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Chapter 1 – Introduction and general information

This chapter gives information about the different types of import and export licences available and how to apply.

The Rural Payments Agency (RPA) and the trader

RPA is an executive agency of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) and is the agency responsible for the administration of import and export licencing for the UK.

We work closely with HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) to help traders in the UK import and export certain agricultural products

We publish Notices to Traders to tell you about changes to rules and regulations, and how they might affect you. We also publish Notice to Traders in advance of Tariff Rate Quota application windows opening and to tell you the quantities which are available to apply for. You can register with us if you want to receive notification via email that a notice has been published.

Contact RPA

Our address is:

Rural Payments Agency
Trader Team
Lancaster House
Hampshire Court
Newcastle upon Tyne
NE4 7YH.
Telephone: 03300 416500.

What Customs do

Customs control the physical import and export of food and agricultural goods. This includes:

  • collecting import duties
  • checking shipments are correctly described
  • taking samples for analysis to check the description of the goods
  • physically controlling imports and exports
  • inspecting traders’ records

However this is not an exhaustive list.

Animal and public health

To protect animal and public health, all products of animal origin may have veterinary conditions or restrictions. You can call the Animal and Plant Health Agency Carlisle on 01228 403600 for advice on whether and under what conditions imports are allowed.

Licensing for the import and export of certain agricultural goods

Some agricultural goods require a licence to import or export to or from the UK.

Import and export licences are issued electronically.

The licence will detail:

  • the licence holder as the person entitled to use the licence
  • the product you are importing or exporting
  • the quantity you are importing or exporting
  • the validity period of the licence
  • the security, if applicable
  • any special rules which apply to the licence

Types of licence available

Import licences (full duty)

An import licence is required for the products listed in Annex I Part A. The licence allows you to import a quantity of goods within a set period.

Any import duty you have to pay will depend on the rates in force on the day that you clear the goods through Customs. You can check duty rates on Gov.UK or by contacting Customs on 0300 200 3700.

Export licences

An export licence is required for rice products listed in Annex I Part B. The licence allows you to export a quantity of goods within a set period.

Import Tariff Rate Quotas (TRQs)

TRQ licences are issued to allow certain quantities of goods to be imported at a reduced rate of Customs duty. Quotas are managed in one of the following ways:

  • on a first come, first served basis until the quantity is exhausted – administered by Customs
  • by the issue of import licences – administered by RPA

Registering with RPA

You must register with RPA and get a Trader Registration Number (TRN) before you can submit a licence application. You can apply for a TRN by contacting our Customer Service Centre on 03000 200 301, or you can register online

Applying for an import or export licence

You must complete an application form.

There are separate application forms for import licences and export licences.

Applications and licences must not contain any erasures or over-writing. If an error is made when completing the form, a fresh application or licence must be made out.

Where an application form contains a minor error of no factual significance, the licence is to be issued with the minor error corrected.

Applicants need to complete only Sections 4, 7, 8, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 and 20 of the licence application form.

In Sections 7 and 8 of the form, ‘yes’ or ‘no’ must be indicated, as appropriate.

Section 7 - The exporting country means the country from which the product is despatched to the UK.

Section 8 - The country of origin will be established in accordance with relevant quota rules.

Section 14 - Products are to be described by their usual product names (for example, sugar), and not by their trademark.

Section 16 - As a general rule, the licence shall be applied for and issued for all the products falling within one Commodity code (8-digit code).

However, in special cases provided for in UK rules, the licence shall be applied for and issued, as appropriate, either:

  • for products falling within more than one CN code, or
  • for only some of the products falling within one CN code.

If there is insufficient space for entering more than one Commodity code in Section 16, all the Commodity codes shall be entered in Section 15, preceded by an asterisk corresponding to one placed in Section 16.

The Commodity code should be specified to 8 digits, preceded by ‘ex’ where appropriate.

Sections 17 and 18 - Where a licence is issued for a quantity less than that for which the application was made, RPA will indicate:

a. in Sections 17 and 18, the quantity for which the licence is issued;

b. in Section 11, the amount of the corresponding security.

Sections 20 and 24 - The unused space must be blocked out to avoid the risk of unauthorised entries. This should be done as follows:

a. In Sections where no special conditions apply, fill up the first line with ‘X’s, for example: 24 Special conditions: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

b. Where special conditions are inserted, fill up the line on which the insertion ends with ‘X’s and insert a row of ‘X’s along the full length of the following line, for example: 24 Special conditions: High quality beef XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

Submitting your licence application by post

Licence application forms, together with any required supporting documentation, should be sent to:

Rural Payments Agency
Trader Team
Room 151
Lancaster House
Hampshire Court
Newcastle upon Tyne

Submitting your licence application by email

Use of email for the submission of licence applications is subject to prior approval of applicants by RPA and is conditional on agreement by the applicant to abide by the following terms and conditions.

  1. Use of the system will be restricted solely to applications lodged from registered email addresses. A maximum of two addresses may be registered for each RPA registration number. If these addresses change RPA’s Trader Scheme Operations Team must be informed prior to submitting further applications. To amend an email address you must submit a new form.
  2. Responsibility for ensuring a licence application is delivered to the Agency is that of the applicant. RPA cannot take responsibility for any delay, however caused. You should be aware that RPA cannot be held liable for non-delivery or any delays incurred as the result of any failure by the applicant’s e-mail service provider(s).
  3. Time of application receipt will be that of successful delivery to RPA’s Internet Service Provider (ISP) and not time of submission or delivery to the applicant’s ISP.
  4. Applications must only be submitted once to the following email address: Applications to any other RPA email address will not be accepted.
  5. Applications submitted by email must be made using the correct application form.
  6. It is the applicant’s responsibility to have in place adequate safeguards to ensure only authorised personnel submit licence applications.
  7. All documentation submitted in support of an email application must be fully cross-referenced to the application and received within regulatory time limits.
  8. RPA may make any further enquiries deemed appropriate in respect of the applicant’s use of this system or any applications submitted under it.
  9. Use of this system will be kept under review and RPA reserves the right to withdraw approval to use the facility should it deem this appropriate.

Complaints and appeals

If you are unhappy with a decision made by RPA regarding import/export licences, you should firstly contact the Trader team with details of your complaint.

If you are unhappy with the response, you can then make a formal complaint by completing a complaint form CA4

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your formal complaint, you can appeal by completing a CA1 form.