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CG-APP18-120 - Part 1 Accessing the Capital Gains Tax (CGT) on UK Property Account: Individuals

1.2 Individuals

1.21 Agent authorisation

1.2 Individuals

UK resident individuals may use the CGT on UK Property Account to:

  • report a taxable gain on the disposal of an interest in a UK residential property or land made from 6 April 2020
  • pay CGT owed for that disposal
  • view and amend previous returns made through the account.

A Government Gateway User ID and password is required to set up an account. Individuals who have set up a Personal Tax Account with HMRC can use the same credentials to set up a CGT UK Property Disposal account.

To create a Government Gateway account and CGT on UK Property Account, individuals should visit Sign in using Government Gateway - GOV.UK ( and choosing the option to ‘Create sign in details.’ Individuals should only have one CGT on UK Property Account which is accessed using a single Government Gateway User ID.

Where the property disposed of was owned by more than one person, each owner must report their share of the disposal. Part 2.4.2 of this guidance gives further detail, of how users should enter their share when reporting the disposal details.

1.21 Agent authorisation

Individuals may authorise an agent to report and pay CGT from the disposals of UK property on their behalf. Authorisation will allow an agent to:

  • report disposals to HMRC;
  • view all previous and current UK Property Account returns and;
  • make reports if further disposals are made during the same tax year. Only one agent may be authorised to manage a UK Property Account at any one time.

The individual must use their Government Gateway User ID and password to create a CGT on UK Property Account. A second Government Gateway account should not be created for the purpose of agent authorisation.

To authorise an agent, the individual must give their CGT on UK Property Account number and UK postcode to the agent. Individuals will receive a hyperlink via email in return from the agent they intend to authorise. They must use this link within 21 days and follow the instructions to authorise their chosen agent to manage their account thus completing the “digital handshake”. The email containing the link should be retained for future reference as it may be used to remove agent authorisation later.

Guidance is available on the removal of agent authorisation at