
Teacher assessment: key stage 1 tasks and tests

Information for teachers about how to administer and mark the English and mathematics tasks and tests in order to inform teacher assessment judgements.

This guidance was withdrawn on

Further information is available in our collection of documents for teacher assessment at key stage 1 and key stage 2.

This guidance is for the 2014 to 2015 test cycle only. The test administrator’s guide is currently being refreshed for the 2015 to 2016 test cycle and will include this information.

Which pupils should take the tasks and tests

Teachers must administer the statutory national curriculum tasks and tests to pupils who are at the end of the key stage 1 programme of study. These assessments are designed to test pupils’ knowledge and understanding of the programmes of study and provide a snapshot of a pupil’s attainment.

The key stage 1 ‘Assessments and reporting arrangements’ explain which pupils should take the tasks and tests and how results should be used to inform teacher assessment (TA) judgements in English and mathematics.

Which tasks and tests to use

Schools should select tasks and tests appropriate to the level at which each pupil is judged to be working.

Schools must use the 2007 and / or 2009 key stage 1 national curriculum tests. You may choose to administer the 2007 tests to some pupils in the class and 2009 tests to others. However, you must ensure that the longer and shorter writing tasks and spelling test are from the same year.

You can order tasks and test materials from the ‘Test orders’ section of the NCA tools website until Friday 28 November.

This is the final year that you can use the 2007 and 2009 versions of the tests. These will be replaced by a new suite of materials when the new national curriculum is assessed for the first time in May 2016. Please bear this in mind when considering what materials you need.

When to administer the tasks and tests

You can administer the tasks and tests at any time. Pupils must not to be tested more than once during the year in each subject or attainment target.

How to administer and mark the tasks and tests

You must administer the tasks and tests according to the instructions in the teacher’s handbooks (for the tasks) and teacher’s guides (for the tests). You can order the 2007 and 2009 tasks and tests from the ‘Test orders’ section of the NCA tools website. The deadline for placing test orders is Friday 28 November.

The tasks and tests must be administered under appropriate conditions so that all schools adhere to agreed national standards. As you can administer the tasks and tests to small groups of pupils throughout the school year, you should make sure no other pupils can see the tests or overhear discussions about them. This is to ensure task and test outcomes are valid for all pupils.

The teacher’s handbooks and guides include mark schemes, level threshold information and age standardised scores so that you can mark the tests and attribute appropriate levels.

Reporting results

Task and test results should be used to inform TA judgements. Levels must be finalised by Thursday 2 July and submitted to your local authority (LA) by the end of the summer term. Some LAs will ask for data earlier. Where this is the case they will contact you directly.

Schools are not required to report task and test results to their LA or the pupil’s next school if they move. If you have recorded this data, you may choose to include it in any data provided to the LA or next school. LAs do not give task and test results to us.

Schools are not obliged to report task or test results to parents. However, you should provide them if requested.

Getting help

Standards and Testing Agency


National curriculum assessments helpline 0300 303 3013

For general enquiries about national curriculum tests.

Updates to this page

Published 20 May 2014
Last updated 13 October 2014 + show all updates
  1. Dates changed for 2014-2015 academic year.

  2. First published.

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