The Planning Inspectorate's flexible resource
The Planning Inspectorate has a history of contracting with 3rd party suppliers who provide flexible resource that supports demand for our services.
Applies to England
We currently contract with approximately 80 suppliers that are known as Planning Appeal Decisions Suppliers, or PADS for short, to supply planning appeal services on a flexible case-by-case basis. We engage the services of PADS using our Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) that started on 1st November 2022.
To join the DPS each potential supplier submits a DPS Application Form. We evaluate each valid application against selection criteria. We then invite those that satisfy the selection criteria to join the DPS and become a PADS.
This approach enables anyone who would like to join the DPS to apply to do so throughout its duration which is for six years with an option to extend by another four years.
The Planning Inspectorate is keen to ensure that we maintain our cohort of PADS and therefore we are always keen to hear from new potential suppliers wishing to join us as PADS.
How to join or find out more
If you are interested in joining the DPS, please contact the Commercial Team at the Planning Inspectorate to ask for a DPS Application Form and associated information. When completing your application, you can choose which categories of planning appeal decisions suit your experience and expertise. Currently you may apply for one or more of these five categories.
- Category 1: s78 Planning Appeals, typically, cases for small-scale developments with appeals being decided through written representation.
- Category 2: Householder Appeals Service (HAS)/Commercial Appeals Service (CAS), typically, less complex cases than s78 appeals, includes extensions, conversions and adverts.
- Category 3: Tree Preservation Order (TPO) Appeals, typically, cases for appeals decided through written representation under the fast-track process.
- Category 4: Enforcement and Lawful Development Certificate 1 Appeals: typically, less complex than certificate 2, levels F to G (s174(2) grounds (a), (f) and (g) and those in band 1 LDC s195 (excluding existing use Lawful Development Certificate applications).
- Category 5: Enforcement and Lawful Development Certificate 2: typically, more complex than certificate 1, (s174(2) grounds (a) to (g) and all band 2 LDC s195 appeals.
In your application you must give evidence of sufficient directly relevant experience and expertise. We will evaluate the information you provide against the selection criteria in one of two ways, depending on your recent and current circumstances.
- Fast-track: this applies if you have performed at least one contract and, or as an employee have, completed three or more relevant issuable written planning appeal decisions for The Planning Inspectorate or an equivalent organisation, within three years of the date of your application. Here relevant means decisions that had the same or directly equivalent service requirements as each category for which you intend to apply.
- Written example appeal: this applies when the above does not apply to you. In these circumstances you must have five-years relevant experience, be an accomplished professional and must for:
- Category 1 and/or 2: provide a written example appeal decision that we evaluate.
- Category 3: provide a written example appeal decision that we evaluate. For the above three categories we reserve the right, at our discretion, to arrange for two or more experienced Inspectors to interview you.
- Category 4 and/or 5: provide written answers to questions about an example enforcement case and if your application, including the written answers, satisfies the selection criteria we will arrange for two or more experienced Inspectors to interview you.
We pay a fixed price for each written appeal decision. Each price is linked to the general degree of complexity associated with each of the categories. We also pay reimbursable expenses for travel, travel time and accommodation subject to specific use principles. If you think you have sufficient relevant experience and expertise and would like to know more, please contact the Commercial Team at the Planning Inspectorate. We would very much like to hear from you.
Updates to this page
Published 21 March 2023Last updated 19 September 2023 + show all updates
Page content updated to clarify the process and provide more information about the categories of work.
updated to include the Commercial Team contact form
First published.