Workplace Charging Scheme: guidance for applicants
What the Workplace Charging Scheme is, eligibility criteria for applicant organisations and how to apply.
Workplace Charging Scheme: guidance for charities and small accommodation businesses is also available.
About the scheme
The Workplace Charging Scheme (WCS) is a voucher-based scheme that provides eligible applicants with support towards the upfront costs of the purchase and installation of electric vehicle (EV) chargepoints.
It is available in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, but not in the Channel Islands or Isle of Man.
The scheme is run by the Office for Zero Emission Vehicles (OZEV) and administered by the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA).
This guidance is aimed at applicants. Guidance for installers and manufacturers is also available.
This grant can be used in conjunction with the EV infrastructure grant for staff and fleets: customer guidance, which helps fund both the installation of chargepoints and the cost of chargepoint infrastructure. Both grants may be used for the same site but not the same chargepoints. Any attempt to claim the same chargepoint twice by submitting a WCS and EV grant application for the same chargepoint, may be viewed as fraud. This will result in action being taken against you.
How the scheme works
The WCS is open to businesses, charities and public sector organisations that meet the applicant and site eligibility criteria.
The grant covers up to 75% of the total costs of the purchase and installation of EV chargepoints (inclusive of VAT), capped at a maximum of:
- £350 per socket
- 40 sockets across all sites per applicant – for instance, if you would like to install them in 40 sites, you will have 1 socket available per site
After applying using the online application form, successful applicants are issued with a unique identification voucher code by email, which can then be given to any OZEV-authorised commercial chargepoint installer.
Once the chargepoint(s) have been installed, the authorised installer can claim the grant from OZEV on the applicant’s behalf. The chargepoint installation must be completed and the voucher claimed within 6 months of the voucher’s issue date. Claims against expired vouchers will not be paid.
Installers must not charge applicants for the grant in advance of payment being made by OZEV. After OZEV reimburses your installer for the value of your voucher, this cost will be discounted from your final invoice.
If you apply for less than 40 sockets, you can submit additional applications in the future until you reach that limit. Special rules apply for linked enterprises.
OZEV reserves the right to terminate or change the rules of this grant scheme – including the grant level – at any time, although we will endeavour to provide up to 4 weeks’ notice. OZEV will honour any voucher codes that have been issued ahead of any changes to the grant or during any notice period given following the announcement of the scheme’s closure.
A party who has declared an existing or future need for charging infrastructure. For the purposes of this scheme, an applicant can be any eligible business, charity or public sector organisation.
Applicants must meet the terms and conditions of the scheme and have permission to install charging infrastructure at designated off-street parking facilities dedicated to staff and/or fleet use.
Authorised installer
A party that has been authorised to install EV chargepoints by OZEV under the WCS through the process outlined in the guidance for installers. Installers manage the installation of chargepoints at applicant’s sites.
The term ‘installer’ in this guidance means ‘authorised installer’.
Authorised installer representative
A party that has been authorised to sub-contract to installers the installation of chargepoints under the WCS by OZEV.
The authorised installer representative remains wholly responsible for ensuring that the installers abide by the relevant terms and conditions of the scheme. If an authorised installer representative’s installer fails to meet the terms and conditions, OZEV may revoke the authorisation of the authorised installer representative.
Authorised chargepoint manufacturer
A party that manufactures chargepoints that have been authorised under the WCS by OZEV through the process outlined in the guidance for manufacturers.
Staff and/or fleet parking
Off-street parking that is designated to the applicant and is for their staff or fleet, and not for customer use. Applicants must be able to provide evidence of this on request (for example, details of a parking policy or photographic evidence).
If the primary use of the chargepoints remains staff/fleet use, you may allow local residents to use the chargepoints outside of office hours when they will not typically be used by your staff or fleet vehicles.
The parking facilities must be clearly associated with the applicant’s premises and be either on-site or a reasonable distance from the place of work.
Customer parking
Parking that is available to be used by the applicant’s customers. Customer parking is not eligible for the WCS.
