The Seed Potato Classification Scheme
How to apply for certification, the register of growers and fees for crop and tuber inspections under the Seed Potato Classification Scheme (SPCS).
The Seed Potato Classification Scheme (SPCS) provides classification of all potatoes produced and marketed in England and Wales, depending on the class of the parent seed, and the health of the crop and tubers.
The aim of the SPCS is to provide assurance that seed potatoes delivered to buyers and growers meet specified minimum health and quality standards.
The SPCS is administered by the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) on behalf of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) in England and the Welsh Government in Wales.
You cannot market EU seed potatoes in Great Britain.
For further information about the SPCS, see the
.How the SPCS works
The SPCS classifies all potatoes that are marketed in England and Wales. The SPCS inspects the quality of seed potatoes to protect purchasers and to ensure that seed potatoes meet the Seed Potatoes (England) Regulations 2015 and Seed Potatoes (Wales) Regulations 2016.
The inspections, tests and controls required by the SPCS are carried out by Plant Health and Seeds Inspectors (PHSIs) to determine a seed potato’s:
- health
- trueness to variety
- freedom from mixtures
When classified, seed potatoes are given a grade. Only basic and pre-basic grades may be marketed within the protected regions of Scotland and the counties of Northumberland (excluding the districts of Blyth Valley and Wansbeck) and Cumbria (excluding the districts of Barrow-in-Furness and South Lakeland).
To clarify whether your agricultural unit falls within the protected region, contact APHA by telephone on 0300 1000 313.
Marketing and classification
The marketing of seed potatoes is defined as:
- selling or holding, with a view to sale and offering for sale
- any disposal, supply or transfer for the purpose of commercial exploitation of seed potatoes to third parties, whether or not for consideration – including seed potatoes given away without charge
In the UK, classified seed potatoes are derived from nuclear stock – which is tested and found free from quarantine organisms and certain other pathogens.
To be eligible for classification and marketing, the parent stock of your seed crop must have been produced from classified seed of a variety included on the UK national list.
There are allowances for the marketing of small quantities of seed for test and trials purposes of varieties entered for, but not yet having achieved, National Listing.
There are a number of conditions that need to be met before it can be marketed. For example, the owner of the variety must apply to the relevant certifying authority for approval.
You must make an application to APHA at the beginning of the growing season, which is then handled by the PHSI. You will also have to pay a fee for inspection of the crop and this is based on the area planted and the grade for which the crop is entered.
Seed potato crops must be entered for classification in one of 3 categories:
Classification category | Grades |
Pre-basic | PBTC (tissue culture) or PB (field grown) |
Basic | S, SE or E |
Certified | A or B |
Pre-basic and basic seed is mainly intended for the production of seed crops, while certified seed is mainly intended for ware production.
Production and inspection
There are certain restrictions and requirements for the production of seed potatoes, for example:
- the type of land used
- agronomic requirements
- health and purity standards for the various grades
- the field generation of the parent seed
The PHSI inspects seed crops during the growing season and tubers during or after sorting and grading to ensure that the standards for disease and defects have been met.
When you enter a crop into the SPCS, it will receive a certificate after inspection, which shows if the crop:
- met the standards at which it was entered as well as the standards of any lower categories
- met only lower grade standards
- failed outright
After certification, your crop can be marketed at the grade it achieved. The highest grade shown on the growing crop certificate will be the one published in the register of growers.
Application process and forms
If you are a grower or a holder of plant breeders’ rights, you can enter the SPCS by applying to APHA. You can enter self-produced crops as well as crops produced by others on their behalf.
You should submit your application to the local APHA office as soon as possible after the crop has been planted. Usually, application forms are automatically sent to known growers and applicants.
Alternatively, you can:
- complete the application form online on the eDomero website
- use the SPCS application form and related guidance notes
- contact the APHA Plant Health Helpline on 0300 1000 313 for advice on applying for the SPCS
Each crop application must be accompanied by a label. This label is taken from the parent seed stock, except where the seed will be grown from a stock produced by the same applicant and grower, and for which no labels were issued. For online applications include a scan of the label.
- Application for official soil sampling for Potato Cyst Nematode (PH13)
- Seed Potato Classification Scheme and Approved Stock Scheme: crop application form (SPCS2)
- Label application form (SPCS3)
The register of growers
When the seed potatoes inspection season closes, a register of growers is published that provides the names and addresses of all growers whose stocks have been granted growing crop certificates. These certificates show that the required standard of purity and health has been met.
The main standards for purity and health vary for each class of potato seed, and their classification is a result of official inspections during the growing season. However, this classification does not guarantee that the crops described will be marketed as the classes indicated.
When purchasing seeds, you should always check that the seed will be labelled at the grade you require. Defra and the Welsh Government will accept no liability for any losses incurred as a result of reliance on information contained in the register.
The register should be complete, but there is no guarantee that all growers and stocks will be included.
If you are a sole trader, you should indicate on your crop application form to exclude your name and address in the register. The register will still include your variety, area and grade.
Register of stocks produced in England and Wales 2024
Summary of applications
Merchants and breeders
Seed potato regulations
All seed potatoes marketed in England and Wales must be classified under the SPCS. The SPCS is designed to ensure that seed potatoes meet the standards specified by the Seed Potatoes (England) Regulations 2015 and the Seed Potatoes (Wales) Regulations 2016.
