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Updates: Business Leasing Manual


21 December 2021 published amendments

Lease accounting: finance lease accounting: finance lessors: accounting example

Table header updated

Updated table headers.

Republish table headers.


22 December 2020 published amendments

18 December 2020 published amendments

16 December 2020 published amendments

IFRS 16 leases: IFRS 16 lessees: the spreading rules

Change in accountancy treatment

Change in accountancy treatment

15 December 2020 published amendments

Lease accounting: contents

Updated contents

IFRS 16 leases: IFRS 16 lessees: Example

Updated contents

IFRS 16 accounting: Contents

Updated contents

Updated Index

Introduction: Leasing: Capital allowances

Updated for SBA

Introduction: Leasing: leasing of real property

Updated accountancy

Introduction: Leasing: Operating leases - off balance sheet finance example

Updated accountancy

Introduction: Leasing: Introduction to operating leases and off balance sheet finance

Updated accountancy

Introduction: Leasing: Operating leases - examples

Updated accountancy

Introduction: Leasing: Operating leases - risks

Updated accountancy

Introduction: Leasing: What is an operating lease?

Updated accountancy

Introduction: Leasing: What is a finance lease?

Update to accountancy

Introduction: Leasing: Lease classification

Updated accountancy

Introduction: Leasing: Transactions that are treated as leases and leases that are treated as if they are not leases

Updated accountancy

Introduction: Leasing: The accounting definition of a lease

Updated accountancy

Introduction: Leasing: Introduction to accounting standards

Update accountancy

Introduction: Leasing: Importance of leasing

Page updated

Lease accounting: accounting standards: contents

Removal of obsolete pages

Lease accounting: accounting standards: significance of IAS 39 and IFRS 9

Updated title

Updated accountancy

Lease accounting: accounting standards: key differences between IAS 17 and FRS 102

Updated accountancy

Lease accounting: accounting standards: introduction

Updated accountancy

Lease accounting: Lease classification: contents

Updated index to remove obsolete pages

Lease accounting: lease classification: practical indicators

Updated accountancy

Lease accounting: lease classification: importance of borderline issues

Updated accountancy

Lease accounting: lease classification: practical issues with borderline issues

Updated accountancy

Lease accounting: lease classification: independent approach

Updated accountancy

14 December 2020 published amendments

Lease accounting: lease classification: defining operating leases

Updated accountancy

Lease accounting: lease classification: meaning of 'present value'

Updated accountancy

Lease accounting: lease classification: defining finance leases

Updated accountancy

Lease accounting: lease classification: inception and commencement

Updated accountancy

Lease accounting: lease classification: residual values and guarantees

Updated accountancy

Lease accounting: lease classification: 'fair value'

Updated accountancy

Lease accounting: lease classification: the term of a lease

Updated accountancy

Lease accounting: lease classification: minimum lease payments

Updated for accountancy changes

Lease accounting: lease classification: introduction to detail

Updated accountancy

Lease accounting: operating lease accounting: operating lease incentives

Updated accountancy

Lease accounting: operating lease accounting: lessees’ accounting

Updated accountancy

Lease accounting: operating lease accounting: lessor accounting for depreciation and costs

Updated accountancy

Lease accounting: operating lease accounting: lessor accounting for rental income

Updated accountancy

Lease accounting: operating lease accounting: introduction

Updated for accountancy changes

Lease accounting: finance lease accounting: outline

Updated for accountancy changes

Lease accounting: finance lease accounting: contents

Removal of obsolete pages

Lease accounting: finance lease accounting: finance lessors: contents

Removal of obsolete pages

Lease accounting: finance lease accounting: finance lessors: 'interest' recognition example

Updated for accountancy changes

Lease accounting: finance lease accounting: finance lessors: finance income

Updated for accountancy changes

Lease accounting: finance lease accounting: finance lessors: Net investment in lease