Chargepoint socket (also referred to as ‘chargepoints’ or ‘chargepoint units’)
Sockets that are used to charge an EV. There are 4 modes of EV chargepoint socket, and mode 3 and 4 are eligible for WCS. Each socket must have at least a 3kW supply undiminished by simultaneous charging.
Modes 1 and 2 (such as a normal 3-pin socket) are not eligible. For more information, refer to the minimum technical specification for commercial chargepoints.
Grant eligibility
To receive a voucher, the applicant must meet the eligibility criteria set out in this section and agree to the terms and conditions when applying through the WCS application service.
Who can apply for the grant
- be a registered business, charity or public sector organisation
- fulfil one of the following 3 criteria:
- be a public authority, this includes government departments and their agencies, the armed forces, local governments, the NHS and emergency services – in considering eligibility, OZEV will use the public authorities referenced in the Local Government Act 2003, Section 33, the Freedom of Information Act, Schedule 1, parts 1-3) and in the Public sector classification guide
- have received – or have currently pending at the time of application – less than €200,000 of public support in the past 3 financial years (meaning the previous 2 financial years plus the current financial year) and satisfy the state aid requirements for de minimis aid
- have received – or have currently pending at the time of application – less than the £315,000-limit minimal financial assistance (MFA) in the past 3 financial years (meaning the previous 2 financial years, as well as the current financial year)
- declare a need for EV charging equipment, or an intent to encourage uptake among their staff and/or fleet (you do not need to possess a plug-in EV)
- be located in England, Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland (applicants in the Channel Islands and Isle of Man are not eligible)
- have dedicated off-street parking for staff and/or fleet use only
- have parking facilities that are clearly associated with the applicant premises and be either on-site or at a reasonable distance from the workplace
- own the property or have consent from the landlord for chargepoints to be installed at all the sites listed in the application
Applicants who are part of a linked enterprise or persons under common control
A linked enterprise is one where a group of enterprises, such as businesses or companies, are sufficiently linked such that, for state aid purposes, they should be treated as a single undertaking under de minimis aid rules. Similarly, persons under common control will also be treated as a single undertaking under MFA.
Franchises should consider whether they meet the following criteria defining persons under common control or a linked enterprise. This will depend on the terms of your franchise agreement.
A group of entities will be treated as a ‘single undertaking’ when:
for the purposes of section 7 of Subsidy Control Act 2022, a group of persons is to be treated as being under common control if the group:
- is a group of interconnected bodies corporate
- consists of bodies corporate of which one and the same person or group of persons has control
- consists of one or more bodies corporate and a person or group of persons who have control of that or those bodies corporate
a person or group of persons able, directly or indirectly, to control or materially influence the policy of a body corporate as regards carrying on an economic activity that entails offering goods or services on a market is to be treated as having control of that body corporate for the purposes of the following subsections even if the person or group of persons does not have a controlling interest in that body:
for the purposes of this section, “group of interconnected bodies corporate” means a group consisting of 2 or more bodies corporate, all of which are interconnected with each other
for the purposes of this section, any 2 bodies corporate are interconnected if “interconnected bodies corporate” is to be construed accordingly and either:
one of them is a body corporate of which the other is a subsidiary
both of them are subsidiaries of one and the same body corporate
in this section:
- “person” includes a body corporate, a partnership and an unincorporated association
- “subsidiary” has the meaning given by section 1159 of the Companies Act 2006.
A group of linked enterprises will be treated as a ‘single undertaking’ when either one enterprise:
- has a majority of the shareholders’ or members’ voting rights in another enterprise
- has the right to appoint or remove a majority of the members of the administrative, management or supervisory body of another enterprise
- has the right to exercise a dominant influence over another enterprise, pursuant to a contract entered into with that enterprise or to a provision in its memorandum or articles of association
- which is a shareholder in or member of another enterprise, controls alone – pursuant to an agreement with other shareholders in or members of that enterprise – a majority of shareholders’ or members’ voting rights in that enterprise
Enterprises that have any of these relationships through one or more other enterprises will also be considered to be a single undertaking.
