Handing in your notice

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Payment during your notice period

You’re entitled to your normal pay rate during your notice period, including when you’re:

  • off sick
  • on holiday
  • temporarily laid off
  • on maternity, paternity or adoption leave
  • available to work, even if your employer has nothing for you to do

‘Payment in lieu’ of notice period

Your employer can ask you to leave immediately after handing in your notice.

If they do, they’ll probably offer you a one-off payment instead of allowing you to work out your notice period - called ‘payment in lieu’.

You can only get payment in lieu if it’s in your contract, or if you agree to it. If you don’t agree to it, you can work out your notice period.

Disputes over notice pay

If you can’t resolve a dispute about notice pay with your employer informally, you can follow your company’s grievance procedures.

If this doesn’t work, you may be able to make a complaint to an employment tribunal for breach of contract.