Wet weather: temporary support for farmers in 2024
Read about temporary adjustments to agri-environment scheme options and actions in 2024 due to wet weather.
Applies to England
We have introduced temporary adjustments where you have had difficulty carrying out the requirements of your Countryside Stewardship (CS), Environmental Stewardship (ES), Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) and SFI pilot agreements due to wet weather.
The start of these temporary adjustments took effect from 1 October 2023 but do not apply to agreements that started on or after 1 August 2024.
These temporary adjustments are for live agreements. They apply to options and actions to give you more time to establish or defer some activity.
The tables at annex 1 list the CS, ES options, and SFI and SFI pilot actions that have temporary adjustments. The current requirement is shown, together with the temporary requirement adjustment.
We also recognise that some of you may have already attempted to meet agreement requirements which have been unsuccessful. The temporary adjustments will give you more time to re-establish options and actions.
The temporary adjustments apply automatically to the options and actions in annex 1. You do not need to contact us to amend your agreement, but you should retain a copy of this announcement for your records.
You should also keep any evidence in case we need to see it. Evidence can include:
- farm records showing field operations at a land parcel level
- associated invoices and photographs of how you attempted the options and actions, and have been affected by the weather conditions
When you might need to contact us
You will need to request an adjustment to your agreement, if:
- you do not believe you can meet the aims of the option or action within the temporary adjustments and extended timeframes in Annex 1
- the option or action affected is not listed in Annex 1
For CS and ES you can do this through the Minor and Temporary Adjustment process. For SFI let us know about a change of circumstance, you can use the SFI query form to do this.
Annex 1: temporary adjustments to options and actions
Countryside Stewardship
CS code | Title | Prescription | Adjustment |
AB1 | Nectar flower mix | Rotationally cut 50% of the plot area each year between 15 April and 31 May. Do not cut the same area in successive years. | Rotationally cut 50% of the plot area during the year when able to do so. |
AB4 | Skylark plots | Create cultivated plots by 20 March. | Dates changed to between 20 March to end of May. Added ‘Ensure you do not disturb any nesting birds in the process’. |
AB5 | Nesting plots for lapwing and stone curlew | Create cultivated plots by 20 March. | Date changed from 20 March to end of May. Ensure you do not disturb any nesting birds in the process. |
AB7 | Whole crop cereals | Establish a cereal crop (but not maize) every year in the spring between February and April. | ‘between February and April’ removed. |
AB9 | Winter bird food | Establish a seed mix of cereals, brassicas and other plants producing small edible seeds between 01 March and 15 June to meet the autumn, winter and spring food needs of the following farmland birds if they are targeted in your area: grey partridge, tree sparrow, corn bunting, turtle dove, cirl bunting. | Date changed from 15 June to 31 July, where you are unable to establish the seed mix as a result of waterlogged ground. |
AB10 | Unharvested cereal headland. | establish a cereal crop between 1 Feb and 30 April. | Date changed from 30 April to 15 June. |
AB11 | Cultivated areas for arable plants | Cultivate in spring between Feb and April | Date changed from April to the end of May, or where the ground is still wet, to the middle of June. |
AB12 | Supplementary feeding for farmland birds | Spread the winter supplementary feeding mix at a rate of 25kg once a week for 20 weeks between 1 December and 30 April at each of the 2 separate feeding locations. | Where weather allows. |
AB13 | Brassica fodder crop | Establish a whole field or part field of fodder brassica or fodder root crop, before 31 July. | Date removed and establish when possible. |
AB14 | Harvested low input cereal | Establish a winter crop between 1 Oct and 30 April. | Date changed from 30 April to end of May. |
AB15 | Two year sown legume fallow | In the second year after establishment, cut once before end of March if blackgrass is present. | Changed to the end of May if blackgrass is present. |
AB16 | Autumn sown bumblebird mix | Top the established mixture between mid-February and mid-March in the second spring after sowing to promote legume flowering during early and mid-summer. | Changed to mid-March to end of May. |
GS2 | Permanent grassland with very low inputs outside SDAs | Do not use supplementary feed except for mineral blocks. | Supplementary feeding is temporarily permitted (including hay, silage & energy blocks) where this is necessary to prevent animal welfare issues and while grass is recovering. However, Agreement holders must ensure they minimise any damage to the sward as a result of the supplementary feeding. For example, if ring feeders or racks are used, they should be re-located regularly to prevent damage to the surrounding area. If feeding loose hay, this should be spread in different locations across the parcels. |
GS4 | Legume and herb rich swards | In the first 12 months of the agreement, establish a mixed sward of grasses, legumes, herbs and wildflowers. The sward must contain a minimum cover of 10% red clover and an additional 10% combined cover of other legumes, plus herbs, plus wildflowers. This 10% must not include white clover, creeping buttercup or injurious weeds. The sward must include at least 5 species of grass, 3 species of legume (including bird’s-foot trefoil) and 5 species of herb or wildflower. Manage by cutting or grazing between 1 April and 15 May but rest for at least 5 weeks between 1 May and 31 July so that the majority of red clover flowers are open and available for pollinators. | If attempted but failed, establish in year 2. If no attempt possible, do not claim in year 1. If established, change to allow for fewer species to be present. Keep records to show you have tried to establish the sward to account for this. Removed dates for cutting or grazing, changed to where possible between 1 May and 31 July.’ |
