Applying to use simplified declarations for exports
Find out about applying for the different simplified declarations for exports and the conditions you need to meet to use them.
You should check if you need to declare goods you take out of the UK before you declare them.
You can make a simplified declaration for exports before you take your goods out of the UK.
This declaration process is in 2 parts. You may have to use it where you do not know full details of the export consignment. For example, bulk grain consignments, where the weight or value of the goods for export are not known until the vessel is loaded.
The first part of your declaration does not need as much information as a full export declaration.
You’ll still need to give customs more information, but you send it later in a supplementary declaration.
You must submit this within 14 days of your goods departing the UK. If your movement includes more than one consignment, you must submit your supplementary declaration by the 10th calendar day of the month following export.
You cannot make simplified declarations for exports for goods that:
- are subject to export licensing (exceptions apply)
- are subject to excise duty (exceptions apply)
- require a full export declaration
- are entered into a special procedure using authorisation by declaration
Making an export declaration can be complicated. Find out how to get someone to deal with customs for you.
Types of declarations
You can use 2 types of simplified declarations for export:
- simplified declaration procedure
- entry in the declarant’s records
Simplified declaration procedure
The first part is where you submit basic details of your goods to customs.
You’ll need to present your goods and declaration at one of the following:
- a port
- an airport
- a designated export place (an inland location approved by customs) — find out how to apply for designated export place approval
When your goods are cleared, you can usually load and ship them without needing to present any supporting documents.
You may need to provide supporting documents for some controlled goods which are prohibited or restricted.
You’ll still need to give customs more information, but you send it later in a supplementary declaration.
You must submit both parts of your simplified declaration for export electronically to customs. You must use the same Declaration Unique Consignment Reference (DUCR) on both parts. This is so they can be linked and treated as a complete, full export declaration.
Find out how to submit a pre-shipment advice.
Entry in the declarant’s records
This permits the details of the export consignment to be entered in the declarant’s records before export, without a pre-departure notification at the time of export.
You can do this when your goods are on your own premises. This type of submission can only be used for goods that do not need a pre-departure declaration. However, you must give a ‘notice of presentation’ for such goods using form C21.
Entry in the declarant’s records at export can only be used for direct exports. It also requires any pre-departure notification to be waived. For these reasons, you can only use it for:
- consignments below the value of £900 being exported under the Express Industries Memorandum of Understanding
- exports to the UK Continental Shelf
- goods leaving by pipeline or cable (fixed transport installation)
You cannot clear excise goods or goods that need a licence by entering their details in your records.
You’ll still need to give customs more information, but you’ll send it later, in a supplementary declaration. You must send your supplementary declaration within 14 days of making an entry in your records. If you’re sending more than one consignment, you must submit your supplementary declaration by the 10th calendar day of the month following export.
If you operate a fixed transport installation and you’re using entry in the declarant’s records, you can combine the information from all your exports during a calendar month. You can then submit this on one supplementary declaration. You must submit this by the 10th calendar day of the month after export.
Find out how to make an export declaration in your own records.
Who can apply
To become authorised to use simplified declarations for exports, you need to:
- have a good customs compliance record, including VAT Returns and duty deferments
- have a regular pattern of import or export declarations against your EORI number
- show how you’ll record all declarations for no less than 4 years after their submission date
- have no record of serious criminal offences related to your business activities
Your compliance record will be based on the last 3 years before you apply. During that period you should not have committed a serious infringement or repeated infringements of customs rules.
In addition, if you want to be authorised to use entry in the declarant’s records, you must also show that:
- you manage your business in a way that allows customs to make effective compliance checks — for example, how you maintain the audit trail, how your business records are backed up and kept secure, and how you identify and handle errors related to the flow of goods and use of customs agents
- you have procedures in place to make sure you do not export prohibited goods or goods subject to a licence
How to apply
Complete form C&E48 to apply for authorisation to use simplified declarations for exports.
Send it to HMRC using the address on the form — unless you’re a large business or applying under Express Industries Memorandum of understanding.
If you’re a large business
Send the form to your Customer Compliance Manager (CCM) and your regional Large Business ‘contact us’ mailbox.
If you’re applying under Express Industries Memorandum of Understanding
If you’re applying for entry in the declarant’s records under the Express Industries Memorandum of understanding, check if you need approval for express operators exporting under a memorandum of understanding.
After you’ve applied
HMRC will visit your premises to check your records and computer systems.
After we’ve considered your application, we’ll send you a letter telling you if we’ve approved your application or not. If you do not get approval, the letter explains the reasons why and tells you about the review and appeals procedure.
Once you’re authorised, your systems and records will be periodically audited by customs staff. This is to check that you’re complying with the terms and conditions of your authorisation.
Updates to this page
Terminology changed from 'fast parcel operator' to 'express operator'.
Information about the letter we’ll send you after considering your application has been added. Clarified in the section ‘entry in the declarant’s records’, that you must send your supplementary declaration within 14 days of making the entry in your records.
If you're sending more than one consignment of goods, you must submit your declaration by the 10th calendar day of the month following export.
We have updated the guidance with further information on how to apply if you're a large business or you're applying under Express Industries Memorandum of Understanding.
Information has been updated about when you should check if you need to declare goods you bring into or take out of the UK, the declaration process, the simplified declaration procedure and entry in the declarant’s records.
This page has been updated because the Brexit transition period has ended.
The page has been updated with changes to the application form and process.
First published.