
U8 waste exemption: using waste for a specific purpose

The U8 exemption allows you to use waste materials (that do not need treating) for a specific purpose to reduce the use of virgin or non-waste materials.

Applies to England

Types of activity you can carry out

These include using:

  • paper pulp or sawdust as animal bedding
  • waste paint in community projects
  • compost produced for growing mushrooms
  • waste wood or stones to construct walls or structures
  • waste water treatment sludge or solutions for treating water

Types of activity you cannot carry out

You cannot:

  • use waste that needs treating before you can use it
  • treat waste under this exemption, see related exemptions
  • mix hazardous waste with other hazardous or non-hazardous waste

Types and quantities of waste you can use

The waste codes are listed in the List of Wastes (LoW) Regulations. You need to make sure your waste fits within the waste code and the description.

Waste code Type of waste Purpose Quantity limit (at any one time)
030105, 191207 Untreated wood shavings, woodchip and sawdust, and oversized compost only Horse manèges 1,000 tonnes
191204 Shredded or granulated rubber and end-of life tyres only Horse manèges 1,000 tonnes
191201 Shredded paper and cardboard Animal bedding 100 tonnes
030305, 030310, 030311 Paper fibre, de-inked paper pulp and de-inked paper sludge from paper manufacturing only Animal bedding 100 tonnes
030105, 191207 Untreated wood shavings, woodchip and sawdust, and oversized compost only Animal bedding 100 tonnes
160103 End-of-life tyres Weight on cover sheeting on farms or as crash barriers 40 tonnes
150102 Geotextile bags (flexible intermediate bulk containers) only Reinforcement in construction 100 bags
020202 Shellfish shells (flesh removed) Ornamental purposes 50 tonnes
191205 Crushed glass only Ornamental purposes 50 tonnes
**200127, 200128, **080111, 080112 Paints (excluding industrial paint, wood preservatives, aerosol and spray paints, inks, adhesives and resins) Paint 1,000 litres
190599 Compost produced for growing mushrooms only Growing mushrooms 1,000 tonnes
170102, 170904 Stones and bricks in their existing state only Construction of buildings, fencing, barriers, containment or similar above ground construction 100 tonnes
170201, 191207, 200138 Non-hazardous wood, including telegraph poles and railway sleepers. Lock gates including balance beams Construction of buildings, fencing, barriers, containment or similar above ground construction 100 tonnes
**110105, **110107 Ferric chloride and aluminium hydroxide only Treating municipal waste water effluent 50 cubic metres
**110105, **110107 Ferric chloride and aluminium hydroxide only Treating drinking water 50 cubic metres
190902, 190903, 190906 Sludge and solution from treating water only Treating municipal waste water effluent 50 cubic metres
100201, 100202, 170504, 191209 Blast furnace slag and stones only Filter media at waste water treatment works 50,000 tonnes
**170204, **191206, **200137 Hazardous wooden telegraph poles and railway sleepers, lock gates including balance beams Construction of buildings, fencing, barriers, containment or similar above ground construction 100 tonnes

** hazardous waste

Key conditions

You should not use any more waste than you need to or this will be considered as waste disposal and will not be exempt.

The waste must not be treated or need to be treated before being used.

In relation to using aluminium hydroxide, ferric chloride and sludges and solutions from treating water:

  • the waste must be stored within secondary containment and in a location with sealed drainage
  • no more than 10 tonnes of ferric chloride or aluminium hydroxide may be used per day within the limit of 50 cubic metres
  • in relation to waste tyres, within the 40 tonnes that can be used for the specified purpose, you can only store piles up to 10 tonnes, each with a gap as a fire break between each pile

Other things you need to know

Hazardous waste is subject to the requirements of the Hazardous Waste Regulations.

Register a U8 exemption

You need to register this exemption with the Environment Agency if you meet the requirements.

Updates to this page

Published 28 April 2014
Last updated 10 November 2017 show all updates
  1. Updated the table heading to 'Quantity limit (at any one time)'.

  2. First published.

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