More information about linked enterprises can be found in article 3.3 of the User guide to the SME definition.
For applicants that are part of a single undertaking or constitute persons under common control, the maximum limit of 40 sockets applies to the entire single undertaking or persons under common control. Applicants will need to declare that, by receiving the grant, they (or the single undertaking or single economic actor of which they are part) do not exceed the de minimis state aid limit of €200,000 or the MFA limit of £315,000 in the past 3 fiscal years.
If you previously applied for the WCS as part of a franchise, you can apply for funding for subsequent chargepoint sockets provided you do not exceed the 40-socket limit. If you are now part of a linked enterprise or constitute persons under common control, this limit will apply to the entire linked enterprise or persons under common control (all parts of it) and the number of sockets available to you will depend on the number of grants previously allocated to all the organisations that are part of that linked enterprise or persons under common control.
Where considered necessary, OZEV reserves the right to request further information or documentary evidence from relevant parties in support of any individual claim.
Evidence required
If your organisation is a registered business, charity or public sector organisation, this should be primarily evidenced by a Companies House reference number.
If you do not have this, you may use a VAT registration number.
If you have neither of these, you may use a business rate (non-domestic rate) bill issued to you by your local council or by the Land & Property Services (LPS).
Charities not in possession of any of this documentation can upload a copy of their registration to the Charity Commission or a letter from a principal regulator by using the upload field reserved for the business rate (non-domestic rate) bill.
Schools and colleges in England and Wales registered at Get Information about Schools can upload a pdf document of ‘establishment details’ showing the establishment’s ID number.
Schools in Northern Ireland registered at Department of Education Institution Search can upload a pdf document of ‘institution details’ showing the institution’s reference number.
Schools in Scotland listed at Parent Zone can upload a pdf document of ‘school details’ showing the school’s SEED number. This can be done by using the upload field reserved for the business rate (non-domestic rate) bill. The person applying for the grant on behalf of a school or college needs to make sure their email address domain matches the email domain of the school or college concerned.
NHS surgeries not in the possession of a companies house number, a VAT or business rate (non-domestic rate) bill and registered at the NHS Digital ODS Portal (in England and Wales), NHS inform (in Scotland) or Find a GP practice (in Northern Ireland) can upload a pdf document showing the name and address of the surgery by using the upload field reserved for the business rate (non-domestic rate) bill The person applying for the grant must apply for the grant using the NHS email domain such as, or The address of the installation site must be the same as the address registered with NHS.
If you are unable to provide any of these documents, we will be unable to issue you with a voucher.
If you are unsure about the eligibility of your organisation, contact the DVLA at
De minimis aid
Funding granted to organisations through the WCS may constitute state aid, which is generally prohibited under European Union (EU) law. However, small amounts of aid have been deemed compatible with EU law under the de minimis rules set out in Commission Regulation (EU) No. 1407/2013 (PDF, 836KB).
This allows aid up to €200,000 over a 3-year fiscal period to be given to a single undertaking.
The €200,000 de minimis state aid limit applies to companies in Northern Ireland that trade in goods or wholesale electricity markets with the European Union. It also applies to businesses providing services that are specifically tailored to the needs of a particular company or sector that manufacturers or trades in goods or wholesale electricity markets between Northern Ireland and the European Union.
Minimal financial assistance (MFA)
The grant is awarded in accordance with section 36 of the Subsidy Control Act 2022. The current MFA threshold is £315,000 for an enterprise over any period of 3 fiscal years.
MFA subsidies are subject to cumulation rules, under which MFA subsidies cumulate with each other and with other subsidies that fall within the category of ‘minimal or services of public economic interest assistance (SPEI) financial assistance’ (as defined under section 42(8) of the Act). It also includes any aid given under the EU state aid de minimis regulations and subsidies given as small amounts of financial assistance under the UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement after 31 December 2020.
