CG12700C - Introduction and computation: occasions of charge: contents
CG12700Pdisposal of assets: contents
CG12730Ppart-disposals: contents
CG12820PCapital receipts not treated as disposals: contents
CG12860Hire purchase agreements
CG12920Gifts and Capital Gains Tax: introduction
CG12940Pcapital sums derived from assets: contents
CG13030Pspecific types of compensation payment: contents
CG13090Pexchanges of assets: contents
CG13120Passets lost/destroyed/negligible value: contents
CG13200Pvalue shifting and depreciatory transactions: contents
CG13350Bed and breakfasting
CG13400Pmigration and exit charges: contents
CG13500Pnon-residents: contents
CG13650Prepudiation of concessions which defer capital gains charges: contents