
Transporting goods into the UK under transit: step by step

Find out what to do when you transport goods under a transit movement into or through the UK from common transit countries.

Before you transport the goods

  1. Check with your exporter that you have all the documents you need to transport the goods.

  2. Confirm the route you’re taking with your exporter.

  3. Check if you need to use the Goods Vehicle Movement Service for any planned office of transit.

If the goods are going through an office of transit

The port you arrive into will either operate an office of transit:

  • physically at the port
  • digitally using the Goods Vehicle Movement Service

If the port uses the Goods Vehicle Movement Service

Before you arrive you need to:

  1. Log into your registered Goods Vehicle Movement Service account.

  2. Get a goods movement reference (GMR).

  3. Enter your movement reference number (MRN) that appears in the top right hand corner of your transit accompanying document.

You must always provide your goods movement reference to the ferry operator when you check in for your ferry. The ferry will send this information to Border Force to complete your office of transit.

The Goods Vehicle Movement Service will not close your transit movement. You’ll be given permission to continue your journey or be directed for further checks on arrival in Great Britain.

If the port does not use the Goods Vehicle Movement Service

Before you leave you must go to the port’s office of transit to present the:

  • goods
  • transit accompanying document (TAD)

If the transit movement is ending at the port

You must also report to the office of destination before you leave.

If you do not report to the office of destination, it may delay the release of the guarantee.

Ending the transit movement in the UK

You must take the goods to the authorised consignee premises or the office of destination location on the transit accompanying document (TAD).

Movements ending at an authorised consignee premises

  1. Present the goods and TAD at the agreed authorised consignee premises.

  2. Wait for confirmation from the authorised consignee that the goods are cleared or require inspection.

  3. Get a receipt if you need one and pass responsibility for the goods to the authorised consignee.

Movements ending at an office of destination

If the movement is ending in Northern Ireland, Border Force must be notified of planned arrivals before the goods arrive.

  1. Present the goods and TAD at the agreed office of destination.

  2. Wait for confirmation that the goods are cleared or require inspection.

  3. Deliver the goods to their final destination.

  4. Pass responsibility for the goods to the importer.

If the goods are moving through Great Britain

Before you leave Great Britain, you must complete an exit summary declaration, unless you’re travelling directly to Northern Ireland.

If the goods are moving through Northern Ireland to Great Britain

If your journey continues into Great Britain, you must check if you need to use the Goods Vehicle Movement Service at the office of transit.

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Published 19 January 2023

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