The enterprise must keep a record of this subsidy for at least 3 years beginning on the date on which the subsidy was given.
Applicant public authorities (see how we define ‘public authority’) are not required to make a de minimis declaration or MFA declaration during the WCS application process.
All other organisations must make a de minimis or MFA declaration during the WCS application process provided that they:
- are not defined as a public authority
- have received – or have currently pending at the time of application – less than €200,000 of de minimis aid in the past 3 financial years (meaning the previous 2 financial years as well as the current financial year)
In this de minimis declaration or MFA declaration, the applicant must declare any support they have received from public sources that was given under de minimis aid or small amounts of financial assistance under the UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement or MFA subsidies.
Organisations that are not a public authority and have received more than €200,000 de minimis aid or 325,000 small amounts of financial assistance under the UK-EU Trade and Cooperation agreement or MFA subsidies in the past 3 fiscal years are not eligible for the WCS.
Site eligibility
Applicants must have designated off-street parking facilities with spaces dedicated for staff and/or fleet use that are suitable for chargepoint installations. All parking must be designated to the applicant, although the rest of the car park may be shared with other organisations.
Each site must:
- have a minimum power supply of 3kW to each individual socket that is not diminished by their simultaneous use
- have no more than one socket installed for each accessible parking space
- be for staff and/or fleet use
Working from home
If your primary place of work is also a residential property (your home), you can apply for the grant under this scheme as long as your address is either:
- listed as your place of business with Companies House
- recorded on your business rate (non-domestic) rate bill issued to you by your local council or Land & Property Services (LPS)
Sites that are not eligible for this scheme
The following sites are not eligible for the scheme:
- locations outside England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland (including the Channel Islands and Isle of Man)
- parking facilities that are part of a domestic property (and it is not your primary place of work) – you may be able to apply to the EV chargepoint grant instead if you want to install an EV chargepoint in a residential dwelling
- where the site of installation is an address that has claimed previously under the scheme – or its predecessor, the Electric Vehicles Homecharge Scheme (EVHS) – or Domestic Recharging Scheme (DRS)
- parking facilities that are solely for customer use
- parking facilities not designated to the applicant
- parking facilities that have not yet been built – only existing designated off-street parking is eligible for the scheme; a confirmation letter (from, for example, your local council) does not oblige the applicant to proceed with the construction and OZEV, therefore, cannot rely on it as evidence
OZEV will not grant exceptions for locations that do not meet these eligibility criteria.
Chargepoints installed in order to charge demonstrator vehicles, showroom vehicles, courtesy cars and vehicles in for servicing and repair are eligible under the WCS.
Before applying
Before applying, applicants are encouraged to:
- read the Energy Saving Trust’s advice on large fleets
- discuss their needs with one or more authorised WCS installers as the chargepoint requirements may differ depending on the business need and installers are only authorised to install models on the OZEV-approved commercial chargepoint model list
- undergo a site survey with an authorised installer to ensure the electrical capacity of the site can support the number of sockets for which you are applying
- consider the needs of disabled drivers and drivers with reduced mobility
- consider how the chargepoint will be maintained and any associated costs
- consider how the cost of electricity usage will be covered and if/how you would charge users for it
If the applicant does not own or manage the land where they wish to install chargepoints, they must also secure the necessary permissions ahead of making an application. For example, if you have access to off-street parking via a garage or private car park that is provided by a third party, you are eligible for the WCS provided the parking space meets all other eligibility criteria. If you do not own the parking space, however, you will be required to gain written permission from the landlord or owner.
Evidence required
Applicants must be able to provide evidence on request that the site of installation is linked to the business and that the parking is dedicated wholly to staff and/or fleet use – for example, parking policy or photographic evidence.
If a postcode is found to have been used by another company, OZEV may seek evidence that the proposed site is used by more than one commercial entity – for example, a letter from the site owner or landlord.
