ATACPD09650 - National Carnet Unit (NCU): processing UK/CPD/China-Taiwan carnets
China-Taiwan carnets should be treated in exactly the same way as ATA carnets:
- matching importation/re-exportation vouchers, see ATACPD09100
- matching exportation/re-importation vouchers, see ATACPD09150
- customs debts, see ATACPD09200
- certificates of location, see ATACPD09250
- destruction of goods under customs supervision, see ATACPD09300
- substitute or replacement carnets, see ATACPD09350
- eligibility, see ATACPD09400
- diversions to free circulation, see ATACPD09450
- lost or stolen goods, see ATACPD09500
- transfers to other customs procedures, see ATACPD09550
- processing grey transit vouchers, see ATACPD09600.