
The Energy and Environment Partnership (EEP) programme with southern and East Africa

The EEP supports projects that provide renewable energy and/or implement energy efficiency solutions in southern and eastern Africa.


The Energy and Environment Partnership (EEP) programme supports innovative projects that provide renewable energy and/or implement energy efficiency solutions in southern and eastern Africa. EEP provides seed finance to cover start-up costs and bridge the gap between ideas and implementation. It also assists businesses to support themselves through the initial research and project development stage until projects become bankable and are able to secure additional financing to take the project into implementation.

EEP supports the following types of projects:

  • pre-feasibility
  • feasibility
  • pilot
  • demonstration
  • scale-up of existing projects

The programme was initiated by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland (MFA) in March 2010 and is now jointly funded by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) and us. The programme is managed by the EEP Regional Coordination Office (RCO), which is based in Johannesburg, South Africa.

Eligibility to apply or access support

Applicants need to be registered with the appropriate registration body in the country of operations.

The project needs to be implemented in at least 1 of the following countries: Botswana, Burundi, Kenya, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, Rwanda, Seychelles, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia. Regional proposals involving 2 or 3 partner countries are also welcome.

Each organisation can submit only 1 application for a given country.

The project implementation period is limited to a minimum of 6 months and a maximum of 24 months.

All applicants are expected to make their own contribution to the total project budget to be eligible. The maximum amount requested from the EEP can be no more than €300,000. The contribution by applicants is set at a minimum of 10% of total project costs for not-for-profit organisations, NGOs and public institutions and a minimum of 25% for private entities.

Organisations receiving state aid should contact the EEP Regional Co-ordination Office (RCO) before applying for funding, to make sure they are eligible.

Visit the EEP programme website for more information.

Application process

The EEP is a challenge fund, which means financing for individual projects is decided by bi-annual competitive calls for proposals.

Only applications for an EEP grant submitted through a publicly announced call for proposals (CFP) will be considered.

The application is a 2-stage process. The initial stage involves submission of a concept note that outlines the purpose of the project and the budget required. Screening takes place after the concept notes have been submitted. Successful applicants are requested to submit full proposals that provide detailed information on the proposed projects.

Since April 2010 the EEP Programme has conducted 5 CFPs. The 1st phase of the EEP will end in June 2013.

The EEP 2nd phase is expected to start in July 2013 and a CFP will follow its launch.


EEP Contact - Memory Dhliwayo, Programme Administrator tel: +27-11-256-3560


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Published 25 March 2013

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