
Veterinary Medicines Digital Service

Service for Marketing Authorisation Holders, Manufacturers and Wholesalers.

Veterinary Medicines Digital Service

The Veterinary Medicines Digital Service (VMDS) is for business use only.

Before you can use the service, you must apply to open an account.

Please view the guidance on this page before starting the registration process. Once you have read the guidance, you can apply using the register now button.

Register now

Once you have successfully opened an account, you can sign-in using the access service button.

Access service

What is the VMDS

The VMDS is a digital platform that provides:

  • An upload function that allows marketing authorisation holders to upload data, and submit applications and information in relation to licensing activities
  • Secure messaging that allows all users to communicate, send, and receive files securely with the VMD
  • Adverse event reporting facility that allows marketing authorisation holders to submit adverse event reports

Who can use the VMDS

Marketing Authorisation Holders (MA holders)

Holders (or proposed holders) of marketing authorisations and other licensing certificates including animal test certificates (all types), veterinary homeopathic registrations, and autogenous vaccine authorisations

MA holders can access and use all parts of the VMDS including the upload function (licensing), messages, and adverse events.


  • Holders (or proposed holders) of manufacturing authorisations issued by the VMD including non-food animal blood banks and equine stem cell centres
  • Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) manufacturers who need to submit an Active Substance Master File (ASMF)

Manufacturers only need to access and use the messaging part of the service.


Holders (or proposed holders) of wholesale dealer authorisations issued by the VMD

Wholesalers only need to access and use the messaging part of the service.

This service is not for use by:

  • veterinary professionals, unless they are applying for an ATC
  • pet owners
  • members of the public to report a suspected problem with an animal medicine or microchip. They’ll need to follow the citizen services process

Consultants or Agents

Consultants cannot register independently; they must be invited by a company that they are doing work for to join their account; this means they may be invited into more than one company account. The service will recognise consultants, which will help ensure they are only given access to the information and parts of the service that they are permitted to see and use.

Opening a business account

Before you can use the VMDS, you must apply to open a business account.

When registering, you will be asked to state if you are an MA holder, Manufacturer or Wholesaler. If you only act in one capacity, please choose the appropriate one.

If you act in more than capacity:

  • As a manufacturer or wholesaler AND an MA holder, choose MA holder to ensure access to all parts of the service
  • As a manufacturer and wholesaler, but not an MA holder, choose either manufacturer or wholesaler

If you choose Manufacturer, you will be asked to select one of two options:

  • Finished Product Manufacturer; choose this option if you hold or want to hold a manufacturing authorisation issued by the VMD
  • Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient Manufacturer; choose this option if you need to submit an ASMF to us

Account Administrator

The first person to open an account on behalf of a company will become the account’s Account Administrator.

Consultants can act as a company’s account administrator. In this case, the consultant will have permission to see and access all parts of the service on behalf of that company.

As the Account Administrator, you will need to provide some information about yourself and the company including:

  • your company number (for MA holders) or site number (for manufacturers and wholesalers), if you have one. New companies, vets applying for an ATC, and API manufacturers submitting ASMFs won’t have one, so leave the field blank

  • official business address. This is the one that appears or will appear on the authorisation documentation. Please note, with the exception of API Manufacturers, once you have entered the official business address, you won’t be able to amend it; any changes to the address must be done via a variation as per normal procedures

  • name and contact details of a colleague who can verify your identity and confirm your connection to the company

MA holders, in the process of updating their official business name and / or address, should register using their old details. We will update the information on all product authorisations once the variations have been submitted and approved.

If you try and register a company that is already on the system, the Account Administrator for your company will be informed. It will then be up to them to invite you to use the service.

VMD checks

Using the information provided, we will check to make sure:

  • it’s appropriate for your company to use the service
  • you are a legitimate representative for that company

These checks usually take 2 working days but may take longer if a response is needed.

Account administrator rights

As the Account Administrator, you can add and remove users of your account without the need for any additional verification. You manage this element entirely at your discretion.

Users can be anyone you wish to have access such as company staff, consultants, and contractors.

Users can be invited to use more than one company account.

Accessing and using your business account

Once registered, you’ll receive a confirmation email. You’ll then be able to sign-in and use the service.

Licensing - upload function

Using the licensing part of the service, MA holders (or proposed holders) will be able to submit various applications in relation to national authorisations or certificates. You may also submit company responses and mock-ups. Upon request, you may be asked to upload other data or information that can’t be sent using the messaging service.

If using an online form for an application that requires a data dossier, you must add a placeholder page in the dossier where you would have previously included an application form. Without this placeholder page, your application will fail the automatic technical validation process.

API manufacturers must submit ASMFs using the messaging service.

Further information about licensing application submissions is available in the Submission guidance.


The secure messaging facility enables you to communicate securely with the VMD including sending messages and files.

All registered users of the VMDS will use this part of the service.

MA holders, and API manufacturers wishing to submit ASMFs, should send all messages to the shared mailbox, Licensing Submission and Responses

Adverse events

MA holders should use this part of the service to submit adverse event reports. Guidance about how to do this is included in this video for Adverse event reporting.

Terms of use

To use this service, you will need to read and accept our terms and conditions.

Directly connect to the service

If you use commercial Pharmacovigilance software, you can set up a direct connection to send reports to VMD. You’ll need to contact our online service desk to arrange this.


If you need any technical assistance please contact us using the:

Online technical service desk

The first time you use the online service desk, you’ll need to sign up.

If you have a non-technical query, please contact the relevant business area:

Updates to this page

Published 25 March 2019
Last updated 16 September 2020 show all updates
  1. Details of and instructions to access the new version of the VMD Digital Service.

  2. First published.

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