Hand luggage restrictions at UK airports

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Medicines, medical equipment and dietary requirements

You’re allowed to carry the following in your hand luggage:

  • essential medicines of more than 100ml, including liquid dietary foodstuffs and inhalers
  • medical equipment, if it’s essential for your journey

You’ll need to carry proof that the medication is prescribed to you (for example a letter from your doctor or a copy of your prescription) if it’s both:

  • in liquid form
  • in a container larger than 100ml

You do not need to show proof if the medication is either:

  • in tablet form
  • liquid in a container that’s 100ml or smaller

There are different rules if you are travelling with medicine that contains a controlled drug.

Airport staff might need to open the containers to screen the liquids at the security point. Medical equipment is screened separately.

Allowed in hand luggage Allowed in hold luggage
Tablets and capsules Yes Yes
Essential liquid medicines Yes Yes
Hypodermic syringes Yes Yes
Inhalers Yes Yes
Cooling gel packs Yes Yes
Medical equipment (for example CPAP and TENS machines) Yes Yes
Special food and liquids needed for medical reasons Yes Yes
Ice packs Contact the airport Yes
Oxygen cylinders Contact your airline Contact your airline