence from Burkina Faso by video link for UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Burundi to our request to allow individuals in Burundi to voluntarily give evidence from Burundi by video link for UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


If the country you want to give evidence from is not listed, contact the Taking of Evidence Team at the FCDO at or contact the relevant tribunal.


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Cambodia to our request to allow individuals in Cambodia to voluntarily give evidence from Cambodia by video link for UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Cameroon to our request to allow individuals in Cameroon to voluntarily give evidence from Cameroon by video link for UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


Individuals in Canada can voluntarily give evidence from Canada by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case).

Cape Verde

We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Cape Verde to our request to allow individuals in Cape Verde to voluntarily give evidence from Cape Verde by video link for UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.

Central African Republic

We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Central African Republic to our request to allow individuals in Central African Republic to voluntarily give evidence from Central African Republic by video link for UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Chad to our request to allow individuals in Chad to voluntarily give evidence from Chad by video link for UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


We are working to obtain the agreement of the Government of Chile to allow individuals in Chile to voluntarily give evidence by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case).   Requests can continue to be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO is not able to guarantee that a response will be received to the request. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


We are working to obtain the agreement of the Government of China to allow individuals in China to voluntarily give evidence by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can continue to be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO is not able to guarantee whether a response will be received to the request. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


Individuals in Colombia who want to give evidence in Colombia by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals must request permission on an individual basis. Contact the relevant tribunal for information.


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Comoros to our request to allow individuals in Comoros to voluntarily give evidence from Comoros by video link for UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Congo to our request to allow individuals in Congo to voluntarily give evidence from Congo by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.

Costa Rica

Individuals in Costa Rica can voluntarily give evidence from Costa Rica by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case).


Individuals in Croatia who want to give evidence in Croatia by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals must request permission on an individual basis. Contact the relevant tribunal for information.


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Cuba to our request to allow individuals in Cuba to voluntarily give evidence from Cuba by video link for UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Cyprus to our request to allow individuals in Cyprus to voluntarily give evidence from Cyprus  by video link for UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


Individuals in Czechia can voluntarily give evidence from Czechia by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case).


If the country you want to give evidence from is not listed, contact the Taking of Evidence Team at the FCDO at or contact the relevant tribunal.

Democratic Republic of Congo

We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Democratic Republic of Congo to our request to allow individuals in Democratic Republic of Congo to voluntarily give evidence from Democratic Republic of Congo by video link for UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


Individuals in Denmark can voluntarily give evidence from Denmark by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Taking of evidence is conditional on the voluntary participation of the person being questioned and the Ministry of Justice in Denmark not assisting the taking of evidence.


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Djibouti to our request to allow individuals in Djibouti to voluntarily give evidence from Djibouti by video link for UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Dominica to our request to allow individuals in Dominica to voluntarily give evidence from Dominica by video link for UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.

Dominican Republic

We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of the Dominican Republic to our request to allow individuals in the Dominican Republic to voluntarily give evidence from the Dominican Republic by video link for UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


If the country you want to give evidence from is not listed, contact the Taking of Evidence Team at the FCDO at or contact the relevant tribunal.

East Timor

Individuals in East Timor who want to give evidence in East Timor by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals must request permission on an individual basis. Contact the relevant tribunal for information.


Individuals in Ecuador who want to give evidence in Ecuador by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals must request permission on an individual basis. Contact the relevant tribunal for information.


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Egypt to our request to allow individuals in Egypt to voluntarily give evidence from Egypt by video link for UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.

El Salvador

We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of El Salvador to our request to allow individuals in El Salvador to voluntarily give evidence from El Salvador by video link for UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.

Equatorial Guinea

We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Equatorial Guinea to our request to allow individuals in Equatorial Guinea to voluntarily give evidence from Equatorial Guinea by video link for UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Eritrea to our request to allow individuals in Eritrea to voluntarily give evidence from Eritrea by video link for UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


Individuals in Estonia can voluntarily give evidence from Estonia by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case).


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Eswatini to our request to allow individuals in Eswatini to voluntarily give evidence from Eswatini by video link for UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Ethiopia to our request to allow individuals in Ethiopia to voluntarily give evidence from Ethiopia by video link for UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


If the country you want to give evidence from is not listed, contact the Taking of Evidence Team at the FCDO at or contact the relevant tribunal.


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Fiji to our request to allow individuals in Fiji to voluntarily give evidence from Fiji by video link for UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


Individuals in Finland can voluntarily give evidence from Finland by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case).


The UK Government has not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of France to allow individuals in France to voluntarily give evidence from France by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). This is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence


If the country you want to give evidence from is not listed, contact the Taking of Evidence Team at the FCDO at or contact the relevant tribunal.


