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HCOBIG7300 - Biodiesel and bioblend - production, storage and delivery: Biodiesel - storage

Entered premises

Producers of more than 2,500 litres of biofuel per annum, are required to register their production premises, and to render returns and to pay duty on the biofuels they produce.

Finished product is liable for duty as soon as it has been produced unless it has been produced in a tax warehouse. However, biodiesel may be removed to an adjacent excise (producers) warehouse, where it may be held under duty suspension (Biofuels andOther Fuel Substitutes (Payment of Excise Duties, etc) Regulations, 2004, (BoFSR)Regulation 12).

Tax warehouse

If biodiesel production occurs in an approved tax warehouse, it may be stored under duty suspension (BoFSR, Regulation 7(2)). The warehouse-keeper must comply with the procedures for tax warehouses and warehoused goods, the holding and movement provisions and the requirement to keep records for revenue purposes. (Excise Warehousing etc Regulations 1988, Excise Goods (Holding, Movement, Warehousing and REDS) Regulations 1992and Revenue Traders (Accounts and Records) Regulations 1992).

Production and other records

Every registered producer is required to maintain a ‘Motor Fuels Record’ at those premises. (BoFSR, Regulation 13 as amended by BoFSAR). (See Notice 179 and notice 179E).

This applies whether production takes place in entered premises or in a tax warehouse.

Exempt producers are required to keep simplified records of their production.

A Delivery Note must be issued in respect of each delivery. (BoFSR Regulation 15). (Notice179E).

(See HCOBIG6100 on Documentation and record-keeping).