
Water grants 2015: yard - underground drainage pipework (RP13)

Eligibility and requirements for yard underground drainage pipework.

This guidance was withdrawn on

Capital items for improving water quality are now available through the Mid Tier of Countryside Stewardship.

Applies to England

Farmers and other land managers can apply for water grants.

Read the accompanying guidance to find out more about Countryside Stewardship water grants 2015.

How much will be paid

£5.50 per metre.

Where the item is available

This item is only available in Catchment Sensitive Farming (CSF) target areas. It can only be used in areas that are affected by water pollution caused by farming.

When this item can’t be used

This item can’t be used:

  • on covered indoor yard work; or
  • where it might damage environmental or historic features.

How this item will benefit the environment

This item improves existing outdoor yards to reduce the risk of runoff and water pollution.


Check if permission is needed from the local planning authority and the Environment Agency, e.g. if a listed building or scheduled monument will be affected. If so, send their advice and a copy of any consents with the application.

Applicants must also send dated photographs of the existing site with their application. With permission from Natural England, advice and consent can be received up until 29 May 2015; applicants can discuss this with their local CSF officer.

On the land

Successful applicants must make sure the work meets:

Lay the pipes

Successful applicants will need to:

  • excavate trenches that are at least the width of the pipe’s outside diameter plus 300mm;
  • lay pipes on clay or sand that’s at least 100mm thick;
  • avoid settlement of solids or semi-solid material in dirty water drains and lay pipes to a fall of:

    • no less than 1 in 60 for 100mm internal diameter pipes
    • no less than 1 in 100 for 150mm internal diameter pipes
  • make sure that manholes are no more than 90m apart in straight lines;
  • only use uPVC pipes with sealed joints, and join them correctly (follow the manufacturer’s instructions);
  • backfill once the pipe has been laid to at least:

    • 600mm in areas without traffic
    • 900mm in areas with traffic; and
  • use compacted excavated material such as smooth stone, clay or sandy soil for backfill and remove any surplus.

If it’s not possible to backfill to 600mm (900mm in areas with traffic) then the pipes must be wrapped in plastic sheeting and encased in at least 150mm of concrete.

Keeping records

Successful applicants will need to keep:

  • dated photographs to show that the item requirements have been met, (take them before, during and after, then submit these with your claim and show them on request);
  • receipted invoices and bank statements relating to this work; and
  • consents or permits submitted with the application.

How to carry out this item

The following section gives advice on carrying out this item successfully. The existing uncovered yards should be made from:

  • concrete;
  • hard core;
  • tarmac; or
  • bare earth.

This item can be used on the same area as the following items:

Further information

Read the Rivers Trust advice sheet for guidance on separating dirty water.

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Published 2 March 2015

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