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Gabon to our request to allow individuals in Gabon to voluntarily give evidence from Gabon by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


We are working to obtain the agreement of the Government of Georgia to allow individuals in Georgia to voluntarily give evidence by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case).   Requests can continue to be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO is not able to guarantee that a response will be received to the request. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


We are working to obtain the agreement of the Government of Germany to allow individuals in Germany to voluntarily give evidence by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can continue to be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO is not able to guarantee that a response will be received to the request. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


We are working to obtain the agreement of the Government of Ghana to allow individuals in Ghana to voluntarily give evidence by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can continue to be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO is not able to guarantee that a response will be received to the request. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Greece to our request to allow individuals in Greece to voluntarily give evidence from Greece by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Grenada to our request to allow individuals in Grenada to voluntarily give evidence from Grenada by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Guatemala to our request to allow individuals in Guatemala to voluntarily give evidence from Guatemala by video link for UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


Individuals in Guinea who want to give evidence in Guinea by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals must request permission on an individual basis. Contact the relevant tribunal for information.


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Guinea-Bissau to our request to allow individuals in Guinea-Bissau to voluntarily give evidence from Guinea-Bissau by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


Individuals in Guyana can voluntarily give evidence in Guyana by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case).


If the country you want to give evidence from is not listed, contact the Taking of Evidence Team at the FCDO at or contact the relevant tribunal.


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Haiti to our request to allow individuals in Haiti to voluntarily give evidence from Haiti by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Honduras to our request to allow individuals in Honduras to voluntarily give evidence from Honduras by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.

Hong Kong

Individuals in Hong Kong who want to give evidence in Hong Kong by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals must request permission on an individual basis. Contact the relevant tribunal for information.


Individuals in Hungary can voluntarily give evidence in Hungary by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case).


If the country you want to give evidence from is not listed, contact the Taking of Evidence Team at the FCDO at or contact the relevant tribunal.


Individuals in Iceland can voluntarily give evidence from Iceland by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case).


We are working to obtain the agreement of the Government of India to allow individuals in India to voluntarily give evidence by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can continue to be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO is not able to guarantee whether a response will be received to the request. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


Individuals in Indonesia can voluntarily give evidence in Indonesia by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case).


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Iran to our request to allow individuals in Iran to voluntarily give evidence from Iran by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


Individuals in Iraq can voluntarily give evidence from Iraq by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case).


Individuals in Ireland can voluntarily give evidence from Ireland by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case).


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Israel to our request to allow individuals in Israel to voluntarily give evidence from Israel by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


Individuals in Italy cannot voluntarily give evidence in Italy by video link in UK civil and commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case).

Ivory Coast

We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Ivory Coast to our request to allow individuals in Ivory Coast to voluntarily give evidence from Ivory Coast by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


If the country you want to give evidence from is not listed, contact the Taking of Evidence Team at the FCDO at or contact the relevant tribunal.


We are working to obtain the agreement of the Government of Jamaica to allow individuals in Jamaica to voluntarily give evidence by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can continue to be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO is not able to guarantee whether a response will be received to the request. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Japan to our request to allow individuals in Japan to voluntarily give evidence from Japan by video link for UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


Individuals in Jordan who want to give evidence from Jordan by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals must request permission on an individual basis. Contact the relevant tribunal for information.


If the country you want to give evidence from is not listed, contact the Taking of Evidence Team at the FCDO at or contact the relevant tribunal.


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Kazakhstan to our request to allow individuals in Kazakhstan to voluntarily give evidence from Kazakhstan by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


Individuals in Kenya can voluntarily give evidence from Kenya by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case).


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Kiribati to our request to allow individuals in Kiribati to voluntarily give evidence from Kiribati by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


Individuals in Kosovo can give evidence in Kosovo by video link in connection with a tribunal under s.94B of the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002. Individuals in Kosovo who want to give evidence in other UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals must request permission on an individual basis. Contact the relevant tribunal for information.  


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Kuwait to our request to allow individuals in Kuwait to voluntarily give evidence from Kuwait by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Kyrgyzstan to our request to allow individuals in Kyrgyzstan to voluntarily give evidence from Kyrgyzstan by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


If the country you want to give evidence from is not listed, contact the Taking of Evidence Team at the FCDO at or contact the relevant tribunal.


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Laos to our request to allow individuals in Laos to voluntarily give evidence from Laos by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


Individuals in Latvia can voluntarily give evidence in Latvia by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case).


Individuals in Lebanon can voluntarily give evidence in Lebanon by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case).


