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ATACPD05500 - Procedures at the office of export exit - UK issued carnets: certification of the carnet by the office of export - UK carnets

Note: This manual is under review and is likely to be withdrawn. If there is anything within this manual you use regularly, please email to let us know. Please check the other guidance available on GOV.UK from HMRC.

Completion of the green cover sheet
Completion of the yellow exportation voucher
Completion of the yellow exportation counterfoil
Action on completion of certification

{#completion1}Completion of the green cover sheet

When you are satisfied that the carnet is in order and that the temporary exportation may take place, complete Box H of the green cover sheet by:

Item Information required
(a) Note any additional comments you have made in column 7 of the General List, ensuring the comments are reflected in the General Lists on the other copies.
(b) State whether or not the goods have been examined.
(c) Insert your local station reference number.
(d) Details of your office, its location, date, signature and office date stamp.

The UK will allow a carnet holder to split the consignment on first use of the ATA Carnet.

This means that the general list may have 10 items but only 5 are taken out on the first trip. This will be reflected on the yellow and white import and export sheets.

(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)

{#completion2}Completion of the yellow exportation voucher

Complete Box H as follows:

Item Information required
(b) The final date for re-importation. This will be the date of expiry of the carnet.
(c) Insert the address of the National Carnet Unit (NCU).
(d) Insert any additional comments resulting from your examination of the carnet. This will include reference to any additional identification measures inserted in the General List. The name and address of the office export, the date, your signature and office date stamp.

(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)

The yellow exportation voucher should then be removed and sent to the NCU.

{#comlpetion3}Completion of the yellow exportation counterfoil

Box Information required
1 The item number or numbers on the General List being exported.
2 The final date for re-importation to the UK.
3 Any other relevant remarks.
4 Name of the customs office of export.
5 The location of the customs office of export
6 Date of export.
7 This is normally completed by the office of exit from the UK. If in doubt please call the unit of expertise.

{#action}Action on completion of certification

Once you have completed your checks and certified the carnet, you should return the carnet to the holder or representative. If box 7 has not been completed please make this clear to the carnet holder.

(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)