Road traffic sign images for reproduction
Traffic sign images for reproduction in printed matter, on screen or in other media.
About the images
We have made available more than 600 traffic-sign images from those in the publication Know your traffic signs. They are grouped in the same categories.
The images are intended mainly for media professionals to reproduce in printed matter, on screen or in other media.
The images are not intended for the use of traffic-sign professionals, who should refer to working drawings, chapters of the Traffic signs manual and other relevant sources on GOV.UK.
Please use the images responsibly.
Terms and conditions
Reproducing images of traffic signs
Traffic signs are Crown copyright. They are part of legislation (Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2002, often referred to as TSRGD). The numbers in the image file names relate to the TSRGD numbering.
You may reproduce traffic-sign images free of charge and without having to seek permission, but you must reproduce them accurately and not in a misleading context (eg not on roadside billboards where they could mislead drivers). You should also include a statement that these images are Crown copyright.
Please read the fuller conditions in the Open Government Licence.
Image details
For information about the traffic signs and the availability of image files, search within the spreadsheet for the relevant sign:
Once you have identified the images you require, note the filename(s) and then download the relevant zip file below.
Images in JPG format
JPG (JPEG) images are for printing or screen use, but not at any size, as they have a limited resolution.
Images in EPS format
EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) images are for use with professional design software and for printing at any size because they carry vector and other information.
Colour palette
Colour settings in the image artwork vary slightly. If you are using EPS files, please check that you’ve specified the main colours as follows:
Colour | Pantone (print) | CMYK equivalent (print) | RGB equivalent (print) |
Red (JPG, 16 KB) eg warning signs |
186 | C0 M100 Y81 K4 | R227 G24 B55 |
Blue (JPG, 16 KB) eg motorway signs |
300 | C100 M44 Y0 K0 | R0 G121 B193 |
Yellow (JPG, 16 KB) eg waiting restrictions |
116 | C0 M16 Y100 K0 | R255 G210 B0 |
Dark green (JPG, 16 KB) eg direction signs, but not Quiet Lanes |
349 | C100 M0 Y91 K42 | R0 G112 B60 |
Brown (JPG, 16 KB) eg tourist signs |
469 | C0 M52 Y100 K62 | R121 G68 B0 |
Light green (JPG, 16 KB) eg fire rendezvous signs |
370 | C56 M0 Y100 K27 | R94 G151 B50 |
Orange (JPG, 16 KB) eg emergency phone labels |
1375 | C0 M40 Y90 K0 | R250 G166 B52 |