CG16611 - Valuation: post transaction valuation checks: how long will it take?
We cannot guarantee that all post transaction valuation checks will be completed by the time limit for filing the relevant Return. In some cases there may be difficulty in obtaining important information. In others the valuation issues may be inherently complex and not easily resolved. The request to check a valuation may be made so late that it is unrealistic to expect agreement to be reached in the time available.
We make it clear within CG34, a copy of which can be found on the HMRC website, that a request to check a valuation will not be processed if received less than two months before the filing date or the date the return is filed if earlier. In all cases agreement cannot be expected in less than two months from making the request and in many cases it may take substantially longer. Failure to reach agreement on a post transaction valuation check is not an acceptable reason for failing to make a Return within the time limit.