These regulations put into practice European Council Directive 2002/56/EC on the certification and marketing of seed potatoes. The regulations also set out requirements for seed potato production, certification and marketing in England.
Directive 2008/62/EC encourages different, older conservation varieties of seed potato to be preserved, used and legally marketed. This directive limits the quantity of seed potatoes of conservation varieties which may be marketed each year.
These older varieties may not match contemporary varieties in terms of yield and disease resistance but they do have value in sustaining cultural and traditional practices.
As a result of the popularity of conservation variety potatoes, their production, certification and marketing requirements are included in the Seed Potatoes (England) Regulations 2015.
All seed potato packages are also required to have a supplier’s label attached. Under the SPCS, this takes the form of an official label.
You will have to pay fees for the crop and tuber inspections under the SPCS. These fees include the official labels and seals you will need.
You should not submit any fee along with your application. Instead, invoices for crop applicants are sent after the first field inspection and after the first marketing inspection. You should wait until you receive this to pay the relevant fee.
Soil sampling and testing for potato cyst nematode
Activity | Fee |
Soil sampling and testing for the purposes of paragraph 4, 7 or 9 of Schedule 1 | £24.75 for each hectare (or part thereof) sampled and tested |
Inspection of growing crop
Activity | Fee | Minimum fee |
Certification as pre-basic seed potatoes: Union grade PBTC | £30.39 for each 15 minutes (or part thereof) | £60.78 |
Certification as pre-basic seed potatoes: Union grade PB | £12.16 per each 0.1 hectare (or part thereof) inspected | £60.75 |
Certification as basic seed potatoes: Union grade S | £10.57 per each 0.1 hectare (or part thereof) inspected | £105.70 |
Certification as basic seed potatoes: Union grade SE | £10.57 per each 0.1 hectare (or part thereof) inspected | £105.70 |
Certification as basic seed potatoes: Union grade E | £10.33 per each 0.1 hectare (or part thereof) inspected | £103.30 |
Certification as certified seed potatoes: Union grade A or B | 9.39 per each 0.1 hectare (or part thereof) inspected | £93.90 |
Inspection of harvested tubers
Activity | Fee | Minimum fee |
Inspection | £40.55 for each 15 minutes (or part thereof) | £81.10 |
Provision of labels and seals in respect of application
Activity | Fee |
Application for provision of printed labels submitted online | £11.45 per application |
Application for provision of printed labels submitted in paper form | £15.61 per application |
Printed labels for bags holding 50kg of seed potatoes or less | £0.05 per label |
Printed labels and seals for bags holding more than 50kg of seed potatoes | £0.11 per label (including seal) |
Blank labels and seals | £0.16 per label (including seal) |
Updates to this page
Updated the table 'Minimum standards for seed potato inspections' in the explanatory guide pdf.
The lists of certified stocks and varieties have been updated for 2024.
Updated the summary of applications for 2024
Updated the Explanatory guide to the Seed Potato Classification Scheme and Approved Stock Scheme (PDF).
Updated the list of certified stocks.
Updated the list of certified stocks.
Removed information about seed potato marketing in EU member states.
Updated the list of certified stocks and list of certified varieties.
We have updated the summary report of applications for 2023.
We have published our summary report of applications for 2023.
We've updated the Explanatory guide to the Seed Potato Classification Scheme and Approved Stock Scheme.
Updated the list of certified stocks and list of certified varieties.
We have published our summary report of applications for 2022.
Replaced the lists of certified stocks and varieties with new versions for 2021. Updated the summary of applications document and directory of merchants and breeders.
Updated the Summary of applications 2021.
From 1 July 2021 you cannot market EU seed potatoes in Great Britain.
Update to include England and Wales will accept EU seed potatoes as equivalent for certification until 30 June 2021. Imports of EU seed potatoes will not be restricted on plant health grounds. They must meet the new requirements for pre-notification and phytosanitary certificates.
Updated fees information
Added the register of stocks produced in England and Wales 2020.
Updated the explanatory guide to the Seed Potato Classification Scheme and Approved Stock Scheme
Updated the explanatory guide to the Seed Potato Classification Scheme and Approved Stock Scheme
Updated 2019 list of certified stock and varieties
Added directory of merchants and breeders
Updated Seed Potato Classification Scheme lists of certified stocks and varieties for 2019
Summary of applications updated
Explanatory guide to the Seed Potato Classification Scheme and Approved Stock Scheme updated
The List of certified stocks and list of certified varieties updated.
Updated document - summary of applications 2018
Updated fees document
Updated documents under 'Register of stocks produced in England and Wales'
Updated register of growers summary of applications document from 2016 to 2017
Updated Seed Potato Classification Scheme and Approved Stock Scheme guide
Register of stocks produced in England and Wales 2016 documents published
Summary of applications document updated for 2016
Guidance updated due to regulation changes in England and Wales
Register of stocks 2015 documents published.
Published Explanatory guide to SPCS and approved stock scheme for 2015/16 season
Fixing references to specialist guides
First published.