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BIM100101 - Miscellaneous income: scope of the provisions: overview

S687-S689 Income Tax (Trading and Other Income) Act 2005, S979-S981 Corporation Tax Act 2009

This guidance is an overview of the miscellaneous income sweep-up provisions.

These provisions charge tax on income that is not otherwise taxable under other Income Tax provisions or charged as income under Corporation Tax provisions.

The charge is one of broad scope. Amongst the types of income covered are:

  • payment for a service where it was agreed that the service would be provided for reward - for further guidance see BIM100110;
  • income received under an agreement or arrangement, which is not otherwise taxable - for further guidance see BIM100125;
  • payment for the use of money that is not interest or does not fall within the loan relationships legislation - for further guidance see BIM100225.

This list is illustrative and by no means exhaustive.

Although the provisions are ‘sweep up’ provisions, this does not mean that they tax all profits that fall outside the other charges to Income Tax or Corporation Tax on income. The provisions do not tax:

  • capital accretions on isolated transactions in assets;
  • voluntary receipts such as gifts and gratuities;
  • gambling winnings from wagers and bets;
  • post-cessation receipts - income that would have been taxable under a different charge, but for the source having ceased (for this reason there is specific post-cessation receipts legislation, see BIM90000).