Transporting animal by-products
How to register to move animal by-products (ABPs) safely, how they should be moved, and the paperwork you need.
Applies to England, Scotland and Wales
When you must register
If you’re transporting ABPs, you must register with the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) unless:
- you’re a livestock keeper transporting carcasses of animals you own
- you’re transport operation is owned by a business that’s already approved or registered and you are transporting ABPs to or from that business
If you’re transporting restricted animal proteins, you need to register separately under TSE (transmissible spongiform encephalopathy) regulations.
Using sub-contractors
If you’re already registered to transport ABPs but you want to use a sub-contractor, they must also be registered with APHA before they begin hauling ABPs.
The names of registered transporters are included in the list of ABP operating plants.
Vehicle hygiene and storage
When you’re transporting ABPs or any ABP derived products, you must make sure you:
- use vehicles and containers that are covered and leak-proof
- clean, disinfect, and dry vehicles and containers before and after every use
- keep different categories of ABPs in separate containers and separate parts of the vehicle
- only move animal protein in a vehicle designed for that purpose alone
Find out about the 3 different categories of ABPs.
Preventing ABPs from leaking
If you leak ABPs in transport, you may be prosecuted by local authorities.
You must make sure you check:
- the seals near the tailgate of your vehicle
- the strength of your vehicle’s fabric
Using split trailers
Split trailers must be associated with an approved plant or a registered haulier.
If you’re using a split trailer to move ABPs, you must:
- separate any ABPs by category
- make sure the driver inspects the trailer before every use
An APHA officer can inspect your trailer and stop you from using it to transport different categories of ABP, if they find the trailer doesn’t separate ABPs by category.
Loading and unloading split trailers
When you’re loading split trailers, each section must be identifiable by the category of ABP that’s stored there.
The owner of the plant or haulier that the split trailer is associated with must pick a person who they are directly or contractually responsible for, to load and unload it.
You must unload the trailer starting with the lowest risk ABPs, so when you’re loading it, you should put:
- category 3 ABPs at the rear
- category 2 in a section in the middle
- category 1 at the front
You should then tip the front section of the trailer in the category 1 reception area, before cleaning and disinfecting the vehicle.
You must record the receipt of uncontaminated category 3 material and the checking procedure for each load.
Checking for traces of category 1 material
The wall in your split trailer must form a complete seal - when you tip the category 3 section, you must check for traces of stained category 1 ABPs.
If you find traces, all the ABPs become category 1 and you must dispose of them.
Temperature for transporting ABPs
Meat-based ABPs that are to be turned into pet food must be transported at a maximum temperature of 7°C.
You must transport unprocessed Category 3 ABPs which are to be turned into feed or pet food, in a chilled state, or frozen, or ensiled, unless:
- they are to be processed within 24 hours of the collection
- you’re transporting ABPs that were frozen and their temperature will stay below 7°C during the journey
Paperwork and labelling
You must label your containers and vehicles clearly.
Find out how paperwork and labelling must be done.
When paperwork is not needed
You don’t need paperwork for ABPs if a truck or container is carrying:
- derived retail products in category 3, for example bone meal from a garden centre
- compound feed where Food Standards Agency (FSA) controls apply
- milk and milk products from a plant approved under FSA regulations
Importing, exporting, and trading ABPs
Find out how to export ABPs to non-EU countries.
Find out how to import ABPs from non-EU countries.
Updates to this page
Added sentence and link - The names of registered transporters are included in the list of ABP operating plants.
AHVLA documents have been re-assigned to the new Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA).
AHVLA documents have been re-assigned to the new Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA).
First published.