
War Pension Scheme: Part Time Treatment Allowance

Information and guidance on how to apply for Part Time Treatment Allowance.


Part time treatment allowance is an allowance paid in addition to basic War Pension. You may be entitled to this allowance if you suffer a loss of earnings because you are having necessary treatment for the condition(s) you get a War Pension for. For the allowance to be considered it must be treatment for the condition(s) you get a War Pension for and not the condition itself that prevents work for 7 days or less.


If you are having medical, surgical or rehabilitative treatment in a hospital or at home, you may be entitled to Part Time Treatment Allowance if the treatment:

  • is for the condition(s) you get a War Pension for, and
  • stops you working for 7 days or less, and
  • causes you to lose earnings.

Important information

If your treatment causes you to stop working for 8 days or more and you do suffer a loss of earnings, you may be entitled to Treatment Allowance..

Ideally the claim should be submitted before treatment. However, we realise an appointment may offered at short notice and this may not be possible. If this is the case, please forward your claim form as soon as possible after the event.

How to claim

To apply for War Pensions Part Time Treatment Allowance, complete the claim form.

The form comes with notes telling you how to fill it in.

If you cannot download or print the form, phone or email the Veterans UK Helpline to ask for a copy.

If you disagree with a decision

Information on what to do if you think the decision is wrong.

Changes in circumstances

You must let us know immediately about any changes in your circumstances so that we can make sure that you are getting the right amount of money.

If you need help

If you have any questions, contact Veterans UK.

This guidance provides general information only. Every effort has been made to ensure that the information is accurate, but it is not a full and authoritative statement of the law. The scheme rules are the authoritative document.

Updates to this page

Published 21 February 2020
Last updated 1 September 2020
  1. Attached revised claim form

  2. First published.

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