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CG-APP18-180 - Part 1 Accessing the Capital Gains Tax (CGT) on UK Property Account: Repayments

If an overpayment has occurred as a result of an amendment or due to a further UK Property Disposal return, there is a section on the UK Property Disposal online return to request a repayment. HMRC will need review the record and repay any tax overpaid.

A repayment will not happen automatically, if a repayment is not requested, then any tax overpaid will be offset against tax due on Self Assessment - see 3.2.3 /3.3.3. If a repayment is preferred, then the customer will need to contact HMRC to request this. If the last payment on the UK Property Disposal return is made by card this will be how the refund is repaid. If payment was by another method, you will need to upload your bank details within the online system as a supporting document see 2.5.5.

If a repayment is not requested and a Self-Assessment return isn’t made, then any tax overpaid will remain as a credit on the Property Disposal account until contact is made to HMRC.

The UK Property Disposal system will not show an overpayment has occurred and will display a zero balance. If the customer is unsure as to whether an overpayment has occurred then they will need to contact HMRC.