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ATACPD11310 - EU/CPD/China-Taiwan carnets: UK issued carnets - action required by the office of export: general checks

Checks to be carried out Action if not satisfied
1. Does the carnet match the description in ATACPD11200? The carnet may be a forgery:\n- refuse to certify the carnet\n- contact the issuing Chamber of Commerce to establish if the carnet is genuine.\nIf the Chamber of Commerce:\n- confirm the carnet is invalid, retain it, detain the goods and submit a full report to the Unit of Expertise (UoE). If this is outside office hours, detain the goods pending the outcome of your enquiries.\n- confirm the carnet is valid, proceed to check 2.
2. Has the carnet been presented by the holder or representative named on the orange cover sheet C1? Refuse to certify the carnet until you have contacted the issuing Chamber of Commerce and confirmed, in writing, that they are content for the carnet to be amended to the name of the new holder or representative. A copy of the written consent should be attached to the orange cover sheet C1.\nIf the issuing Chamber of Commerce is not content, retain the carnet, detain the goods and submit a full report to the UoE.
3. Where appropriate, ensure that export prohibitions and restrictions have been complied with Refuse to certify the carnet, detain the goods and submit a full report to the UoE.
4. If the goods are of an agricultural nature, confirm that no export refund will be claimed Refuse to certify the carnet and require a normal export declaration.