Installer and chargepoint requirements
Applicants can only redeem their WCS voucher with authorised installers and against approved chargepoint models. The chosen authorised installer will then claim the grant on their behalf.
The grant can be used towards the cost of purchasing and installing a chargepoint. The chargepoints must be brand new and not yet installed.
You may provide your own chargepoint if it is on the approved chargepoint model list and you have a manufacturer’s 3-year on-site warranty. However, such equipment will not be eligible for a grant under the WCS. In this instance, only the cost of labour and other parts provided for the installation will be eligible for the grant.
You cannot claim against:
- a previously installed or second-hand chargepoint – the chargepoint unit must be new
- installations made prior to a voucher being issued – applicants must apply for a voucher before installing any chargepoints
Before applying, we strongly advise applicants to check that:
- your chosen installer is authorised by OZEV under this scheme – view the list of OZEV-approved installers under the WCS)
- your chosen chargepoint(s) is on the OZEV-approved commercial chargepoint model list at the time of installation
Note that chargepoints are listed at the request of their manufacturers. If your chargepoint is not present, contact the chargepoint manufacturer to confirm why it is not listed.
Terms and conditions
OZEV reserves the right to take whatever action it deems appropriate if there is any evidence of:
- scheme requirements not being upheld
- fraudulent activity
- misuse of government funding by any party
Before applying to the WCS, you must ensure you meet the following terms and conditions:
- I have the authority to apply for the WCS grant on behalf of the organisation stated in this application.
- All of the chargepoint installations will take place at sites that have dedicated staff and/or fleet parking with good access for an electric vehicle to be charged safely.
- All chargepoint sockets will have a minimum of a 3kW supply and an accessible parking space for each socket.
- I own the property or have consent from the landlord for chargepoint socket(s) to be installed at each of the sites listed. If asked, I can provide evidence that my organisation has use of the facilities through a formal agreement with a third party.
- I acknowledge any voucher received is not transferable and can only be redeemed by the organisation stated in this application using a commercial chargepoint installer authorised by OZEV. I acknowledge that the voucher can only be applied at the addresses listed in my application.
- I am aware that, by applying for a voucher, I am applying for a grant that is operating under de minimis state aid regulations or minimal financial assistance (MFA) and I have confirmed that I have not exceeded the €200,000 limit or £315,000 MFA limit permitted within a 3-year rolling period. I confirm that, by receiving the WCS grant, I do not exceed the state aid limit of €200,000 or MFA limit of £315,000 in the past 3 fiscal years.
- I acknowledge that any voucher received will only be eligible at the sites listed in this application up to the total number of chargepoints stated. If, following the site survey, I would like to install more chargepoints, I will apply for subsequent vouchers, provided my cumulative total does not exceed 40 sockets.
- I am content for an authorised chargepoint installer to claim the WCS grant on my behalf and acknowledge that I may be contacted in the future by OZEV or its agents for audit purposes, which may include site visits.
- I understand that the installation of electric vehicle chargepoints must be completed before the expiry date stated on the WCS voucher (180 days from when it is issued) and will allow installers sufficient time to complete the installations. If the installation is not complete within the expiry date on the voucher, I will need to reapply for the scheme.
- I understand that the voucher is awarded on the condition that usage data is supplied to OZEV for a minimum of 3 years following installation. I give permission for them to use this usage data (in an anonymised form) to inform future policy development.
- I understand that, as the grant recipient, the applicant must ensure that the chargepoints installed are maintained in a serviceable condition and are available for use for at least 3 years, from the point of first installation, unless given specific permission otherwise by OZEV.
- I understand that, if the chargepoint needs to be removed or taken out of commission within 3 years from the date of installation, I must inform DVLA at This may result in the grant being reclaimed.
- I understand that I am responsible for paying the costs associated with electricity usage for the chargepoint, as well as any back-office and maintenance costs associated with the chargepoint. I also understand that I can charge my employees for the electricity usage associated with the chargepoint. OZEV is not responsible for these costs.
