Voluntary-aided schools: capital funding
Information for voluntary-aided schools about capital funding, including relevant forms.
Applies to England
Voluntary-aided schools
Voluntary-aided (VA) schools are local-authority-maintained schools and often, but not always, have a religious character. These schools are eligible for capital funding grants.
VA schools are paid on a similar basis to other categories of school, but the governing body must usually pay at least 10% of the costs of capital work.
Responsibility for work to VA school premises is shared between the school’s governing body and the local authority (LA). The LA has responsibility for the playing fields and the governing body are liable for all other capital expenditure.
Read Voluntary-aided schools: capital scheme for guidance on funding new voluntary-aided schools.
Form submission deadlines
Submit your ‘application for approval’ and ‘additional costs application’ by Tuesday 21 January 2020.
Submit all claim forms supported by invoices by Thursday 5 March 2020.
Send the completed forms to Approvals.VA@education.gov.uk.
Capital expenditure forms
Here are various forms related to capital expenditure at voluntary-aided schools:
Bank mandate - banking and payment information
Voluntary-aided schools information system: apply for a password
The voluntary-aided schools information system (VASIS) is a password-controlled site for VA schools, LAs and dioceses to access information about projects, claims and allocations.
Contact us
Email if you have queries about capital funding for VA schools, or need a VASIS password:
Voluntary-aided school capital funding
Updates to this page
Updated forms and removed forms no longer in use. Added form submission deadlines.
Added sentence and link to 'Voluntary-aided schools: capital scheme'.
Updates to Bank Mandate Form and Application for Approval document.
Updated forms for use.
Updated approval form added
First published.