GS5 | Permanent grassland with very low inputs in SDAs | Do not use supplementary feed except for mineral blocks. | Supplementary feeding is temporarily permitted (including hay, silage & energy blocks) where this is necessary to prevent animal welfare issues and while grass is recovering. However, Agreement holders must ensure they minimise any damage to the sward as a result of the supplementary feeding. For example, if ring feeders or racks are used, they should be re-located regularly to prevent damage to the surrounding area. If feeding loose hay, this should be spread in different locations across the parcels. |
OP2 | Wild bird seed mixture | Establish by sowing a seed mix containing at least 6 seed bearing crops between 15 February and 15 June. | Date changed from 15 June to 31 July, where you are unable to establish the seed mix as a result of waterlogged ground. |
OP3 | Supplementary feeding for farmland birds | Spread the winter supplementary feeding mix at a rate of 25kg once a week for 20 weeks between 1 December and 30 April at each of the 2 separate feeding locations. | added ‘where weather allows’. |
OP4 | Multi species ley | In the first agreement year establish a multi species ley containing at least 5 species of grass, 3 species of legume and 3 herb species. The grass component must not exceed 75% of the seed mix by weight (kg/ha). | If established, change to allow for fewer species to be present. If attempted but failed, extend to 18 to 24 months. Keep records to show that you have tried to establish the sward to account for this. |
OP5 | Undersown cereals | Establish an undersown autumn or spring sown cereal crop (not maize) with a grass/flower-rich legume ley in the spring between 14 Feb and 30 April. | Date changed from 30 April to end of spring. Defer to autumn if not possible. |
SW1 | 4-6m buffer strip on cultivated land | Establish or maintain a 12-24m wide grass buffer strip during the first 12 months of your agreement. | If attempted but failed, extend to 18 to 24 months. |
SW2 | 4-6m buffer strip on intensive grassland | Establish or maintain a 12 - 24 m wide grass buffer strip during the first 12 months of your agreement. | If attempted but failed, extend to 18 to 24 months. |
SW3 | In field grass strips | Establish or maintain a 12 - 24 m wide grass buffer strip during the first 12 months of your agreement. | If attempted but failed, extend to 18 to 24 months. |
SW4 | 12-24m watercourse buffer strip on cultivated land | Establish or maintain a 12 - 24 m wide grass buffer strip during the first 12 months of your agreement. | If attempted but failed, extend to 18 to 24 months. |
Environmental Stewardship
ES code | Title | Prescription | Adjustment |
EB6 and OB6 | Ditch management | You may only cut the vegetation on your ditch banks in the period between 15 September and 28 February. In each such period, you may only cut the vegetation on up to half your length of ditch bank. | Dates changed to autumn and the end of May. |
EB7 and OB7 | Half ditch management | You may only cut the vegetation on your ditch banks in the period between 15 September and 28 February. | Dates changed to autumn and the end of May. Ensure you do not disturb any nesting birds in the process. |
EG1 and OG1 | Undersown spring cereals | Establish the cereal crop between 14 February and 20 April. | Date changed from 20 April to end of May. |
OB14 | Hedgerow restoration | Plant dormant two-year-old bare rooted stock (45 cm–60 cm) between 1 November and 1 March, avoiding periods when the ground is frozen or waterlogged. Plant a minimum of six plants per metre in a double staggered row with at least 30 cm between rows. | Date changed from 1 March to end of May. Defer to autumn if needed. |
OF23 and EF23 | Supplementary feeding in winter for farmland birds | Spread the food on the ground at least once a week from 1 January until 31 March. Hoppers (feed distributors) may be used to support ground feeding but should not be the sole method of supplementary feeding. Move hoppers regularly and/or protect them by guards or cages to reduce the impact of vermin. | Added ‘Where weather allows’ to start. |
EK3 | Permanent Grassland with very low inputs | Do not supplementary feed. | Supplementary feeding is temporarily permitted (including hay, silage & energy blocks) where this is necessary to prevent animal welfare issues and while grass is recovering. However, Agreement holders must ensure they minimise any damage to the sward as a result of the supplementary feeding. For example, if ring feeders or racks are used, they should be re-located regularly to prevent damage to the surrounding area. If feeding loose hay, this should be spread in different locations across the parcels. |
EL3 | Permanent grassland with very low inputs in the SDA | Do not supplementary feed. | Supplementary feeding is temporarily permitted (including hay, silage & energy blocks) where this is necessary to prevent animal welfare issues and while grass is recovering. However, Agreement holders must ensure they minimise any damage to the sward as a result of the supplementary feeding. For example, if ring feeders or racks are used, they should be re-located regularly to prevent damage to the surrounding area. If feeding loose hay, this should be spread in different locations across the parcels. |
SFI Pilot
Action Code | Easement requirements |
Red | Not required to deliver that Action for the remainder of the calendar year (until 1 January 2025). |
Yellow | Must try or attempt action. Establishment of action does not need to be successful (for example, diverse swards, green cover, winter seed). Make notes in Journal what you did and what happened. |
Orange | Attempt to meet specific requirements of action (for example, Sward heights rotational grazing and rest periods). Where not possible to meet specific requirements record in learning journal. |
N/a | no easements apply, and the Action should be delivered in full. |
SFI Pilot has groups of actions which form a standard. Participants have to meet all actions to achieve the standards. Table below show which actions within each standard will be impacted by the wet weather. There are no impacts on delivering the Farm Woodland and Hedgerow standards so no easements required.
