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CA23270 - PMA: WDA & balancing adjustments: Disposal receipt: final chargeable period

CAA01/S60 (1) & S65

A disposal receipt is a disposal value that a person brings to account as a result of a disposal event CA23240 or one of the provisions listed in CA23280.

The final chargeable period for the main pool, the special rate pool and for a long life asset pool is the chargeable period in which the qualifying activity is discontinued.

The final chargeable period for a single asset pool is the first chargeable period in which there is a disposal event CA23240 other than the asset beginning to be used partly for purposes other than the qualifying activity. There is no final chargeable period for a short life asset pool that reaches the four-year cut-off point CA23600. There is no final chargeable period for a single ship pool CA25000.

The final chargeable period for the overseas leasing pool CA24000 is the first chargeable period in which it is impossible for there to be any more disposal receipts.