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BKLM378300 - Chargeable equity and liabilities: relevant foreign banks: attribution of chargeable equity and liabilities to a branch: determining 'B' the assets of the UK branch (step 2): three special cases

There are three cases in applying the separate enterprise principle which need to be addressed specifically. The following sections cover each of them.

They are:

  • A branch raising funds for use elsewhere in the enterprise of which it is a part. See intra-entity dealings at BKLM378400.
  • A branch raising and lending funds on the instruction of another part of the enterprise such that the KERT functions reside with the other location. See BKLM378500.
  • A branch performing KERT functions amongst which are borrowing and lending in the capacity of an agent or intermediary to a UK bank or group member of another relevant foreign bank group member whose activities are regulated for the purposes of FISMA 2000. See BKLM378600.