
VOA agent standards

The VOA has standards of behaviour we expect of agents.

We have agent standards that set out:

  • the VOA’s expectations of professional representatives (agents) interacting with the VOA and its services
  • an overview of how the VOA will deal with the minority of agents who do not meet the standards.

Who the standards are for

The term ‘agent’ applies to those professionally representing ratepayers or taxpayers in interactions with the VOA. This includes about business rates (non-domestic rating) and Council Tax.

Agents can be individuals, partnerships, incorporated companies or any form of legal entity providing rating or tax advice or services.

The VOA does not apply these standards to trusted helpers.

Using an agent

Customers should always check a firm or individual’s background and professional status before signing a contract.

Agents can be members of a professional body, though this is not a requirement. See ‘VOA and professional body standards’.

The VOA provides guidance on appointing an agent for business rates.

The standards

All agents should maintain high standards that promote compliance.

The standards below set out clear expectations for agents regarding:

  • their behaviour
  • their professional practice
  • the service they provide to their customers

1. Behaviour

Agents must meet the following standards of behaviour:

Integrity and honesty
Be straightforward and honest.

Be open and co-operative when sharing information or in discussions, whilst being mindful of the public interest.

Treat others with courtesy and respect.

Ensure materials and communications do not misrepresent the relationship with the Valuation Office Agency or the VOA’s role or activities.

2. Professional practice

Agents must meet the following standards of professional practice:

Ensure commitments and responsibilities are delivered upon consistently.

Take all reasonable steps to ensure information is accurate and, where necessary, supported by evidence that is factual, complete and objective.

Competence and due care
Take all reasonable steps to prevent errors and inaccuracies – correcting them as soon as identified.

Maintain correct and up-to-date knowledge of the areas of rating and valuation practice dealt with.

Comply fully with all relevant legislation and regulations relating to professional activity.

3. Service

Agents should meet the following standards of service:

Provide clear communications.

Respond to contact in a timely manner.

Be available and approachable.

Use expertise and experience to provide appropriate and correct advice.

How the VOA monitors the standards

The VOA collects evidence of poor agent behaviour and practices in the course of its work. This evidence allows us to proactively address issues or concerns.

The agent standards set out what we expect of agents. The standards set a benchmark below which the VOA will consider taking action against the agent.

Reporting a suspected breach 

If you witness poor agent behaviour, report it to the VOA by emailing  

Send us any evidence you have, such as: 

  • an email 
  • marketing materials 
  • a website link 
  • a screenshot of a website or text 

It will help us if you have the date and time you identified the poor behaviour. 

If the incident took place over the telephone, please tell us: 

  • the date and time of the call 
  • who contacted you 
  • the content of the conversation, including any potentially misleading statements 

We will investigate when we get evidence of a potential breach of our agent standards. Due to the legislation the VOA works under, we cannot disclose any information about investigations we may undertake. We also cannot say whether we have taken action under our agent standards.

Telling us about potential breaches will help us to act on scams and protect customers. We will always act where we substantiate a breach of the standards.

When the standards are not met

Most agents interact with the VOA professionally and respectfully, and maintain high standards. For the minority that do not, the VOA can, and will, take action to address poor behaviours and practices.

Agents who do not follow the standards are considered to be in breach of the standards.

In most cases of poor agent behaviour or practice, the VOA will seek to work with the agent to resolve any difficulties or issues first.

If the agent does not respond to the VOA’s engagement, or if the issue is serious, the VOA will seek to take stronger action.

The options may include:

  • temporarily blocking access to the VOA’s services
  • referrals to appropriate partners (for example, HMRC’s Fraud Investigation Service or the Advertising Standards Authority)
  • refusal to deal with an agent altogether

When appropriate, relevant professional bodies will be informed directly about misconduct by their members through a Public Interest Disclosure.

VOA and professional body standards

Many agents are members of a professional body, which may set out standards expected of their members. These professional bodies include:

  • Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS)
  • Institute of Revenues, Rating and Valuation (IRRV)
  • Rating Surveyors’ Association (RSA)

RICS, IRRV and RSA have jointly published a set of standards that describes what their members can and cannot do. Members of the above organisations must follow these standards. They have also jointly published a statement on seeking business rates advice.

The VOA’s agent standards do not override any professional duties or standards set by a relevant professional body. Professional body members are expected to follow any requirements set by their organisation.

We expect all agents who interact with the VOA to keep to our standards, regardless of professional body membership.

If agents meet their professional body’s standards, the VOA agent standards should not place any further requirements on them.

What agents can expect from the VOA

If a customer has authorised an agent to deal with us on their behalf, we will deal with that agent courteously and professionally.

We want to provide agents with a service that is:

  • fair
  • accurate
  • based on mutual trust and respect

We also want to make it as easy as possible for agents to get things right.

Our Customer Charter sets out the behaviours and values that agents and customers can expect when interacting with the VOA.

Updates to this page

Published 30 January 2024
Last updated 23 December 2024 show all updates
  1. Adding updated sections.

  2. The point around representation has been updated.

  3. Added translation

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