Technical qualifications within T Levels
Information on how Ofqual is regulating the technical qualification component of T Levels.
Applies to England

What is a Technical Qualification within a T Level?
Technical Qualifications are a compulsory element of the new T Level courses. Each technical qualification includes:
- the core theory, concepts and skills for an industry area
- specialist skills and knowledge for an occupation or career
Other elements of T Levels courses are:
- an industry placement with an employer (not regulated by Ofqual)
- a Level 2 in maths and English (if students have not already achieved them)
- other occupation-specific requirements if they are essential for skilled employment e.g. licence to practice qualifications or professional registration
Visit the Department for Education’s website for more information on the introduction of T Levels.
Ofqual is responsible for regulating Technical Qualifications within T Levels. We’ve introduced specific new rules for Technical Qualifications. As with all other qualifications we regulate, we work to secure consistent and reliable assessments and to ensure fairness for all learners.
This includes means making sure that:
- assessments cover the expected content, and are clear and error-free
- marking is completed on time and is of high quality
- grade boundaries are set fairly to reflect the demand of the paper
- qualifications are designed so that they are accessible to the full range of learners who will take them
- requirements are clear to all teachers and trainers
- we deal with any malpractice that might give some students an unfair advantage over others
- we take account of any serious disruption or other events which might affect individual performances on the day of assessment
- we balance all these difference aspects of fairness so that learners, parents, teachers, tutors, trainers, employers and universities can be confident in results
The first 3 Technical Qualifications were accredited by Ofqual and approved by the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education in April 2020, for first teaching in September 2020. Ofqual has now accredited and the Institute has approved a further 7 Technical Qualifications for first teaching in September 2021.
The outline qualification content is available from the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education.
For queries on the outline content, please contact the Institute at or for press enquiries.
September 2020
First teaching for the initial 3 Technical Qualifications as T Level courses is scheduled to start in specific occupations across 3 industries:
- digital production, design and development (digital industry)
- design, surveying and planning (construction industry)
- education (education and childcare industry)
September 2021
First teaching for a further 7 Technical Qualifications as T Level courses is scheduled to start in the following subject areas:
- building services engineering
- digital business services
- digital support and services
- health
- healthcare science
- onsite construction
- science
Supporting information
The following additional information may be of interest:
- support is available for providers of T Levels from the Education and Training Foundation.
- the Department for Education’s industry placement team can be contacted at
- information about the new T Level study programmes from the Department of Education.
- Department for Education’s T Level action plan, showing progress in the development of T Levels.
- information about how industry placements for T Levels work and how employers can get involved.
- ESFA’s list of providers selected to deliver T Levels and providers planning to deliver the T Level transition programme.
Updates to this page
Updated the number of approved Technical Qualifications and fixing a broken link
Update regarding approval of Technical Qualifications for first teaching from September 2021.
Updated to show that the first 3 T levels have been accredited by Ofqual and approved by the IfATE for teaching from September 2020.
First published.