The marine licence application timeline
The timeline illustrates how the assessment and approval process works once an application for a marine licence has been validated.
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Please note that this illustration does not apply to Self-service applications.
When you apply

Stage 0 marine licence application Timeline
Applications for marine licences are submitted via the Marine Case Management System (MCMS).
We first check your application to confirm that the activity is licensable. We then assess the scope of the application to generate a cost estimate. We aim to complete these assessments within five working days, but depending on the complexity of the application, some assessments may take longer.
A cost estimate will be provided to you once the assessment is complete.
You may then choose to accept, reject or query the estimate.
Please note: If any details are missing from your application, we will contact you for more information so that we can accurately assess your case; this may delay processing your application. Incomplete applications may be rejected. In addition, if changes are made to your application during the determination process the MMO may be required to undertake further consultation, this would therefore result in additional costs and delays to the decision making process. If the proposed changes are significant the MMO may require the application to be withdrawn to be replaced with a new application.
1. Allocation

Stage 1 marine licence application Timeline - Credit:Teamjackson Stock photo ID:507878520
Your application is allocated to a case officer who will inform you that the application is now being processed.
We aim to determine 90% of all licence applications within 13 weeks of validation.
Depending on the complexity of the case, some applications may take longer.
2. Technical assessment

Stage 2 marine licence application Timeline - Credit:stevegeer Stock photo ID:498552786
Your case officer conducts a technical assessment of your application. This may include Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Habitats Regulation Assessment, Marine Conservation Zone assessment, Marine Planning Assessment, Water Framework Regulations Assessment, Waste Regulations Assessment or others, as required. Your case officer will request further information from you if required at this stage.
Your case officer prepares the application for approval to proceed to consultation.
3. Consultation

Stage 3 marine licence application Timeline - Credit:W.Migdalski Stock photo ID:950788196
Your case officer will instruct you on actions for advertisement if required.
Your case officer starts consultation on the application, including any supporting documents and assessments. They’ll gather information from consultees and the public throughout this stage of the process.
As responses are received, if the case officer considers that there is insufficient information to continue assessment or if new issues are identified, further consultation with the applicant and advisers may be required at this stage.
If the case officer cannot progress the application, a case may be put on hold pending further information.
We’ll formally close the consultation once we have everything we need to make a decision.
Please note: An application which also requires an EIA requires a minimum 6-week consultation. Non-EIA applications typically require a 4-week consultation.
4. Review

Stage 4 marine licence application Timeline - Credit:ZimaNady_klgd Stock photo ID:927833724
All responses (public and consultees) considered at Stage 3 are evaluated and recorded.
Any other assessments identified in Stage 2 are concluded and recorded.
A decision document is prepared if required.
At the end of this stage, a draft licence is prepared and shared with the case manager / senior case manager ready for them to undertake a quality check of the draft decision, assessments, supporting documents and licence.
5. Decision recommendation and approval

Stage 5 marine licence application Timeline - Credit:brytta Stock photo ID:133484354
The case manager / senior case manager complete quality checks of draft decision, assessments, supporting documents and licence.
Your case officer makes changes to the documents if required.
The case manager approves the licence and all supporting documents.
A draft decision is prepared and shared with you. You will have an opportunity to clarify any points, if required.
At the end of this stage, the application nearing the completion date.
6. Application completion

Stage 6 marine licence application Timeline - Credit:Techa Tungateja Stock photo ID:1070315734
The decision documents and supporting information are sent to you and published on the public register.
The application is closed.
7. Monitoring

Stage 7 marine licence application Timeline - Credit:Opla Stock photo ID:155422477
Impacts and consequences of activity are monitored in accordance with any conditions on the marine licence. Please refer to our detailed guidance on monitoring for more details.