Health conditions, disability and Universal Credit
Report your health condition or disability
When you apply for Universal Credit, you can report if you have a health condition or disability that affects your ‘capability to work’.
This could mean that you:
- need support in work
- need to find suitable work
- are unable to work temporarily or long term
You can still work if you feel able to or if you find suitable work. Find out more about getting Universal Credit if you work.
How to report your health condition or disability
You’ll need to provide details about your health condition, such as:
- medical treatments you’re receiving
- if you’re in or expecting to go into hospital
- if you’re pregnant
You do not need to provide these if you’re nearing the end of life.
If you already claim Universal Credit, you must report any change of circumstances straight away, including:
- changes to your health condition, for example it gets better or worse
- a new health condition
You can do this in your Universal Credit account.
Fit notes
You must get a fit note (also known as a ‘sick note’) if your health condition or disability affects your capability to work for longer than 7 days.
You might not need to get a fit note if you’ve moved or are moving from Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) to Universal Credit.
You’ll be asked to provide details from your fit note in your account.
You can get a fit note from one of the following healthcare professionals:
- GP or hospital doctor
- registered nurse
- occupational therapist
- pharmacist
- physiotherapist
It can be printed or digital.
If your health condition or disability affects your capability to work for longer than 28 days, you may need to have a Work Capability Assessment. You must continue to get fit notes until you’ve been sent a decision about your assessment.
When your fit note expires
If your health still affects your capability to work you must get a new fit note when it expires.
You’ll get a reminder before your fit note expires. The reminder will include the date you need to report a new one by.
You’ll need to update the details with your new fit note in your account. If you do not, you may need to attend an appointment with your work coach to discuss your claimant commitment.
If you do not get a new fit note you may be expected to work or look for work.
If you need a Work Capability Assessment
The Work Capability Assessment is to help decide how much your health condition or disability limits your capability to work.
You might not get an assessment if you earn over £793 a month.
If you need an assessment, you’ll get a letter telling you what you need to do.
Before your assessment, you’ll need to complete a ‘Capability for Work’ (UC50) health questionnaire. You’ll be able to send copies of other medical information with this, such as treatment plans or test results.
The assessment can be in person, by video call or on the phone.
You can have someone else with you, for example a friend or support worker.
Before your assessment decision
Until a decision can be made on your Work Capability Assessment, you’ll either:
get the standard allowance, if you’re making a new claim
continue getting the same Universal Credit amount, if you’re reporting a change of circumstances
You must continue to get fit notes and provide details about them in your account until you’ve been sent a decision about your assessment. If you do not get a new fit note you may be expected to work or look for work.