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CG-APP18-310 - Part 3 - CGT on UK Property Account and Self Assessment: Introduction

3.1 Introduction

From the 2020/21 tax year onwards any Capital Gains Tax (CGT) due on the sale of UK property should have already been reported to HMRC by completing a CGT on UK Property Account return, as set out in parts 1 and 2. Where the CGT on UK Property Account return covers the total CGT due for the tax year on all disposals, a Self Assessment return may not be required. However, to report and pay CGT due on disposals of other assets, or where an amendment is needed to the CGT on UK Property Account return which cannot be made via the CGT on UK Property Account directly, a person will normally need to file a Self Assessment return after the end of the tax year. In the vast majority of cases this is in addition to the CGT on UK Property Return, not a replacement for it – an exception is set out at 2.6.2 of this manual.