UK Seafood Fund: Infrastructure Scheme
Find out about funding available through the Infrastructure Scheme.
At least £65 million in grant funding is available through the Infrastructure Scheme. The scheme will fund projects that improve the UK seafood sector supply chain through investment in:
- improved capability at ports, harbours, processing, and aquaculture facilities
- the social and economic welfare of coastal communities
- fleet modernisation
- recreational sea fishing
This is a competitive scheme. To get funding, you must bid for a grant.
Find out about projects that have already been awarded Infrastructure Scheme funding.
The Infrastructure Scheme is part of the UK Seafood Fund.
The scheme has been split into 4 rounds.
Round 1
Applications for round 1 closed on 14 June 2022.
Round 1 awarded grants to organisations to improve:
- capability in ports, harbours, and onshore
- processing facilities
- aquaculture capability
Round 2
Applications for round 2 closed on 3 February 2023.
Round 2 focuses on improving:
- capability in ports, harbours, and onshore
- processing facilities
- aquaculture capability
Round 3
Applications for round 3 closed on 2 August 2024.
Round 3 awards funding to:
- purchase new, more fuel-efficient engines for commercial fishing vessels, or to modify existing engines
- improve commercial vessels to reduce fuel use and emissions
- improve port infrastructure for the commercial catching sector
- improve the health, safety and wellbeing in the catching sector
Round 4
Applications for round 4 closed on 19 June 2023.
Round 4 focuses on recreational sea fishing.
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Updates to this page
Applications for round 3 closed on 2 August 2024.
Round 3 will close for new applications at 11:59pm on 2 August 2024.
Round 3 of the UK Seafood Fund Infrastructure Scheme has been expanded. You can apply for funding to: - purchase new, more fuel-efficient engines for commercial fishing vessels, or to modify existing engines - improve commercial vessels to reduce fuel use and emissions - improve port infrastructure for the commercial catching sector - improve the health, safety and wellbeing in the catching sector
Amended explanation of upcoming webinar for round 3.
Defra is expanding round 3 of the UK Seafood Fund: Infrastructure Scheme. Defra is hosting a webinar from 3pm to 4:30pm on 6 December 2023.
Applications for round 3 of the UK Seafood Fund Infrastructure Scheme are open until midday on 13 December 2024 (or until Defra has allocated all the funding).
Applications for round 4 closed 19 June 2023.
Round 4: recreational sea fishing is now open for applications. You must submit your application before midday on 19 June 2023.
Applications for round 2 closed 3 February 2023.
Details of how to apply for different rounds of funding have been moved to dedicated pages for each round.
We have removed details of an early market engagement event which has now passed.
Round 2 of the UK Seafood Fund: Infrastructure Scheme is now open for applications. The page also includes details of an online event for information about round 4.
Page has been updated to include details of an online event for information about round 3.
Round 2 will open for applications in autumn 2022.
Links to the invitation to apply and agreement and terms for round 1 have been removed.
Details of the early market engagement event have been removed as the event has now passed.
Added a feedback form so you can let us know what you think about our plans for round 2 of the Infrastructure Scheme.
Updated guidance on how to apply for the UK Seafood Fund Infrastructure Scheme. Now includes details of an online event for information about round 2.
Update to application guidance while between application rounds.
Round one is now closed for applications.
The closing date for applications has been extended to midday on 14 June 2022. The Invitation to Apply has been amended to reflect clarification requests and a revised timetable.
The scheme is now open for applications. Information has been added to explain the process and links to documents you must read before applying.
Changed opening date for applications to the end of March 2022.
First published.