
Using persistent organic pollutants (POPs)

Substances that are classed as persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and when you're allowed to use them.

Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are poisonous chemical substances that break down slowly and get into food chains as a result.

In the past POPs were used in various products including pesticides and industrial chemicals, and released during chemical and agricultural processes.

The manufacture, sale and use of products containing POPs is now banned. You can only use material or products that contain POPs in the specific exceptions to the ban explained in this guide.

List of POPs

The following substances are classified as POPs.


Chemical formula: not available

CAS numbers:

  • 115-29-7
  • 959-98-8
  • 33213-65-9

EC number: 204-079-4

Tetrabromodiphenyl ether

Chemical formula: C12H6Br4O

CAS number: 40088-47-9 and others

EC number: 254-787-2 and others

Pentabromodiphenyl ether

Chemical formula: C12H5Br5O

CAS number: 32534-81-9 and others

EC number: 251-084-2 and others

Hexabromodiphenyl ether

Chemical formula: C12H4Br6O

CAS number: 36483-60-0 and others

EC number: 253-058-6 and others

Heptabromodiphenyl ether

Chemical formula: C12H3Br7O

CAS number: 68928-80-3 and others

EC number: 273-031-2 and others

Bis(pentabromophenyl) ether (decabromodiphenyl ether, decaBDE)

Chemical formula: not available

CAS number: 1163-19-5

EC number: 214-604-9

Chemical formula: C8F17SO2X, where X is OH, metal salt (O-M+), halide, amide, and other derivatives including polymers

CAS numbers:

  • 1763-23-1
  • 2795-39-3
  • 29457-72-5
  • 29081-56-9
  • 70225-14-8
  • 56773-42-3
  • 251099-16-8
  • 4151-50-2
  • 31506-32-8
  • 1691-99-2
  • 24448-09-7
  • 307-35-7 and others

EC numbers:

  • 217-179-8
  • 220-527-1
  • 249-644-6
  • 249-415-0
  • 274-460-8
  • 260-375-3
  • 223-980-3
  • 250-665-8
  • 216-887-4
  • 246-262-1
  • 206-200-6 and others


Chemical formula: (1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis(4-chlorophenyl)ethane)

CAS number: 50-29-3

EC number: 200-024-3


Chemical formula: not available

CAS number: 57-74-9

EC number: 200-349-0

Hexachlorocyclohexanes, including lindane

Chemical formula: not available

CAS numbers:

  • 58-89-9
  • 319-84-6
  • 319-85-7
  • 608-73-1

EC numbers:

  • 200-401-2
  • 206-270-8
  • 206-271-3
  • 210-168-9


Chemical formula: not available

CAS number: 60-57-1

EC number: 200-484-5


Chemical formula: not available

CAS number: 72-20-8

EC number: 200-775-7


Chemical formula: not available

CAS number: 76-44-8

EC number: 200-962-3

Hexachlorobenzene (HCB)

Chemical formula: not available

CAS number: 118-74-1

EC number: 204-273-9


Chemical formula: not available

CAS number: 143-50-0

EC number: 205-601-3


Chemical formula: not available

CAS number: 309-00-2

EC number: 206-215-8


Chemical formula: not available

CAS number: 608-93-5

EC number: 210-172-0

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)

Chemical formula: not available

CAS number: 1336-36-3 and others

EC number: 215-648-1 and others


Chemical formula: not available

CAS number: 2385-85-5

EC number: 219-196-6


Chemical formula: not available

CAS number: 8001-35-2

EC number: 232-283-3


Chemical formula: not available

CAS number: 36355-01-8

EC number: 252-994-2

Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD)

‘Hexabromocyclododecane’ means: hexabromocyclododecane, 1,2,5,6,9,10-hexabromocyclododecane and its main diastereoisomers:

  • alpha- hexabromocyclododecane
  • beta-hexabromocyclododecane
  • gamma-hexabromocyclododecane

Chemical formula: not available

CAS numbers:

  • 25637-99-4
  • 3194-55-6
  • 134237-50-6
  • 134237-51-7
  • 134237-52-8

EC numbers:

  • 247-148-4
  • 221-695-9


Chemical formula: not available

CAS number: 87-68-3

EC number: 201-765-5

Pentachlorophenol and its salts and esters

Chemical formula: not available

CAS number: 87-86-5 and others

EC number: 201-778-6 and others

Polychlorinated naphthalenes

These are chemical compounds based on the naphthalene ring system, where one or more hydrogen atoms have been replaced by chlorine atoms.

Chemical formula: not available

CAS number: 70776-03-3 and others

EC number: 274-864-4 and others

Alkanes C10-C13, chloro (short-chain chlorinated paraffins) (SCCPs)

Chemical formula: not available

CAS number: 85535-84-8 and others

EC number: 287-476-5

Chemical formula: not available

CAS number: 335-67-1 and others

EC number: 206-397-9 and others

Chemical formula: not available

CAS number: 355-46-4 and others

EC number: 206-587-1 and others

General exceptions to the ban on POPs

You can use substances or materials containing POPs:

  • for laboratory-scale research
  • as a reference standard, to calibrate scientific or analytical equipment
  • if the POP occurs as an unintentional trace contaminant in substances, ‘preparations’ (mixtures or solutions containing 2 or more substances) or ‘articles’ (such as manufactured products like textiles or computers)

When POPs are unintentional trace contaminants

These brominated diphenyl ethers are considered to be unintentional trace contaminants when they’re present in substances at concentrations of no more than 10mg per kg (0.001% of the overall weight):

  • tetrabromodiphenyl ether
  • pentabromodiphenyl ether
  • hexabromodiphenyl ether
  • heptabromodiphenyl ether
  • decabromodiphenyl ether

They are also considered to be unintentional trace contaminants when they’re present in preparations and articles at concentrations up to 500mg per kg for the sum of the listed substances.