Updated for accountancy changes

Lease accounting: finance lease accounting: finance lessees: example 2: contents

Removal of obsolete pages

Lease accounting: finance lease accounting: finance lessees: example 2: The accounting entries

Updated for accountancy changes

Lease accounting: finance lease accounting: finance lessees: example 2: allocating the interest element

Updated for accountancy changes

Lease accounting: finance lease accounting: finance lessees: example 2: apportioning the rentals

Updated for accountancy changes

Lease accounting: finance lease accounting: finance lessees: example 2: back-loaded rental structure

Updated for accountancy changes

Lease accounting: finance lease accounting: finance lessees: example 1: lease terminated early - reconciliation of lessee's cash outlay

Updated accountancy

Lease accounting: finance lease accounting: finance lessees: example 1: lease terminated early - entries in lessee's accounts

Updated accountancy

Lease accounting: finance lease accounting: finance lessees: example 1: lease terminated early

Updated for accountancy changes

Lease accounting: finance lease accounting: finance lessees: example 1: accounting entries when the 'loan' is repaid

Updated accountancy.

Lease accounting: finance lease accounting: finance lessees: example 1: value of assets and liabilities in balance sheet

Updated for accountancy changes

Lease accounting: finance lease accounting: finance lessees: example 1: the accounting entries

Updated for accountancy changes

Lease accounting: finance lease accounting: finance lessees: example 1: allocating the 'interest element' and the 'capital element'

Updated for accountancy changes

Lease accounting: finance lease accounting: finance lessees: example 1: apportioning the rentals

Updated for accountancy changes

Lease accounting: finance lease accounting: finance lessees: example 1: is this a finance lease?

Updated for accountancy changes

Lease accounting: finance lease accounting: finance lessees: example 1: basic rental structure

Update following accountancy changes

Lease accounting: finance lease accounting: finance lessees: contents

Removal of obsolete pages following accountancy update

Lease accounting: finance lease accounting: finance lessees: lessee accounting with loaded rental structures

Updated following accountancy changes

Lease accounting: finance lease accounting: finance lessees: apportionment of rent and allocation of finance charges

Updated accountancy

Lease accounting: finance lease accounting: finance lessees: profit and loss account

Accountancy references updated

Lease accounting: finance lease accounting: finance lessees: balance sheet depreciation (accounting)

Update following introduction of IFRS 16

Lease accounting: finance lease accounting: finance lessees: balance sheet (fixed asset and depreciation)

Updated following introduction of IFRS 16

Lease accounting: finance lease accounting: finance lessees: balance sheet (general)

Update following introduction of IFRS 16

Lease accounting: finance lease accounting: finance lessees: commercial substance

Update following introduction of IFRS 16

Lease accounting: leasebacks and sub-leases: contents

Updated index following introduction of IFRS 16 & corresponding simplification of guidance

Lease accounting: leasebacks and sub-leases: sub-leases and back-to-back leases

Updated to remove outdated accounting references.

Lease accounting: leasebacks and sub-leases: lease and leaseback

Change from UK GAAP to FRS 102

Lease accounting: leasebacks and sub-leases: sale and operating leaseback under FRS 102

Change from UK GAAP to FRS 102

Lease accounting: leasebacks and sub-leases: sale and finance leaseback under FRS 102

Amended from UK GAAP to FRS 102

IFRS 16 accounting: Contents

Addition of material on IFRS 16 accounting

IFRS 16 leases: IFRS 16 lessees: Example

Additional example material for IFRS 16 leases

Lease accounting: contents

Addition of chapters for IFRS 16

IFRS 16 leases: contents

Rearrangement of contents page

Addition of IFRS 16 spreading chapter

11 December 2020 published amendments

IFRS 16 leases: contents

Guidance updated for IFRS16

Addition of guidance on IFRS 16

Introduction: Leasing: What is leasing?

Inclusion of BLM 50000+ for IFRS 16