SFI Standard | Action Required | Code | Amendment Provision |
Arable & Horticultural Land Standard | Provide resources for birds and pollinators on eligible land (Introductory, Intermediate, Advanced). | Yellow | Attempt to establish action. Record evidence in Journal. |
Arable & Horticultural Land Standard | Support a wide range of farm wildlife | Yellow | Attempt to establish action. Record evidence in Journal. |
Arable & Horticultural Land Standard | Manage ditches | Red | Not required to deliver action for remainder of year. Until 1 Jan 2025 |
Arable & Horticultural Soils | Establish green cover | Yellow | Attempt to establish action. Record evidence in Journal. |
Improved Grassland (Land) | Manage fields for grazing | Orange | Attempt to meet action requirements. Record evidence in journal. |
Improved Grassland (Land) | Control cutting on silage fields | Orange | Attempt to meet action requirements. Record evidence in journal. |
Improved Grassland (Land) | Manage ditches | Red | Not required to deliver action for remainder of year. Until 1 Jan 2025. |
Improved Grassland (Land) | Introduce clover and other legumes on improved grassland (Intermediate, Advanced). | Orange | Attempt to meet action requirements. Record evidence in journal. |
Improved Grassland Soils | Add or retain a mix of legumes, herbs and grasses | Orange | Attempt to meet action requirements. Record evidence in journal. |
Low and no input grassland | Leave margins uncut | Orange | Attempt to meet action requirements. Record evidence in journal. |
Low and no input grassland | Manage ditches | Red | Not required to deliver action for remainder of year. Until 1 Jan 2025. |
Low and no input grassland | Manage fields for grazing | Orange | Attempt to meet action requirements. Record evidence in journal. |
Waterbody Buffering | Establish grass buffer strips | Yellow | Attempt to establish action. Record evidence in journal. |
Farm Woodland | No easements apply | N/a | Not impacted. Implement action. |
Hedgerows | No easements apply | N/a | Not impacted. Implement action. |
Sustainable Farming Incentive
SFI code | Title | Must do/Aim | Adjustment |
LIG 1 | Low input grassland | There must be an intact grass sward throughout the year, without compacted areas or poaching. You can carry out supplementary feeding of livestock on the grassland, but you must make sure this does not cause poaching. | Minimise poaching where possible and undertake corrective measures as soon as feasible. |
LIG2 | Low in put grassland | There must be an intact grass sward throughout the year, without compacted areas or poaching. You can carry out supplementary feeding of livestock on the grassland, but you must make sure this does not cause poaching. | Minimise poaching where possible and undertake corrective measures as soon as feasible. |
AHL1 | Pollen and nectar flower mix | Produce areas of flowering plants from late spring and during the summer months. You must sow a grass-free seed mix containing at least 6 flower species. As a minimum, the grass-free seed mix must include at least 2 of the following: Common knapweed, Musk mallow, Oxeye daisy, Wild carrot and Yarrow, all of which can provide pollen and nectar from late spring and over the summer months. You must establish the blocks or strips of pollen and nectar flower mix during the first 12 months of your SFI agreement. | Produce areas of flowering plants during the summer months. Although 6 species must be sown, it is recognised that fewer species may be present. You must establish the blocks or strips of pollen and nectar flower mix during the first 18 months of your agreement. Therefore, if your pollen and nectar mix failed or you have been unable to sow it, you have extra time to re-instate it. |
AHL2 | Winter Bird food on arable and horticulture | Areas of winter bird food that produce a supply of small seeds for smaller farmland birds from late autumn until late winter. You must sow a mix of at least 6 crops that will provide an extended supply of small seeds for farmland birds. You must establish the winter bird food blocks or strips within the first 12 months of your SFI agreement. | Although 6 species must be sown, it is recognised that fewer species may be present this year but it must be re-established for the following year. You must establish the winter bird food blocks or strips within the first 18 months of your SFI agreement Therefore, if your winter bird food areas failed or you have been unable to sow it, you have extra time to re-instate it. |