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Lesotho to our request to allow individuals in Lesotho to voluntarily give evidence from Lesotho by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


Individuals in Liberia can voluntarily give evidence in Liberia by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case).


Individuals in Libya who want to give evidence from Libya by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals must request permission on an individual basis. Contact the relevant tribunal for information.


Individuals in Liechtenstein can voluntarily give evidence in Liechtenstein by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case).


Individuals in Lithuania cannot give evidence in Lithuania by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case).


Individuals in Luxembourg cannot give evidence in Luxembourg by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case).


If the country you want to give evidence from is not listed, contact the Taking of Evidence Team at the FCDO at or contact the relevant tribunal.


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Madagascar to our request to allow individuals in Madagascar to voluntarily give evidence from Madagascar by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Malawi to our request to allow individuals in Malawi to voluntarily give evidence from Malawi by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


Individuals in Malaysia can voluntarily give evidence in Malaysia by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case).


Individuals in the Maldives can voluntarily give evidence in the Maldives by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case).


Individuals in Mali can voluntarily give evidence in Mali by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case).


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Malta to our request to allow individuals in Malta to voluntarily give evidence from Malta by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.

Marshall Islands

We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of the Marshall Islands to our request to allow individuals in the Marshall Islands to voluntarily give evidence from the Marshall Islands by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Mauritania to our request to allow individuals in Mauritania to voluntarily give evidence from Mauritania by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


Individuals in Mauritius can voluntarily give evidence in Mauritius by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case).


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Mexico to our request to allow individuals in Mexico to voluntarily give evidence from Mexico by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Micronesia to our request to allow individuals in Micronesia to voluntarily give evidence from Micronesia by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


Individuals in Moldova who want to give evidence from Moldova by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals must request permission on an individual basis. Contact the relevant tribunal for more information.


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Monaco to our request to allow individuals in Monaco to voluntarily give evidence from Monoco by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Mongolia to our request to allow individuals in Mongolia to voluntarily give evidence from Mongolia by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Montenegro to our request to allow individuals in Montenegro to voluntarily give evidence from Montenegro by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


We are working to obtain the agreement of the Government of Morocco to allow individuals in Morocco to voluntarily give evidence by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can continue to be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO is not able to guarantee that a response will be received to the request. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Mozambique  to our request to allow individuals in Mozambique to voluntarily give evidence from Mozambique by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm if a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


Individuals in Myanmar cannot give evidence in Myanmar by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case).


If the country you want to give evidence from is not listed, contact the Taking of Evidence Team at the FCDO at or contact the relevant tribunal.


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Namibia to our request to allow individuals in Namibia to voluntarily give evidence from Namibia by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Nauru to our request to allow individuals in Nauru to voluntarily give evidence from Nauru by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Nepal to our request to allow individuals in Nepal to voluntarily give evidence from Nepal by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


Individuals in Netherlands who want to give evidence in Netherlands by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals must request permission on an individual basis. Contact the relevant tribunal for information.

New Zealand

Individuals in New Zealand can voluntarily give evidence in New Zealand by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case).


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Nicaragua to our request to allow individuals in Nicaragua to voluntarily give evidence from Nicaragua by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


Individuals in Niger can voluntarily give evidence in Niger by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case).


Individuals in Nigeria can voluntarily give evidence in Nigeria by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case).

North Korea

The British Embassy in North Korea has temporarily suspended operations. The FCDO is unable to process any requests for the taking of evidence by video link from North Korea.

North Macedonia

We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of North Macedonia to our request to allow individuals in North Macedonia to voluntarily give evidence from North Macedonia by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


We are working to obtain the agreement of the Government of Norway to allow individuals in Norway to voluntarily give evidence by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can continue to be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO is not able to guarantee that a response will be received to the request. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


If the country you want to give evidence from is not listed, contact the Taking of Evidence Team at the FCDO at or contact the relevant tribunal.


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Oman to our request to allow individuals in Oman to voluntarily give evidence from Oman by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


If the country you want to give evidence from is not listed, contact the Taking of Evidence Team at the FCDO at or contact the relevant tribunal.


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Pakistan to our request to allow individuals in Pakistan to voluntarily give evidence from Pakistan by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Palau to our request to allow individuals in Palau to voluntarily give evidence from Palau by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Palestine to our request to allow individuals in Palestine to voluntarily give evidence from Palestine by video link in UK civil and commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Panama to our request to allow individuals in Panama to voluntarily give evidence from Panama by video link for UK civil , commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.

Papua New Guinea

We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Papua New Guinea to our request to allow individuals in Papua New Guinea to voluntarily give evidence from Papua New Guinea by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


Individuals in Paraguay can voluntarily give evidence in Paraguay by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case).