PFOS and PFOS derivatives are considered to be unintentional trace contaminants when they’re present in:

  • substances or preparations at concentrations of no more than 10mg per kg (0.001% of the overall weight)
  • textiles or other coated materials at a concentration below 1μg (0.000001 grams) per square metre of the coated material
  • semi-finished products, or parts of semi-finished products, at a concentration below 0.1% by weight of the parts of the product that contain PFOS (for example, if a 100kg semi-finished product includes a 1kg component that contains PFOS, the PFOS is considered an unintentional trace element if it weighs less than 1g)

Semi-finished products are products partially assembled or manufactured in one country and completed in another country where they’re sold.

Hexabromocyclododecane is considered to be unintentional trace contaminant when the concentration is equal to or below 100mg per kg (0.01% by weight) in substances, preparations, articles or in parts of articles that are flame-retardant.

PFOA and its salts are generally unintentional trace contaminants in substances, mixtures or articles at 0.025 mg per kg, and at 1 mg per kg for the individual PFOA-related compounds or a combination of those compounds. Higher limits have been set for certain specific applications.

PFHxS and its salts are considered to be unintentional trace contaminants when the sum of their concentrations is equal or less than 0.025 mg per kg in a substance, mixture or article. For PFHxS-related compounds, the limit for the sum of their concentrations is equal or less than 1 mg per kg. There is a separate unintentional trace contamination level for fire-fighting foam mixtures that are to be used, or are used in the production of other fire-fighting foam mixtures, where the sum concentration of PFHxS, any of its salts, and any PFHxS-related compounds must be equal or less than 0.1 mg per kg.

If you’re using a substance, preparation or product that contains any other POP, email to find out when the POP is considered an unintentional trace element.

Specific exceptions to the ban on POPs

Brominated diphenyl ethers

You can manufacture, sell and use products containing brominated diphenyl ethers (tetrabromodiphenyl ether, pentabromodiphenyl ether, hexabromodiphenyl ether, heptabromodiphenyl ether and decabromodiphenyl ether) if it is electrical or electronic equipment covered by and compliant with the RoHS regulations.

You can also continue to use articles (such as manufactured products) containing these brominated diphenyl ethers if the products were in use in the European Union:

  • before 25 August 2010
  • before 15 July 2019 for decaBDE

Decabromodiphenyl ether

There are some exemptions for the manufacture, placing on the market and use of DecaBDE in products for aircraft and vehicles. Those products must be labelled throughout their life cycle to show that they contain the substance. For more information email

PFOS and derivatives – exceptions to the ban

You can use material or products containing PFOS and PFOS derivatives in mist suppressants for non-decorative hard chromium (VI) plating in closed loop systems.

You can also continue to use articles (such as manufactured products) that contain PFOS or PFOS derivatives, if the products were in use in the European Union before 25 August 2010.

You must use the best available techniques to minimise the quantity of PFOS and PFOS derivatives you release into the environment.


You can manufacture, sell and use products containing SCCPs (short-chain chlorinated paraffins) if the concentration is below 1% by weight for substances or preparations, or below 0.15% by weight for articles (for example, manufactured products).

Mining conveyor belts and dam sealants that contain SCCPs can continue to be used if they were already in use on 4 December 2015. You can continue to use any other article that contains SCCPs if it was already in use on 10 July 2012.


You can continue to use:

  • expanded polystyrene (EPS) articles containing HBCD already in use in buildings before 21 February 2018
  • extruded polystyrene articles containing HBCD already in use in buildings before 23 June 2016

All HBCD-containing EPS that was produced or imported after 23 March 2016 must be labelled or otherwise identified throughout its life cycle to show that it contains HBCD.


PFOA and related compounds may remain present for a limited time in certain existing fire suppression installations (conditions apply). There are also time-limited exemptions for a range of manufacturing processes.

For more information email


Find out about additional requirements for material containing PCBs.

Other POPs

You can continue to supply and use articles (such as manufactured products) containing the following POPs, if the products were in use in the European Union before or on 10 July 2012:

  • endosulfan
  • hexachlorobutadiene
  • polychlorinated naphthalenes

Storing and disposing of POPs

You must dispose of POPs using an approved method or store them in an approved way if they’re not being used.


For further information contact the Environment Agency:


Restrictions on POPs are based on the European regulation on persistent organic pollutants, which is implemented in the UK by the Persistent Organic Pollutants Regulations 2007.

Updates to this page

Published 27 March 2015
Last updated 12 January 2024 show all updates
  1. Added section 'Perfluorohexane sulfonic acid (PFHxS), its salts, and PFHxS-related compounds' and in section 'When POPs are unintentional trace contaminants' added information about PFHxS.

  2. We have updated the list of chemicals and the rules following the UK’s new relationship with the European Union.

  3. Changes to the EU POPs regulations: new substances have been added to the regulations; conditions for some substances have changed; thresholds for waste management controls have been amended.

  4. First published.

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