ATACPD11330 - UK/CPD/China-Taiwan carnets: UK issued carnets - action required by the office of export: checks to be carried out on the yellow exportation voucher C3 and yellow counterfoil
Checks to be carried out | Action if not satisfied |
1. Boxes A to C reflect the same information as the front of the orange cover sheet C1 | Refuse to certify the carnet and require a normal export declaration. |
2. Confirm the means of transport stated in Box D | If incorrect, permit amendment to be made. Countersign and stamp the amendment. |
3. Confirm the packaging details in Box E | If incorrect, permit amendment to be made. Countersign and stamp the amendment. |
4. Confirm carnet holder has completed Box F | Permit the holder to complete the box. |
5. Ensure that all the items on the General List agrees with the information on the front of the orange cover sheet C1 | If they do not agree, refuse to certify the carnet and require a normal export declaration. |
Complete Box H as follows:
- H(b) - the final date for re-importation. This will be the date of expiry of the carnet
- H(c) - insert the address of the National Carnet Unit (NCU)
- H(d) - any additional comments resulting from your examination of the carnet. This will include reference to any additional identification measures inserted on the General List
- the name, address of the office of exit, the date, your signature and date stamp.
The yellow exportation voucher C3 should then be removed and sent to the NCU.