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Peru to our request to allow individuals in Peru to voluntarily give evidence from Peru by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


Individuals in Philippines who want to give evidence in Philippines by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals must request permission on an individual basis. Contact the relevant tribunal for information.


Individuals in Poland can give evidence in Poland by video link in UK civil and commercial tribunals only (either as a witness or when appealing a case). For other tribunals contact the relevant tribunal.


Individuals in Portugal who want to give evidence in Portugal by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals must request permission on an individual basis. Contact the relevant tribunal for information.


If the country you want to give evidence from is not listed, contact the Taking of Evidence Team at the FCDO at or contact the relevant tribunal.


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Qatar to our request to allow individuals in Qatar to voluntarily give evidence from Qatar by video link for UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


If the country you want to give evidence from is not listed, contact the Taking of Evidence Team at the FCDO at or contact the relevant tribunal.


We are working to obtain the agreement of the Government of Romania to allow individuals in Romania to voluntarily give evidence by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can continue to be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO is not able to guarantee that a response will be received to the request. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


We are not currently able to secure the agreement of the Government of Russia to allow individuals in Russia to voluntarily give evidence via video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals, whether as a witness or an appellant. We will provide an update if this position changes.


We are working to obtain the agreement of the Government of Rwanda to allow individuals in Rwanda to voluntarily give evidence by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can continue to be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO is not able to guarantee that a response will be received to the request. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


If the country you want to give evidence from is not listed, contact the Taking of Evidence Team at the FCDO at or contact the relevant tribunal.

Saint Lucia

Individuals in Saint Lucia can voluntarily give evidence in Saint Lucia by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case).

Saint Kitts and Nevis

We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of St Kitts and Nevis to our request to allow individuals in St Kitts and Nevis to voluntarily give evidence from St Kitts and Nevis by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.

Saint Vincent and The Grenadines

Individuals in St Vincent and the Grenadines can voluntarily give evidence in Saint Vincent and The Grenadines by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case).


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Samoa to our request to allow individuals in Samoa to voluntarily give evidence from Samoa by video link in UK civil and commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.

San Marino

We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of San Marino to our request to allow individuals in San Marino to voluntarily give evidence from San Marino by video link for UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.

Sao Tome and Principe

We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Sao Tome and Principe to our request to allow individuals in Sao Tome and Principe to voluntarily give evidence from Sao Tome and Principe by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.

Saudi Arabia

We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Saudi Arabia to our request to allow individuals in Saudi Arabia to voluntarily give evidence from Saudi Arabia by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


We are working to obtain the agreement of the Government of Senegal to allow individuals in Senegal to voluntarily give evidence by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can continue to be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO is not able to guarantee that a response will be received to the request. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


Individuals in Serbia who want to give evidence in Serbia by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals must request permission on an individual basis. Contact the relevant tribunal for information.


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Seychelles to our request to allow individuals in Seychelles to voluntarily give evidence from Seychelles by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.

Sierra Leone

We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Sierra Leone to our request to allow individuals in Sierra Leone to voluntarily give evidence from Sierra Leone by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


Individuals in Singapore who want to give evidence in Singapore by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals must request permission on an individual basis. Contact the relevant tribunal for information.


Individuals in Slovakia can voluntarily give evidence in Slovakia by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case).


Individuals in Slovenia can voluntarily give evidence in Slovenia by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case).

Solomon Islands

We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of the Solomon Islands to our request to allow individuals in the Solomon Islands to voluntarily give evidence from the Solomon Islands by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Somalia to our request to allow individuals in Somalia to voluntarily give evidence from Somalia by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.

South Africa

Individuals in South Africa can voluntarily give evidence from South Africa by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case).

South Korea

We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of South Korea to our request to allow individuals in South Korea to voluntarily give evidence from South Korea by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.

South Sudan

Individuals in South Sudan cannot give evidence in South Sudan by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals


The UK Government has not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Spain to allow individuals in Spain to voluntarily give evidence in other cases from Spain. This is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence

Sri Lanka

Individuals in Sri Lanka cannot give evidence in Sri Lanka by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case).


We are working to obtain the agreement of the Government of Sudan to allow individuals in Sudan to voluntarily give evidence by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can continue to be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO is not able to guarantee that a response will be received to the request. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Suriname to our request to allow individuals in Suriname to voluntarily give evidence from Suriname by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


Individuals in Sweden who want to give evidence from Sweden by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals must request permission on an individual basis. Contact the relevant tribunal for information.


Individuals in Switzerland who want to give evidence from Switzerland by video link in UK civil and commercial and administrative tribunals must request permission on an individual basis. Contact the relevant tribunal for information.


