
United Kingdom Security Vetting: Sponsor

United Kingdom Security Vetting (UKSV) is the main UK government provider of national security clearances. This guidance is for the Sponsor role.

How to register as a vetting Sponsor


All Sponsors must be registered before they can initiate a national security vetting (NSV) application. If you need to sponsor an application, or if you have a requirement to frequently enquire about the vetting status of an individual, and you do not currently have a sponsor account, then you will need to follow this guidance.

UK Security Vetting will not accept any NSV applications received without a valid sponsor account. Any application received without a sponsor, or incorrectly sponsored, will be returned to source. Sponsors must hold a valid sponsor portal account before submitting any applications to us. Once you have registered, you will need to provide your unique identifier (Sponsor ID) when making any future enquiries.

Request a sponsor account

To become a Sponsor for NSV applications or to have access to a Vetting Status Indicator (VSI) account, you will first need to contact your Departmental Security Authority (DSA) to discuss your requirement. If you are employed by a Facility Security Clearance (FSC) contractor organisation you will need to contact your Site Security Controller (SSC) in the first instance.

If the DSA or SSC agrees to the request, they will send you a registration form and guidance notes to complete and return to them. Should the DSA or SSC not approve your request, they will inform you of the reason for the denial.

Your DSA or SSC will check the registration form and approve the requested account(s) and forward this information to UKSV so an account can be created for you on the NSVS portal. Do not send your completed registration form directly to UKSV yourself. The DSA or SSC must authorise all sponsor account requests.

Once UKSV receives the application, your account will normally take up to 5 working days to process. Once complete, the NSVS system will automatically notify you by email on how to verify and action your account. 

Your unique NSV Sponsor ID

The system will also automatically send your unique Sponsor ID by email. This should be kept secure and quoted in all correspondence with UKSV. It should never be used by anyone other than you as the assigned Sponsor. This unique ID must be entered on all online forms, and, in cases where a hard copy NSV application is permitted by exception, it must be displayed on the hard copy form. The UKSV Helpdesk will also require this unique ID from all callers before they can confirm any vetting information.

Should you forget or misplace your unique UKSV-issued Sponsor ID, you should contact the UKSV Helpdesk.

Further information on obtaining a Sponsor account can be sought by contacting the relevant DSA or SSC for your business area.

UKSV National Security Vetting Solution (NSVS) user guide for sponsors

Using the portal

Once UKSV have created a new sponsor account, a confirmation registration email will be automatically generated and sent to you. For further information on activating or using your sponsor account please see UKSV National Security Vetting Solution (NSVS) user guide for sponsors. This guidance explains how to:

  • activate your Sponsor account
  • sign into your Sponsor account after activation
  • what to do if you have forgotten your username or password.

How to set up a vetting application

Once your sponsor account has been created you will be able to set up vetting applications. UKSV National Security Vetting Solution (NSVS) user guide for sponsors provides instruction and explains how to set up an application for clearance. It also includes guidance on how to use the various services within NSVS

As a Sponsor, you should advise your applicants to read the Guidance for applicants. It includes information on the process, including how to set up their own portal account and how to prepare for a vetting interview if one is required. 

When UKSV cannot progress applications for NSV

Sponsors should be aware that there are some circumstances in which UKSV will not be able to progress a vetting application. 

Ongoing police activity

UKSV will not be able to process any application where the applicant is currently under investigation for or subject to ongoing, unresolved police matters. Any pending action against an applicant limits UKSV’s ability to fully complete all required vetting activities and prevents vetting decision-makers reaching an informed decision. Any applications submitted before any ongoing police activity is concluded will be cancelled. 

Where Sponsors are aware of pending action by the police, they should not submit applications as we will be unable to take these forward until these matters are resolved. Please refer applicants to the guidance on criminal convictions for further information. 

Other circumstances

There may be occasions where, due to the applicant’s ill health, it may not be appropriate for UKSV to continue with vetting enquiries. Where there are concerns for the applicant’s wellbeing or they are not in a position to engage fully with required vetting activities due to their health, enquiries will not be progressed. In these circumstances, UKSV will advise sponsoring authorities that UKSV is unable to proceed with the vetting process at this time and it will be delayed until the applicant is again fit and well.

What happens while an application is in progress?

When both the Sponsor and Applicant parts of the Security Questionnaire have been completed and received by UKSV, we will review the application for any missing information. This may result in us contacting the Applicant or Sponsor. We will also begin our checks, which could again require further information being requested. 

The checks carried out will differ depending on the level of clearance applied for and also the Applicant’s personal circumstances. 

Some of the checks we conduct are carried out through third parties, including some non-government organisations. These may include checks against crime and security databases, with credit reference agencies and with your referees and supervisors. Further details of who we share data with can be found in our Privacy Notice and in the guidance for the different NSV clearance levels

How to check for a valid security clearance

A self-service function is available to you as a Sponsor which will enable you to carry out a search for security clearance details. This can be done using the Vetting Status Indicator (VSI) facility on your Sponsor portal. For further information on how to search for clearance details, please see the VSI guidance in UKSV National Security Vetting Solution (NSVS) user guide for sponsors

Aftercare incident report (AIR)

AIRs are usually raised by Local Security Officers in cases where actual or potential security concerns exist about an individual who holds a security clearance. However, anyone who has doubts about an individual’s suitability for access to protectively marked or sensitive assets should report the circumstances to UKSV.

Notify us of an incident or a concern relating to an individual who holds a national security clearance via the NSVS portal:  NSVS internet portal: report incident.

Further information can be found in UKSV National Security Vetting: aftercare information

Updates to this page

Published 14 August 2019
Last updated 11 November 2024 show all updates
  1. This guidance has been updated as part of UK Security Vetting’s ongoing review of all our content, in consultation with subject matter experts and relevant stakeholders, to ensure that it accurately represents current vetting policy, processes and terminology. We are working to remove duplicate, redundant, and outdated documents where possible, as well as those which do not meet accessibility standards. Where this has happened, users may find that URLs have been redirected to take you to the current guidance.

  2. 'Using the eform portal' and 'eforms' and 'Providing information about vetting applicants' have been replaced with 'How to initiate a vetting application'. A new addition of 'what happens whilst an application is in progress' has been included. 'Requests for security certificate for employment purposes has been replaced with 'How to check for a valid security clearance' and guidance updated.

  3. First published.

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