West England - public access to military areas
Information about public access to military-owned land in West England.
Accessing the training estate safely

Kingsbury ranges
Kingsbury rifle ranges are in North Warwickshire, south of Tamworth, near the villages of Piccadilly, Kingsbury and Wood End.
Site description
The landscape is undulating, with areas of grassed-over spoil heaps which are a relic of historic coal mining.
Kingsbury Wood is a broad-leaved woodland, which has been designated a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI).
Access restrictions
When the ranges are used for live firing, red flags (day) or red lights (night) are displayed.
Access opportunities
Access is limited to public rights of way that lie outside the Range Danger Area (RDA), and are always accessible.
- Operations room: 01874 635599 (24 hours)
- Help desk: 0800 0223334 (24 hours)
- Kingsbury Range: 01827 873012 or 07881 848323
- Main office: 01785 763127
Related information
Leek and Upper Hulme
The Leek and Upper Hulme training area is in North Staffordshire, north of Leek.
Site description
The area is around 500 metres above sea level. The landscape is a mixture of pasture and open moorland, overlapped by the Peak District National Park.
The majority of the land is both a designated SSSI and a Special Protection Area (SPA) for birds. It also contains two ancient monuments.
Access restrictions
When the ranges are used for live firing, red flags (day) or red lights (night) are displayed. Access to the closed impact area is prohibited at all times.
Access to Upper Hulme Training Area is subject to the Upper Hulme Range Byelaws 1985.
Access opportunities
Public access is available via the network of public rights of way or areas of open access land.
For information on firing times, please contact:
- Operations room: 01874 635599 (24 hours)
- Help desk: 0800 0223334 (24 hours)
- Training Safety Officer: 01785 763 134
- Training area operative: 07764 362629
- Swynnerton Guardroom: 01785 763137
Related information
Leek and Upper Hulme firing times
Nesscliffe Training Area
Nesscliffe Training Area is located southwest of the A5, equidistant to Shrewsbury and Oswestry.
Site description
The area is predominantly flat, and supports regular, reserve forces and cadet training.
The landscape is made up of flood plains of the rivers Severn and Vyrnwy (Afon Efyrnwy), covering agricultural land on the western end of the North Shropshire Plain. It is bordered by a sandstone outcrop behind Nesscliffe village to the east, Llanymynmech Hills to the west, and the Briedden Hills and Stiper Stones to the south.
Access restrictions
There is no public access to the southern part of the training area.
Access opportunities
There are several public rights of way across the northern part of the training area between the villages of Pentre, Nesscliffe and the hamlets of Kinton and Kinnerley.
- Telephone: 01743 741607 (Monday to Friday)
- Camp Guardroom: 01743 741460 (24 hours)
Whittington ranges
The Whittington range complex is located in Staffordshire: east of Litchfield, near the Whittington Barracks.
Site description
The area consists of rifle ranges and broad-leaved woodland, which extends eastward to the Birmingham and Fazeley Canal and the River Tame.
Access restrictions
When the ranges are used for live firing, red flags (day) or red lights (night) are displayed access is prohibited.
Access is subject to the Whittington Ranges Byelaws 1973.
Access opportunities
Access is limited to the public rights of way.
- Operations room: 01874 635599 (24 hours)
- Help desk: 0800 0223334 (24 hours)
- Whittington Range: 01543 433802, 07827 982444 or 07881 848323
- Main office (Swynnerton): 01785 763127
Related information
Whittington ranges firing times
Sealand Rifle Ranges
Sealand Rifle Ranges are on the Dee Estuary near Chester.
Site description
The area comprises small arms firing ranges, with an operational range area and a RDA in the Dee Estuary.
Access restrictions
When the ranges are used for live firing, red flags (day) or red lights (night) are displayed.
Access opportunities
A cycleway is available for walkers and cyclists which follows the east boundary of the site, forming a link in the King Charles III Coast Path.
- Operations room: 01874 635599 (24 hours) or 07467 015206
- Sealand Range: 01244 280106 or 07766 991807
- Main office: 01743 741607