The British Embassy in Syria has temporarily suspended operations. The FCDO is unable to process any requests for the taking of evidence by video link from Syria.


If the country you want to give evidence from is not listed, contact the Taking of Evidence Team at the FCDO at or contact the relevant tribunal.


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Taiwan to our request to allow individuals in Taiwan to voluntarily give evidence from Taiwan by video link for UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Tajikistan to our request to allow individuals in Tajikistan to voluntarily give evidence from Tajikistan by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


Individuals in Tanzania can voluntarily give evidence in Tanzania by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case).


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Thailand to our request to allow individuals in Thailand to voluntarily give evidence from Thailand by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.

The Bahamas

We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of The Bahamas to our request to allow individuals in The Bahamas to voluntarily give evidence from The Bahamas by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.

The Gambia

We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of The Gambia to our request to allow individuals in The Gambia to voluntarily give evidence from The Gambia by video link in UK civil and commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Togo to our request to allow individuals in Togo to voluntarily give evidence from Togo by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Tonga to our request to allow individuals in Tonga to voluntarily give evidence from Tonga by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.

Trinidad and Tobago

We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Trinidad and Tobago to our request to allow individuals in Trinidad and Tobago to voluntarily give evidence from Trinidad and Tobago by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Tunisia to our request to allow individuals in Tunisia to voluntarily give evidence from Tunisia by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


Individuals in Turkey cannot give evidence from Turkey by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case).


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Turkmenistan to our request to allow individuals in Turkmenistan to voluntarily give evidence from Turkmenistan by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


Individuals in Tuvalu who want to give evidence in Tuvalu by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals must request permission on an individual basis. Contact the relevant tribunal for information.


If the country you want to give evidence from is not listed, contact the Taking of Evidence Team at the FCDO at or contact the relevant tribunal.


Individuals in Uganda can voluntarily give evidence in Uganda by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case).


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Ukraine to our request to allow individuals in Ukraine to voluntarily give evidence from Ukraine by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.

United Arab Emirates

We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of the United Arab Emirates to our request to allow individuals in the United Arab Emirates to voluntarily give evidence from the United Arab Emirates by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.

United States of America

Individuals in the United States of America can voluntarily give evidence from the United States of America by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case).


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Uruguay to our request to allow individuals in Uruguay to voluntarily give evidence from Uruguay by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Uzbekistan to our request to allow individuals in Uzbekistan to voluntarily give evidence from Uzbekistan by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


If the country you want to give evidence from is not listed, contact the Taking of Evidence Team at the FCDO at or contact the relevant tribunal.


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Vanuatu to our request to allow individuals in Vanuatu to voluntarily give evidence from Vanuatu by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.

Vatican City

We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Vatican City to our request to allow individuals in Vatican City to voluntarily give evidence from Vatican City by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


We have not been able to obtain the agreement of the Government of Venezuela to our request to allow individuals in Venezuela to voluntarily give evidence from Venezuela by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO are unable to confirm whether a response will be received. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.


Individuals in Vietnam cannot voluntarily give evidence in Vietnam by video link in UK civil, commercial or administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case).


If the country you want to give evidence from is not listed, contact the Taking of Evidence Team at the FCDO at or contact the relevant tribunal.


The British Embassy in Yemen has temporarily suspended operations. The FCDO is unable to process any requests for the taking of evidence by video link.


If the country you want to give evidence from is not listed, contact the Taking of Evidence Team at the FCDO at or contact the relevant tribunal.


Individuals in Zambia can voluntarily give evidence from Zambia by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case).


We are working to obtain the agreement of the Government of Zimbabwe to allow individuals in Zimbabwe to voluntarily give evidence by video link in UK civil, commercial and administrative tribunals (either as a witness or when appealing a case). Requests can continue to be submitted on a case by case basis but the FCDO is not able to guarantee that a response will be received to the request. Where there is no response, this is not to be interpreted as permission to proceed with the taking of video evidence.

Updates to this page

Published 1 August 2023
Last updated 14 March 2025 show all updates
  1. The rules for the giving or taking of evidence for individuals in Barbados have changed.

  2. The rules for the giving or taking of evidence for individuals in Iceland, Moldova and Russia have changed.

  3. References to 'citizens and residents' of countries have been changed to 'individuals', following a policy change. Where agreements exist between the UK and foreign governments to allow video evidence from abroad in UK tribunals and court cases, this now applies to anyone, not just citizens or residents of that country. The status of the agreement with South Africa has also changed.

  4. Additional detail added to the guidance and links to tribunal webpages added. List of countries updated.

  5. First published.

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