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CA93550 - Structures and buildings allowance (SBA): qualifying expenditure: qualifying capital expenditure: capital sum paid for the relevant interest

CAA01/S270BC, S270BD, S270BL(2)

The capital sum paid by the purchaser for the relevant interest in the unused building CA90510 is distinct from the part of any capital sum paid for the interest in any associated land CA94010 or other non-qualifying expenditure CA94000.

The capital sum for the relevant interest in the building may only include the following:

  • the cost of the relevant interest in the building itself (and not the land)
  • legal and surveyors’ fees attributable to the acquisition of the building (and not the land)
  • stamp duty land tax attributable to the building (and not the land).

The part of the capital sum paid by the purchaser that relates to the land (and costs associated with the acquisition of an interest in land) on which the building stands does not qualify for SBA CA94010, and a just and reasonable apportionment must be made to exclude costs relating to the land and other non-allowable items CA91800.