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ADCD06050 - Contacts

Section Contact name and address
Customs Duty Liability Policy Team Vanessa Smith \\n10th Floor \nAlexander House \n21 Victoria Avenue \nSouthend-on-Sea \nSS99 1AA
Local Comp CCG CITEX (Unit of Expertise) Mathew Luty (Tel: 03000 528041)\nMahmod Ali (Tel: 03000 528020)\n1st Floor \nPeter Bennett House \nRedvers Close \nLeeds \nLS16 6RQ
DIT Phil Richards (Tel: 020 7215 5057)\nPolicy Advisor\nTrade Remedies\nTrade Policy Group\nDepartment for International Trade\n3 Whitehall Place\nLondon SW1A 2AW
Trade Remedies Authority\nTrade Remedies Authority \nNorth Gate House \n21-23 Valpy Street \nReading \nBerkshire \nUnited Kingdom