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HCOBIG16100 - Appendices: Abbreviations

A, B, C, D, E,F, H, L, M, N,O, P, R, S, T,U, W

A {#A}  
AAD Administrative accompanying document
ALDA Alcoholic Liquor Duties Act 1979
B {#B}  
BACS Bankers automated clearing system
BoFSR Biofuels and Other Fuel Substitutes (Payment of Excise Duties etc) Regulations 2004
BoFSAR Biofuels and Other Fuel Substitutes (Payment of Excise Duties etc) (Amendment) Regulations 2007
BOM Bill of materials
BTI Binding tariff information
C {#C}  
CEMA Customs and Excise Management Act 1979
CHAPS Clearing house automated payment system
D {#D}  
DAR Denatured Alcohols Regulations 2005
DMB Debt Management and Banking
E {#E}  
EGAD Excise Goods (Accompanying Documents) Regulations 2002
EGMWR Excise Goods (Holding, Movement, Warehousing and REDS) Regulations 1997
ETBE Ethyl tertiary butyl ether
EU European Union
EWEP Excise Warehousing (Energy Products) Regulations 2004
EWER Excise Warehousing (Etc) Regulations 1988
F {#F}  
FA Finance Act
FAME Fatty acid methyl ester
FFA Free fatty acid
H {#H}  
H&M Holding and Movement
H&S Health and Safety
HODA Hydrocarbon Oil Duties Act 1979
HOR Hydrocarbon Oil Regulations 1973
L {#L}  
LMS Learning Management System
M {#M}  
MORC Mineral Oil Reliefs Centre
N {#N}  
NAS National Advice Service
NRU National Registration Unit
NVC National Verification Centre
O {#O}  
OFSO Other Fuel Substitutes (Rates of Excise Duty etc) Order 1995
P {#P}  
PCC Processing under customs control (for free circulation)
R {#R}  
RTFO Renewable Transport Fuels Obligation
RTR Revenue Traders (Accounts and Records) Regulations 1992
S {#S}  
SAAD Simplified administrative accompanying document
SBC Systems based control
SR Spirits Regulations 1991
T {#T}  
TCN Tariff classification number
TSDA Trade specific denatured alcohol
U {#U}  
UoE Unit of Expertise
W {#W}  
WOWGR Warehousing and Owners of Warehoused Goods Regulations 1999