- I understand that my personal information will be safeguarded and processed in accordance with data protection legislation. The Department for Transport (DfT) is the Data Controller for OZEV for the purposes of data protection law. Administration of the schemes will be carried out by the DVLA, which is an executive agency of the DfT and part of the same controller. I have seen a copy of the full OZEV privacy policy, which includes the information DfT collects, how it is used, and under what circumstances, if any, it will be shared with other parties.
- I understand that installers collecting personal data from customers are also considered a ‘data controller’ and should follow their obligations for managing personal data accordingly. Manufacturers and/or their appointed third-party service providers are the data controllers of the data flowing to/from the chargepoint for smart chargers and it is not OZEV’s responsibility to determine how they process customer data. Always read the terms and conditions carefully.
- I have not previously claimed a grant for the chargepoints listed at this address under the EV Infrastructure grant for staff and fleets, the Electric Vehicle Homecharge Scheme (EVHS), the Domestic Recharge Scheme (DRS) or any other grant.
- I understand that chargepoints financed through a leasing contract are not eligible for the grant.
Ongoing commitments
Applicants must:
- maintain the chargepoint for a minimum of 3 years (including providing evidence of a 3-year on-site warranty on parts and installation)
- ensure measures are in place with the chargepoint operator to provide usage data to OZEV (in an anonymised form and in accordance with data protection legislation) to guide future policy development. See Commercial chargepoints: minimum technical specification for more information
- retain all documentation pertaining to the installation for a minimum of 3 years, including:
- installation and commissioning confirmations and certificates
- invoices
- declarations and signatures
- dates of installations
Applicants must be able to provide the above in electronic form to OZEV if requested.
Warranty requirements
All chargepoints must have a minimum 3-year on-site warranty on parts and installation from the chargepoint manufacturer in line with the Commercial chargepoints: minimum technical specification.
You may provide your own chargepoint if it is on the OZEV-approved commercial chargepoint model list and you have a manufacturer’s 3-year on-site warranty. However, such equipment will not be eligible for a grant under the WCS.
The installer may claim only for the cost of labour and other parts provided for the installation. If the chargepoint is on the approved list, the installer can claim for the cost of the chargepoint, too.
OZEV will involve a third-party organisation to audit claims and determine compliance with the scheme’s rules, which will require access to WCS data, statements and records held by the applicant and chargepoint installer.
Occasionally, there may be an on-site visit that will require access to the chargepoint itself.
Since 6 April 2018, if you provide your employees with workplace facilities to charge an EV used by them (including as a passenger), you will not be taxed on the cost of electricity if certain conditions are met. You can find more information in HMRC’s Employment Income Manual.
Businesses can potentially claim 100% of the costs of installing an electric vehicle charging point as a capital allowance. Some of the expenditure may also qualify for the new super deduction, equating to a 130% enhanced deduction of the total cost.
Moving an existing chargepoint
The chargepoint may be moved, but OZEV will not contribute to the cost of doing this.
Decommissioning of chargepoints
If the chargepoint needs to be removed or taken out of commission within this 3-year period, the DVLA must be informed with a brief explanation why at This may result in the grant being reclaimed.
Help with wider responsibilities of property owners and managers
The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 requires property managers and owners to assess potential fire risks and put in place adequate and proportionate fire protection measures to mitigate against the risk to life from fire and then maintain them. This should be updated when installing EV chargepoints.
The government will produce guidance to aid this assessment for electric vehicle fires, available in early 2022. This will identify mitigations and measures that can be taken when installing electric vehicle chargepoints in enclosed car parks. As such it will help building owners meet their existing duties under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005.
How to apply
Apply to the Workplace Charging Scheme
Overview of application process
The following is a summary of the process applicants must follow to receive and redeem a voucher towards the installation of chargepoint units under the WCS.
