
War Pension Scheme: Treatment Allowance

Information and guidance on how to apply for Treatment Allowance.


Treatment allowance is a temporary allowance which can be paid in place of basic War Pension and Allowance for Lower Standard of Occupation (ALSO) payable at the rate of a 100% War Pension. You may be entitled to this allowance if you are employed and suffer a loss of earnings because you are receiving or recovering from necessary treatment for the condition(s) you get a War Pension for. For the allowance to be considered it must be treatment for the condition(s) you get a War Pension for and not the condition itself that prevents work for 8 days or more.


If you are having medical, surgical or rehabilitative treatment in a hospital or at home, you may be entitled to Treatment Allowance if the treatment:

  • is for the condition(s) you get a War Pension for, and
  • stops you working for more than 8 days, and
  • causes you to lose earnings

Important information

If your War Pension and ALSO add up to the 100% rate, Treatment Allowance will not financially benefit you. If you are not eligible for Treatment Allowance because your treatment only causes occasional interruptions to your employment but you do suffer a loss of earnings, you may be entitled to Part-Time Treatment Allowance.

Ideally you should contact us before treatment begins so we can tell you what you might be entitled to and when to claim. However, we realise an appointment may be offered at short notice and this may not be possible. If this is the case, contact us or forward your Treatment Allowance claim form as soon as possible after the event.

How to claim

To apply for War Pensions Treatment Allowance, complete the claim form.

The form comes with notes telling you how to fill it in.

If you cannot download or print the form, phone or email the Veterans UK Helpline to ask for a copy.

Travelling and other treatment expenses

If you’re a War Pensioner and receiving treatment for your accepted condition or disablement, you may also be entitled to other help and support, including travelling expenses.  Our guidance explains more about this or you can contact us for more information.

Process Map

Guidance on the WPS treatment expenses claim customer journey will help you understand how we process your claim.

War Pension Scheme Treatment Expenses Claim Customer Journey (PDF, 399 KB, 1 page)

To view the accessible version please select the download option. War Pension Scheme Treatment Expenses Claim Customer Journey (accessible version) (ODT, 25.6 KB)

If you disagree with a decision

Information on what to do if you think the decision is wrong.

Changes in circumstances

You must let us know immediately about any changes in your circumstances so that we can make sure that you are getting the right amount of money.

If you need help

If you have any questions, contact Veterans UK.

This guidance provides general information only. Every effort has been made to ensure that the information is accurate, but it is not a full and authoritative statement of the law. The scheme rules are the authoritative document.

Updates to this page

Published 21 February 2020
Last updated 22 March 2022 show all updates
  1. Included attachments explaining the WPS treatment expenses customer journey.

  2. Attached updated claim form

  3. First published.

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