IPM2 | Flower rich grass margin | That there are grass margins, blocks or in-field strips containing flowering plants during the summer months into early autumn. You must sow a seed mix containing at least: 4 grass species, which must not include ryegrass, with the grass component not exceeding 90% of the total seed mix by weight. 10 wildflower species, with no individual flower species exceeding 25% of the total wildflower species component by weight. You must establish the flower-rich grass margins, blocks or in-field strips during the first 12 months of your SFI agreement. | Although 4 grass species and 10 wildflower species must be sown, it is recognised that fewer species may be present this year but it must be re-established for the following year. You must establish the flower-rich grass margins, blocks or in-field strips during the first 18 months of your SFI agreement. Therefore, if your flower rich plantings failed or you have been unable to sow it, you have extra time to re-instate it. |
IPM3 | Companion cropping on arable and horticultural land | You must establish the companion crop so it’s growing with the main arable or horticultural crop. The companion crop does not have to be present for the full growing period of the arable or horticultural crop. If your SFI agreement starts too late for you to complete this action, you can complete it within 12 months of your agreement’s start date. For example, if you’ve already sown the main arable or horticultural crop before your SFI agreement starts, you can establish the companion crop within the first 12 months of your agreement. | You can establish the companion crop within the first 18 months of your agreement. Therefore, if your companion crop failed or you have been unable to establish it, you have extra time to re-instate it. |
NUM3 | Legume Fallow | That there’s a legume fallow that produces areas of flowering plants from late spring and during the summer months. To establish the legume fallow, you must sow a seed mix containing at least 6 flowering species including legumes. You must establish the legume fallow during the first 12 months of your SFI agreement. | You can establish the legume fallow within the first 18 months of your agreement. Therefore, if your legume fallow failed or you have been unable to establish it, you have extra time to re-instate it. |
SAM3 | Herbal Ley | You must establish and maintain herbal leys with a mixture of grasses, legumes, and herbs on the land entered into this action. | If established, or has been attempted, we will allow for fewer species to be present. If establishment has failed will allow more time for establishment to take place. |
HRW2 | Manage hedgerows | You must manage fully established hedgerows. You can choose which of the following management approaches to use on different fully established hedgerows in your SFI agreement: cut each hedgerow incrementally. On a rotation, cut each hedgerow no more than once every 3 years, cutting no more than one third of hedges each year. On a rotation, cut each hedgerow no more than once every 2 years, cutting no more than half the hedges each year. Managing them in a coppicing or laying rotation, which may mean they’re left uncut for the duration of your 3-year SFI agreement. | If you have been unable to access hedgerows due to weather conditions the offer does allow for hedgerows to be left uncut . |
SAM2 | Winter cover crop | You must establish and maintain a well-established multi-species cover crop over the winter months on land entered into this action. You may destroy the multi-species winter cover crop before the end of the winter months if you’re establishing an early-sown spring crop. This includes grazing the cover crop with livestock. You must not do this more than 6 weeks before you establish the early-sown spring crop. When you destroy the multi-species winter cover crop, you should try to minimise risks such as compaction, poaching, soil runoff or erosion. | If established, or has been attempted we will allow for fewer species to be present and for there to be more areas of bare ground due to poor establishment. Minimise poaching where possible and undertake corrective measures as soon as feasible. |
AHL4 | 4m to 12m grass buffer strip on arable and horticultural land | This action’s aim is that there’s a grass buffer strip with an intact grass sward throughout the year, without tracks, compacted areas or poaching. You must establish the grass buffer strip during the first 12 months of your SFI agreement. You must cut part of the strip’s width along as much of the strip as possible next to the edge of the cropped area to provide some shorter vegetation. This is to provide a range of habitat types. You must only cut the grass buffer strip during the late summer, so the activity does not disturb breeding birds or damage nests. | If failed, extend to 18 to 24 months. |
Updates to this page
Text updated to clarify dates: The start of these temporary adjustments took effect from 1 October 2023 but do not apply to agreements that have been made on or after 1 August 2024.
Improved Grassland (Land) - Add or retain a mix of legumes, herbs and grasses replaced with Improve Grassland Soils - Add or retain a mix of legumes, herbs and grasses
Updates to SFI pilot temporary adjustments: Improve grassland (land) updated to Low and no input grassland; addition of adjustment for Improved grassland soils.
First published.