Updating your tax agent contact details with HMRC
Tell HMRC about changes to your contact details and anti-money laundering supervision details as a tax agent.
You can view or update the following contact details with HMRC:
- business name
- business address — this cannot be a PO box address
- phone number
If your business changes legal entity, you need to create a new agent services account.
You cannot update your details with HMRC for the following VAT services:
- VAT Mini One Stop Shop
- VAT EU Refunds for Agents
Update your details in your agent services account
Sign in to your agent services account and select ‘Manage account’.
You can only make changes if you’re an admin user, working as, or authorised by a colleague, in one of these roles:
- director
- company secretary
- sole trader
- proprietor
- partner
You can use your account to apply the same changes to your Self Assessment and Corporation Tax agent codes. To do this, you’ll need your codes to hand. HMRC sends codes by letter when your organisation asks for agent access to these tax services.
Once you’ve made changes, you cannot make any more for 4 weeks. Your old details will still show in your account during this time.
To apply a different address to your agent code for Self Assessment and Corporation Tax, read the following sections.
Update your Self Assessment agent code details
Write to:
Agent Compliance Team
HM Revenue and Customs
United Kingdom
Update your Corporation Tax agent code details
In the ‘About Your Firm’ section of your online account you can update your:
- business address
- phone number
To update your business name if there’s no change in legal entity, write to:
Agent Compliance Team
HM Revenue and Customs
United Kingdom
Update your PAYE or CIS agent code details
Follow these steps for updating Pay As You Earn (PAYE) or Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) agent code details:
Contact the online services helpdesk on telephone: 0300 200 3600.
Send your client list to the Central Agent Authorisation team so they can update your new address on all your client records.
Write to:
National Insurance Contributions and Employer Office
HM Revenue and Customs
United Kingdom
You’ll need to include a list of your client:
- names
- employer PAYE reference numbers
- business names
For individual PAYE-only clients without a Self Assessment record, you’ll need to send a list of their names and National Insurance numbers.
If you do not send your client details, copies of your client correspondence could go to your old address for each authorised client.
Update your anti-money laundering supervision details
Sign in to your agent services account and select ‘Manage account’.
You can use this service to view and update your anti-money laundering supervision:
- supervisory body
- reference number
- date of renewal
Updates to this page
Published 23 April 2024Last updated 21 May 2024 + show all updates
We have made it clear that you cannot use a PO box address as your business address.
Added translation
First published.