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Section 99: General powers of the court

Legal Proceedings.

The court may, for the purpose of determining any question in the exercise of its original or appellate jurisdiction under this Act or any treaty or international convention to which the United Kingdom is a party, make any order or exercise any other power which the comptroller could have made or exercised for the purpose of determining that question, but an appeal shall only lie to the Court of Appeal under this section if leave to appeal is given by the Patents Court or the Court of Appeal. (4) The Lord Chief Justice may nominate a judicial office holder (as defined in section 109(4) of the 10. This subsection was inserted by paragraph 91 of Schedule 4 to the Constitutional Reform Act 2005, in which it was erroneously numbered as another section 97(4), without existing section 97(4) being repealed. Both sections 97(4) are therefore shown.