1. Applicant completes online application form. As part of this application, the applicant:
- declares any support they have received from public sources that was given under de minimis state aid regulations or MFA
- agrees to the terms and conditions of the scheme
2. Applicant receives a decision from the scheme administrator, by email within 5 working days.
- if successful, this email will contain their unique voucher code
- if further checks are needed, the applicant’s claim will be placed on hold and their position in the queue reserved while these are carried out
- if unsuccessful, the DVLA will feed back on the issue that caused the application to fail. The applicant may appeal this decision
3. Installations must be completed by an OZEV-authorised commercial chargepoint installer and a claim made before the voucher expires. A voucher will be valid for 6 months (180 days) from the date of issue.
4. Installer completes the installation and redeems the voucher online via the installer portal.
5. The applicant will receive an email from DVLA containing the information provided by the installer and confirming the grant level generated by the system.
6. Applicant checks: are the details in the confirmation email accurate?
- if they are inaccurate, the applicant has 7 calendar days to email and raise any concerns
- if they are accurate and the installation has been carried out as the installer has stated, the applicant does not need to reply to the email and the installer’s claim will be processed on their behalf
7. Applicant pays the installer.
8. Installer receives a grant from OZEV within 30 working days. If the installer has not previously claimed any grants from OZEV, payment may take up to 3 months to process.
9. Applicant keeps a record of their claim for 3 years. If chosen for an audit check, the applicant sends OZEV requested documentation including arrangements for a site visit.
10. Applicant responds to customer survey from OZEV.
Before applying
Before applying, we strongly advise applicants to check they:
- meet site eligibility requirements and have undertaken a site survey
- are intending to install authorised chargepoints with an OZEV-approved installer
- agree with the scheme terms and conditions, including those around declaration of de minimis state aid or MFA
Information you need to provide during the application
You must apply using the online application form. You will need to provide the following in your application:
- your contact details
- evidence of your applicant and site eligibility
- details of sites where the installations will take place
- declaration of current need for charging or intent to encourage uptake of eligible EVs
- declaration of any state aid you have received under de minimis regulations or MFA
- agreement with the WCS terms and conditions
How to appeal if your application is unsuccessful
If your application is unsuccessful, you may appeal by emailing the DVLA at Your case will be reviewed by a manager. The outcome of this appeal is final.
Voucher code details and validity
If your application is successful, you will be issued with a voucher by email. This will contain a unique code, which will need to be referenced in subsequent documentation related to the scheme. It will also give:
- your contact details
- the installation site(s)
- the expiry date
- the number of sockets and sites for which the voucher is valid
The voucher will be valid for 6 months (180 days).
If the installation (or part of it) cannot be completed by your voucher’s expiry date
If the installation cannot be completed within the 6-month period specified on the voucher, you will need to email to withdraw your application and reapply for a new voucher. Vouchers are non-transferable.
If some chargepoints on your voucher have been completed by the expiry date but others have not, your installer will need to claim the installations completed and you will need to reapply for a new voucher for the remaining installations not yet completed. In these circumstances, installations completed before the new voucher has been issued will not be eligible.
If your circumstances have changed
If your circumstances have changed since you originally applied to the WCS, you must contact your authorised installer to inform them of what has changed. They will be able to tell you whether you are still eligible to have a chargepoint installed. You may have to reapply for a voucher with your amended details.
If you proceed with your installation following a change in your circumstances that has invalidated your application, OZEV reserves the right to take any action it deems appropriate to reclaim the grant.
How to change the site(s) of your intended installation
It is not possible to change the site where you wish to install the chargepoints. Vouchers are non-transferable.
If you wish to change the site(s) where the chargepoints are due to be installed, you will need to email and request to withdraw your current voucher and reapply for a new voucher at your preferred site address.
Installation of subsequent chargepoints
If, for example, a site survey shows greater space and scope for chargepoint installations than was originally anticipated, or you have identified an increased need following an initial installation of chargepoint sockets, you may apply for subsequent vouchers for additional chargepoints and sites – provided your cumulative total does not exceed 40 sockets.
