T14 waste exemption: emptying and crushing oil filters from vehicles
The T14 exemption allows you to recover oil from oil filters before they're crushed so they can be transported for recovery.
Applies to England
Types of activity you can carry out
At a garage you can change an oil filter during a vehicle service, drain the oil from the old filter and then crush it to make it easier to store before it is collected to be recovered.
Types of activity you cannot carry out
You cannot:
- crush any other part of a vehicle under this exemption
- mix hazardous waste with other hazardous or non-hazardous waste
Type of waste you can treat
The waste codes are listed in the List of Wastes (LoW) Regulations. You need to make sure your waste fits within the relevant waste code and description.
Waste code | Type of waste |
160107* | Oil filters |
Amount of waste you can treat
You can store up to one tonne of crushed and emptied waste oil filters at any one time.
Key conditions
The equipment used to treat the waste is:
- designed for crushing oil filters
- designed and maintained to make sure that oil does not escape during treatment
The treatment of the waste oil filters takes place as soon as possible after the oil filter is removed from the vehicle.
The treatment of the waste oil filters must take place where the filters are removed.
What else you need to know
Waste oil and waste oil filters should be stored in a container with secondary containment to prevent it escaping into the environment.
Register a T14 exemption
You need to register this exemption with the Environment Agency if you meet the requirements.
Related permits
If you want to treat other parts of an end-of-life vehicle, you must to apply for an environmental permit.
Place of production – the place where the waste was originally produced.
Secondary containment – a bund or any other system for preventing waste that has leaked from its main container from escaping from the place where it is stored or treated.