Regional Growth Fund
Information on the Regional Growth Fund (RGF), including latest news and how to access the RGF and other funding sources.
Applies to England
The Regional Growth Fund (RGF) has supported eligible projects and programmes raising private sector investment to create economic growth and lasting employment.
Investing £2.6 billion to help businesses in England to grow, RGF is expected to create or safeguard around 289,000 jobs.
The third annual monitoring report covers the performance of RGF between Rounds 1 to 5.
No future rounds of the RGF are proposed.
RGF funding programmes
RGF money is available currently through a small number of RGF programmes. RGF programmes are run by national or local organisations offering grants and/or loans to eligible businesses. If you run a business and are looking for funding of less than £1 million, you may be able to apply to an RGF programme.
Please note each RGF programme will have specific criteria for applications. Contact the respective programme lead directly. They can tell you whether you are eligible and suitable for their programme.
Exceptional Regional Growth Fund (eRGF)
Ministers reserve the option to use the eRGF funding to respond quickly to significant economic shocks or exceptional bids that present an opportunity to secure internationally mobile investment. eRGF funding is strictly limited, only exceptionally strong bids will be supported and they will be subject to due diligence by BEIS.
Email: RGF Team ( if you have any queries.
Updates to this page
Regional Growth Fund investment figure updated.
Updated to reflect changes to the Regional Growth Fund following the 2015 Spending Review.
Round 6 successful bidders announced.
The Regional Growth Fund bids for round 6 have been received.
Update on round 6.
Update on Regional Growth Fund application process.
Added the date and venue for the London Eol event.
Nottingham RGF roadshow details added.
Link to Annual monitoring report 2014 on rounds 1 - 3 added.
Change to address of YH 18 July expression of interest day
Another YH date for Expression of Interest day added.
Change of venue added for Plymouth and coventry roadshow. Also another date for YH expression of interest meetings.
Regional Growth Fund Round 6 update added.
Added map of the Round 5 selected projects.
Selected bidders for Round 5 announced.
NAO report update added
Information on distribution of bids for Round 5 added.
Bids for Round 5 of the Regional Growth Fund closed at midday.
Round 5 is now open for bids
Events table updated and contact details amended.
Round 5 details updated.
Updated to include Round 5.
This guide has been turned into a general overview of the Regional Growth Fund. Two new guides (one for SMEs, one for RGF bidders) has been created to sit alongside this one; both are linked to from this guide.
Added Legal bases for RGF section.
Link added to a series of case studies about businesses that have been helped by funding from the Regional Growth Fund.
Updated the RGF panels members list on 15 February 2013.
New section on 'exceptional RGF' added on 11 February 2013.
Round 4 eligibility criteria text made into bulleted list for clarity; new sentence added to make clear that applicants successful in previous rounds are eligible for round 4.
Updated for the launch of Round 4 of the Regional Growth Fund.
First published.