For instance, if 10 chargepoint sockets were initially claimed, you will be eligible for 30 further sockets.
How to make a complaint
If you have any issues with the chargepoint or installer at any time prior, during and after the installation, you should try to resolve these with your authorised chargepoint installer in the first instance.
If you feel that your concerns are not being addressed, contact OZEV at
Installer responsibilities
Only OZEV-authorised commercial chargepoint installers can claim the grant on behalf of the applicant.
During the WCS voucher redemption process, the installer must provide:
- the make and model(s) of chargepoint unit(s) installed
- the costs incurred (these will be used to compute the exact value of the grant, which will be equal to 75% of the installation and purchase costs of a chargepoint up to a maximum of £350)
- a photo of the chargepoint unit(s) with the serial number clearly visible
- a photo of the parking site with all the chargepoint units visible
For each installed chargepoint, the installer must:
- ensure that the applicant meets the eligibility criteria before performing an installation
- ensure that the installed chargepoint model is approved by OZEV
- ensure that the supply, distribution equipment, chargepoint cabling and installation meet the commercial chargepoints: minimum technical specification and record and retain photographic evidence of this
- ensure that the voucher is redeemed via the online installer portal within the expiry date
- ensure that the installed chargepoint is tested to verify it’s fully functioning, can communicate usage data to a back-end management system to enable it to be sent onwards to OZEV and meets safety requirements
- ensure the same chargepoint is not claimed for twice
- retain all documentation pertaining to the installation for a minimum of 3 years, including:
- installation and commissioning confirmations and certificates
- photographs
- applicant declarations, signatures and full address
- dates of installation
- notify the distribution network operator (DNO) of the installation in writing
- issue a BS7671 Electrical Installation Certificate
Installers must not:
- charge applicants for the grant in advance of payment being made by OZEV
- inflate the costs of the chargepoints to benefit from a higher grant level
- use the grant to cross-subsidise costs incurred in other parts of its business
- apply for the voucher on the applicant’s behalf (such as by using installer’s name as the name of the business and listing the applicant’s address as one of the installation sites on the voucher application)
Any evidence of non-compliance with the above will be acted on by OZEV and OZEV reserves the right to withhold payment from installers where necessary.
Manufacturer responsibilities
It’s the manufacturer’s responsibility to ensure that a valid 3-year on-site warranty is provided to the applicant – either via the installer or directly – at the time of installation.
If the manufacturer plans to meet OZEV’s warranty requirements through partners, resellers or installers, this must be explained in the warranty document.
The manufacturer is expected to honour this warranty by:
- providing on-site assistance to applicants
- attempting to repair chargepoints directly at the applicant’s site(s) – should this not be possible or if additional work is required, manufacturers must either attempt to fix the chargepoint at their own premises or replace it at no extra cost to the applicant
If the manufacturer requires the applicant to return parts of the chargepoint to them, the applicant is not liable for the costs associated with doing so.
If you have questions regarding which chargepoint model will meet your needs or have any issues with the chargepoint unit or installer throughout the application process, you should discuss this with your chosen authorised EV chargepoint installer.
Contact, stating the voucher code, if you have a query relating to:
- how the scheme works and eligibility
- why your claim was rejected
- appealing an unsuccessful claim
- delays in payment
- withdrawing your application
- if you need to move a previously installed chargepoint
Contact if you need to:
- make a formal complaint about the scheme
- report an installer for misconduct
OZEV and DVLA are unable to provide remittance advices.
Updates to this page
The definition of the maximum value subsidy has been revised from Special Drawing Rights (SDR) to minimal financial assistance (MFA) to align with the Subsidy Control Act 2022.
Chargepoints financed through a leasing contract are not eligible for the grant.
Text updates to clarify the guidance to avoid duplication in applications.
Clarifying who can claim for chargepoints.
Staff and/or fleet parking content updated. Local residents can use the chargepoints during out of office hours.
Updates related to de minimis state aid regulations.
Guidance is now available for charities and small accommodation businesses.
First published.